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Posts posted by WsConanRoyal


    Also, I'm glad to see no one put me on this, lol[/quote

    Oh you...your reviews are so...Kawaii..I WUV YOUR WORK!


    Anyways I am so surprised nobody said..




    She is worst PONY! WORST REVIEWER AND AND....*sigh* ~_~ she is just the worst of the worst...


    Someone actually knows my work! Lol. And Kawaii? I don't really go for that, but ok. I'll take what I can get.


    I don't consider Kimi Sparkle as a reviewer. I consider her to be in the parody field.

  2. And there lies Oliver's biggest problem imo. EqG gave him the perfect opportunity to go full Plinkett (literally lol) because of the big backlash. From what u can tell, he doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between nitpicking for jokes (like Plinkett/RedLetterMedia and Nostalgia Critic do) and nitpicking for criticism. Also I'm not sure what he was going for by literally doing Plinkett's style. I guess you could say he was paying homage as opposed to ripping off, but it was a bad tribute because he seems to have missed why Plinkett is good


    Well, I went for the regular audio version, because I couldn't stand the Plinkett style review just because of the style, so I can't say on that one. I personally find nothing wrong with nitpicking. Those kinds of things stick out to him and are important to his viewing experience. Everyone nitpicks at some point. Meh, I just wan't a fan of that particular review though. I LOVE the rest of his stuff.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I think another big problem is reviewers choosing to review EVERY episode. What you end up with is a lot of boring, uninspired reviews or completely over-the-top nitpicky rants. Some, like MrEnter, can do this because they have an engaging format and keep it short if there's not a lot to say. However, most cannot and this is why I think people should only review episodes they feel passionately about (either them being bad or good).


    I never tend to have a problem with reviewers who do every episode. I rarely find them getting "boring" or "uninspired". And rarely do I ever hear any "over-the-top nitpicky rants". To be honest, the ONLY review I've ever actually disliked was Tommy Oliver's Equestria Girls review. Not because he didn't like it (and I consider it one of my all-time favorite movies), but because he just didn't seem like the same reviewer. He went from respectable, professional, and collected to severely one-sided rage and ranting. It was TOO biased and hateful. It's funny considering he's one of my favorite reviewers overall, lol.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I'm 22.

    - People keep expecting me to "grow up"
    - I'm expected to take on responsibilities I don't want
    - I'm hounded to get a job in uncomfortable ways
    - I see everyone around me in a relationship/getting married (I've never even gone on a date)
    - I'm basically told that I'm not allowed to have fun
    - People think it's weird that I like My Little Pony

    • Brohoof 3
  5. I don't know if there's any reviewers I actually don't like. I guess to figure this out I'll just put the ones I know of in order from favorite to least favorite.

    Antony C
    Tommy Oliver
    joshscorcher/Commander Firebrand
    The Brony Notion


    MasterCode Ace Analyst
    Redcord CHN
    Past Analysis
    Buc Reviewer
    Rhino Dartey
    Mad Munchkin (only because she doesn't have a lot of MLP vids)
    Jerry Peet
    AnY Entertainment
    Drowning in Horseshoes

    Well, I guess my least favorite would be Drowning in Horseshoes. Of course, this is just the list based off of what I could think of off the top of my head.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Good morrow everypony. I am "The GeekBAH" Conan Royal, a brony reviewer, writer, and video content creator. The GeekBAH Productions is the combined total works made by myself. Let me take a moment to introduce ya'all to my extensive library of works in a brief fashion. First of all, I have my two YouTube channels. My first channel is named for myself and focuses on my MLP reviews. These include my Friendship is Geeky videos (reviews for season 4 and on of MLP), Friendship is Retro videos (anything before season 4), Ponyville Confidential (character analysis), and My Brony Journey (chronicles of my life as a brony). Also coming soon are The Brony Issues (my thoughts on issues in the brony community). All that can be found here...


    My secondary YouTube channel is GeekBAH +, a supplementary channel to my main one. This has non-MLP reviews and other videos such as The Anime-niac Files (anime reviews), Breaking Geek Critiques (Breaking Bad reviews), PMVs (pony music videos), AMVs (anime music videos), and a plethora of old "Retro Playlist" videos that I no longer do. 


    Remember, for either channel, go to the playlists for accurate full video libraries. Because of issues regarding past channels, not all my videos are uploaded to these two. All videos however ARE placed into the playlists on both channels. So the playlist section of the channels would be the ideal place to look for all of my videos. 

    The GeekBAH Productions does more than just videos though. I also work on an on-going FiMfiction called "My Little Pony: Friendship of Generations" that is currently at 18 chapters and 137,617 words. It also has 1,924 views on FiMfiction.net. The story does have some mature elements, but don't go beyond teen rated content. There is NO clop or even anything slightly "saucy". The story is planned for 26 chapters, and is written in episodic style, meaning that each chapter is basically like an episode of a show. I plan to continue the series into a second "season" as well, and possibly even a third if the second goes well enough. Warning, some of the content of this story might upset some fans. This is not canon to the shows universe and follows in it's own. Here is the link to it on the FiMfiction website.


    Outside of these, The GeekBAH Productions also maintains a Facebook page, on which I post notes of many different varieties, including Top 10 lists, thoughts on different topics, etc. The Facebook page also is kept updated on all updates within videos and the story. A link to it can be found here...


    As of now, those are the main sections of The GeekBAH Productions. I plan to possibly come up with and work on more in the future, but as of now this is what I've got. There's still a good deal of content to go through. Maybe calling it an "extensive" library of works was a bit of a hyperbole, but hey, it got you to read this all, didn't it? I hope you take the time to check out and possibly enjoy the works I have amassed up to this point. But for now, this is "The GeekBAH" Conan Royal, signing off. I'll see ya'all next time. 


  7. 1. I'm a Whovian
    2. I'm a Gamer
    3. I'm a HUGE Legend of Zelda fan
    4. I run two YouTube channels
    5. I'm jobless and broke
    6. I have never had a girlfriend
    7. I'm a born-again Christian
    8. I hate Princess Celestia
    9. I don't find the appeal in Princess Luna
    10. Best pony for me is Pinkie Pie without question
    11. Best cmc for me is Scootaloo
    12. Best episode for me is Twilight's Kingdom 2-parter
    13. Favorite episode is Sleepless in Ponyville
    14. Favorite minor pony is The Great & Powerful Trixie
    15. Favorite background pony is either Vinyl Scratch or Lyra Heartstrings
    16. Favorite music genre is classic rock
    17. Favorite musicians are Queen, The Beatles, BlakGryph0n (and Michelle Creber), and The L-Train
    18. IMO, the best song ever written is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.
    19. My favorite brony song is Crusader (Are we There Yet) by BlackGryph0n and Baasik
    20. My favorite cover of a song is Beat It by BlackGryph0n and Michelle Creber

  8. Are books considered media? If so, then you have to consider the "Napoleon of Crime" himself, Professor James Moriarty. In my opinion, there is NO greater villain ANYWHERE in tv, movies, books, video games, etc combined. Here's my basic choices for different forms of media I guess.

    Television: The Master (Doctor Who)
    Movies: The Joker (The Dark Knight)
    Books: Professor James Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes)
    Video Games: William Carver (Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2)

  9. I grew up watching Sailor Moon with my sister. I LOVE it. I recently begun to get into it again, and the part with Serena facing down Queen Beryl in the English dub gives me chills to this day. The music, voice acting, and amazing atmosphere and feel of the scene is brilliant!

  10. I am in the process of writing a lengthy FiMfiction called "My Little Pony: Friendship of Generations". It is full-length and is episodic style (each chapter is like an episode of a show). As of posting this it has 1,924 viewers on FiMfiction.net and 18 out of a total 26 planned chapters with a total of 137,617 words. It does contain some graphic violence, but it's not too graphic and doesn't go past what would be considered a teen rating. Plus the graphic stuff is few and far between, so far only occurring in the prologue and 18th chapter. As an episodic fic, I would consider it a "random" fic, as each "episode" can be very different from the last. One might be bright and cheery, the next could be very depressive. Here is a link to the FiMfiction.


    Here is a link to the post in the FiMfiction section of Octavia's Hall

    • Brohoof 1
  11. friendship_of_generations_cover_by_meteo

    Back in November of last year, I came onto these forums and created a topic here about a FiMfiction in planning called My Little Pony: The Dark Stars. Eventually, I drifted away from these forums, but continued with the FiMfiction. While a lot changed, a lot also stayed the same. Here is a link to the FiMfiction where it is today.


    With eighteen chapters completed at the point of this post, and a total of 137,617 words and 1,924 viewers, I am reaching a height with this story that I never expected to. However, I now wish to get back onto these forums, and the first thing I wish to do is bring back the story to where it all began. The following is the basic description of the story.


    "Fifteen years ago, the members of the mane six suffered a horrible end. Three of them died horrible deaths. Two simply vanished without a trace. But one still remains. Now, the last remaining member of the spirits of the Elements of Harmony must put her dwindling faith in the hooves of six new friends as they embark on a journey to save the world from the looming threat of eternal death, darkness, and despair. Only the destined heroes of Equestria can stop true Oblivion."


    Any comments, questions, concerns, thoughts, and more are welcomed. I thrive off of feedback and am willing to listen to anything any of you might have for me. Thank you, and enjoy the story.

  12. I hope everyone sees this, because I'm getting really damned tired of having to deal with it.


    I am in no condition, physically, to have to keep dealing with this sort of thing, but I'm going to do it, no matter what. Why?


    Because of stuff like this. It hurts not just me to have to see, but every Rarity fan out there. It makes us feel bad. It makes us defensive, and it's not even called for.


    Now, is it wrong to dislike her? No, I saw plenty of negative opinions that didn't bother me, because they were cool about it. They weren't rude, like this. 


    It's uncalled for, really. So, please, be a little considerate of those who are bothered by this stuff, aka most Rarity fans.


    It's not cool. Just be nice about it. That's all. You don't have to like her, just be considerate of those who do and be polite about it.


    I'm not a Rarity hater, let me get that out of the way. She's my least favorite of the Mane 6, but I by no means hate her in any way. I do see her positives. She is creative, classy, mature, and intelligent (among other things). Just try and see this from everyone's eyes. Everypony has their favorite and least favorite. Everypony has their own opinions and are entitled to them. I don't get angry for people who dislike Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash (my top two favorites). I love and tolerate their opinions. If someone sees things differently, I am perfectly fine with that. Nothing anyone says will make me change my mind or deter me from what I believe. They will not anger me or make me defensive. I celebrate peoples differences in opinions. 

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Can you make an awesome avatar and signature banner featuring my GeekBAH OC? I have some reference pictures of course, which are posted below. The GeekBAH OC represents myself. I am an online reviewer, reviewing such things as MLP and anime. If you could somehow incorporate the reviewer aspect into the avatar and signature, I'd love that. As for text. None on the avatar. However, on the signature just have the name The GeekBAH. Thank you ahead of time. 


    Here's the reference pics






  14. I actually saw this a few days ago. I wrote it down because I found it awesome and now I get to share it. I made one little edit for my sake. Originally it had Big Mac as Mr. Fezziwig, but I think that because in A Christmas Carol, Fezziwig is very minor, he should be played by a very minor pony, Donut Joe.

    Shining Armor as Ebenezer Scrooge


    Applejack as Ghost of Christmas Past

    Discord as Ghost of Christmas Present

    Pony of Shadows as Ghost of Christmas Yet-To-Come

    Pinkie Pie as Ghost of Jacob Marley


    Mr. Cake as Bob Cratchit

    Mrs. Cake as Mrs. Cratchit

    Pound Cake as "Tiny" Tim Cratchit

    Pumpkin Cake as Belinda Cratchit


    Twilight Sparkle as Fan Scrooge (Scrooge's late sister and Fred's mother)

    Doctor Whooves as Fred Anderson (Scrooge's nephew)

    Derpy as Sally Anderson (Fred's wife)

    Princess Cadence as Belle (Scrooge's old fiance)


    Young S.Armor as Young Ebenezer Scrooge

    Donut Joe as Mr. Fezziwig

    Rainbow Dash as Dick Wilkins (Scrooge's old friend and roommate)


    Fluttershy, Spike, and Rarity as Three Men who ask Scrooge for donations

  15. I gotta ask, Seriously, Why exactly do so many people dislike Rarity so much and say that she's their least favorite pony? And why exactly do so many people like Rainbow Dash so much and say that she's their favorite pony? Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy I can easily understand why people like but Rainbow Dash? Really? She's alot more selfish and obnoxious than Rarity if you ask me...She's a conceited show-off and mostly seems to only think and care about herself alot of the time...She's definitely my least favorite out of the mane 6...Why exactly do people like her? (Don't hurt/kill me for saying that please RD fans)


    But at least Rarity shows acts of generosity sometimes and does things for other ponies like making dresses etc...What exactly do people have against her?


    In my opinion, Rarity is selfish, snobby, self-serving, and puts her "fashion" before her friends WAY too often. RD isn't perfect, but she is loyal to her friends at all times. Her attitude is just how she is. She's cool, wild, and fun-loving. Yes, she is a bit conceited, but never in an unlikable way like Rarity.


    Now don't get me wrong. While Rarity is my least favorite of the Mane 6, I still do like her. I just like her the least. My order of best to worst with the Mane 6 is...Fluttershy, Dash, Pinkie, AJ, Twilight, Rarity.

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