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About Philocleon

  • Birthday 1979-07-12

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Ludlow, Ma. U.S,A., North America, Planet Earth, Solar System, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe

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Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. I totally saw the bat teeth at the end of Bats! coming miles away.
  2. I don't see why they're called double nostrils.. I mean you only have one set of them.
  3. I don't really consider Scootaloo to be flying disabled. I mean she has demonstrated a few times that she can hover. I think that in due time her wings will grow enough so they will be able to support her. What I'm really amazed by is that Snowflake, that big muscular Pegasus, is able to fly with those tiny wings he has!
  4. Discord can totally p0wn Ahuizotl's punk ass. All he has to do is snap his fingers and poof! Ahuizotl is gone!
  5. Love and tolerance are integral parts of friendship and that is part of what makes friendship magic.
  6. Everypony will gather 'round Say I look lovely in my gown What they don't know is that I have fooled them all! This is great. And this from the reprise is also great. Everypony I'll soon control Every stallion, mare, and foal Who says a girl can't really have it all? [evil laugh] Both parts brilliantly reveal her true, evil intentions.
  7. I remember a while back someone said that it's easier to play up her diva side than to put in some character development. Maybe digibrony or Bronycurious or some other youtuber said it but whoever said it the thing is that it just smells of laziness on the team's part.
  8. It could be possible her accent is genuine. Maybe that's just the way her voice naturally is.
  9. I love how after she pops out of the bush saying "Oh, C'Mon!" Scootaloo immediately pushes her down.
  10. She certainly has the attitude of a princess. I mean she was born to be a princess. A high class pony like herself had the misfortune to be born to a middle class family in a working class town.
  11. I give you...Squeaky Belle! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8TLaQPglBj8 I myself love little deviations in the voice actors usual delivery.
  12. That could very well have been Discord's intent when his vines captured the princesses. With them out of the way he could essentially have the tree all to himself.
  13. Rainbow doesn't need to be princess because she's the princess of awesomeness and is 20% cooler than all the other princesses.
  14. The main thing we have to keep in mind is that the main six are the living embodiment of the elements. The elements themselves are irrelevant, it's the tree that protects Equestria, so long as the main six maintain the spirit of harmony, which we hope they do.
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