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Shuffling Star

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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. Became a brony in september watched all episodes in one day felt amazing my friend told me about the show we watched the first episode together i was amazed. Can't wait for season 4
  2. Xbox: Don't use xbox PSN: DonBosnian Steam: xtrustdon4395 Playing much of SP games mostly Batman,hunting for achievments Playing: Minecraft, Battlefield 3,Batman Arkham City,Batman Arkham Origins,Batman Arkham Asylum,Scribblenauts Unlimited,GTA V,Fifa 14 Minecraft name:DonBosnian
  3. My name is Shuffling Star when i was young i was very shy but i grew up and learned about life and friendship and decided to be everything that is in all means good. I think i am honest,lazy,good,funny at times,good friend and sometimes boring I like the fact that we are not the only ones there is whole universe i like everything about universe i like singing (i think im good in singing tho) i like helping people in any way i can tho i can not help everyone instantaniously and at the same time. My name is Shuffling Star and you probbably will ask me why i don't have a cutie mark well that is because i have multiple talents! Altough i was an allicorn in my past life i was born with a broken horn and wings, i don't know what i am i grew up on my own. I hope im accepted here! Shuffling Star Thanks for reading.
  4. Her personality is great she is shy but she isn't when she is talking to animals there was one episode when Rarity and Pinkie Pie tried to teach Fluttershy how to stand up for herself and she understood it but in a very wrong way. I like the way she gets quiet and sad and when she talks so cute!.
  5. Both would upset me but character dying is most likely not happening so turning into alicorn like Twilight Sparkle did. Shuffling Star
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