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Doc. Volt

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Everything posted by Doc. Volt

  1. :) she used to say this a lot before this year.. i was the more pessimistic ones.. but now roles are switched.. luckily i'm a brony... if i were still like before she would have probably dumped me or killed herself :) i know she can do it, i just can't stop telling her! thank you for the encourage! well better i get dress, i'm going to her now, see you soon! have a nice evening (here is almost saturday evening, don't know where you are XD)! bye!
  2. livestreams? oh my.. sometimes i forget how much we love this show thank you very much, you gave me a smile.. i will check on Equestria Daily then
  3. Hay fellows i have a very big favor to ask you.. since i live in italy chanches that i see season 4 in this year are very low since dubbing and other things are done after all episodes are out... but this is not a problems since i watch only the english show on the internet, the problem is that i really want to watch the first episode of season 4 the day it comes out, but the same week is good also, but i don't think it will be on youtube or in other sites cause it will be removed from hasbro.. i don't have the hub or other things here.. how can i watch it? if somepony know somepony else who will record it can please tell me? or a compromise is if somepony can write down the plot.. it is the same day i've got 2 big exams and it will surely help my mood if something goes wrong ( ) if it is not possible thanks anyway! i will watch it as soon as i can... have a beautifull and lovely day
  4. Oh right ponyville! it's 8 o'clock in the morning in italy! sun is shining and there are 7 grade degree out there.. ponies.. it'sssssssssss cold! this cold really makes you want to hug somepony but since my gf is still looking for a job i'm alone again! can someone pls hug me? meanwhile i have to change the oil and oil filter on my dad's volvo... damn... see you soon guys... i will listen to "start me up" of the rolling stones while working... give...

  5. hoh and btw.. listen to this: why worry of Dire straits.. you will love it.. bring a smile everytime

  6. time to go to bed for real.. bye everypony.. may god/celestia/luna/whatever you want bless you

  7. Volt started do listen to the rift.. so much memories camed back.. but not the memories he wanted to have.. "uhm nice story.. indeed.. it's similar to mine... i waked up in the sky about two years ago during a storm.. i can't remember anything prior to that.. i don't know who or where are my parents or where i was born.. nothing.. and i got strucked by a lighting.. i waked up on the tower of the cloudsdale weather corp with my cutie mark and since that i lived and studied here.. until this year where i moved, well forced to move, in poniville... i don't think my dna changed somehow.. i cannot dye from eletrocution that's for sure... also i am pretty god handling electric power, but not the raw ones like you.. my dream was to use lighitng bolt to power all equestria.. but i failed everytime.. i wish that Tesla was still alive.. oh yes i can pack up thunder electricty and discharge them at lower voltage but i refuse to use my body as an electric station! " Volt looked at the bass in the hooves of thunder dash.. "a strange way to play it".. it was like he was tapping the strings instead of pinching them they way he used to know (ooc: sorry treble Bolt! didn't see your post! i don't know hoe to get it into now) hoh hello there fellow pegasus.. i do not consider computerize music superior, just the opposite! i listen also to classical... i am an audiophile... and i'm sorry but i can't stand dubstep... it sound exactely like the pumps i have to maintain at my celestia damned damm! I work with Vinyl only bacuse she has nice ideas on how to get more RMS watt out of her amps... but this things.. this "music"... it scres me... it makes me feel ill.. no hard feelings althought
  8. hum i don't know if i can join.. my OC is already a doctor (full story in my signature) buti could pretend it was back in the time when he was attending university to become an engineer... i don't know tell me if i am needed or not btw my oc doesn't remember anything of his childhood since he has never been a filly... he's just an Human engineer student (me) teleported during an experiment in to the pony world, he lacks any memories.. he got strucked the first day arriving in equestria by a thunder, thus his cutie mark and love for electricity
  9. argh!!! i hate you!!! you made me remember that the day 4 season comes out i've got two exams!! argh!! the same exactely day! (btw i am not hating anypony, just kidding) sure i'm excited... also it will be a relief.. if my exams went bad i still can gather a smile (it would be better for them... XD)
  10. "wait wait wait! how did you just do that??? i thought i was the only one able to handle the elettricity that way! well i have never been able to create something from nowhere! i can only gather and store electricity from thunders and natural electric fields and then use it as a weapon or for my work...also i can make a thunder storm appear and gather lots of cloud if i use my energy on my tesla coil.. what you just did there is incredible! I thought it was only possible with unicorn's magic! Are you some sort of thunder god??? " Volt made some step backward to look better at thunder dash.. Volt's eyes were glittering from static electricty getting stored inside him... mixed with a vein of jealousy...
  11. uhm i just want to write down the complete story of my OC.. but nopony will cares :) i'll just write it fo myself

  12. Volt stooded upon thunder dash, his mouth opened on incredulity and admiration "really? wow that's just amazing... i can't play anything, my lil' brother play the traverse flute on a local band and my fiancee plays the battery in a metal band.. they do covers of metallica and iron maiden... i just like the sound of the bass.. nopony ever care about it, people just things it is worthless and you can't hear it.. but i like to listen close and its sound it's just amazing.. brings life to the music and clear all the holes.. i'd like to learn it but you see... lot's of work here (mainly studing in real life XD)
  13. Oh my why nopony can appreciate your music? i love classical (i listen to everything from metal to blues, but just "real" music.. not that vinyl ugly sounds) what's your favourite composer? mine is tchaikovsky! i think he can mix the quite sound of a classical orchestra with the power of the war bringing amazing goosebump..
  14. "BRILLIANT absolutely i love that "discord rift" but sincerely i think you need some better midi instruments... uhm i don't know, i really love it but there something that could be better.. i just don't know where.. it is only in the sound 'cause the music is pretty awesome.. you can try to play the guitar part alone in a standard amp and them mix it with the other midi instruments...or maybe you don't have the right distorsion this way? i don't really know i am just supposing since i am not an artist and i do not play an instruments... pretty nice job anyway i am not trowing mud at anything! absolute respect for your work! can i ge the link to download the song? this goes on my collection"
  15. "hey dude that's absolute amazing! you have a real nice collection of pedals there! wish i could play some instrument but never go into it..maybe some day i will start learning to play the bass..." Volt said looking at the ground "hey you still haven't tol me what type of music you play usually! what's your favourite band?"
  16. Oh my celestia that's just plain amazing.. it sounds exactely as the guitar sound of that famous song of the movie "Top Gun" ! I'm not an hugh fan of guitar effect as, again, i prefer smooth clean sound but i have to admin that i really like this kind of sound.. beautifull song also.. i still don't know what is my place in the world... bah who cares! Listen up! this is a demo of my friend playing the clone of that effect i mentioned, the one used from ponhendrix, i don't know what kind of music you play so it probably will be useless for ya" Volt opened his old, dusty and ruined work bag, after few second with his nose inside it and the sound of rumbling screw drivers and other unorgonized tools he stood out an old cassette recorder.. " i must use this things! since very i work all eletronic equipment cannot work.. you know.. too much elettromagnetic field.. only those old walkpony works here and i NEED music to work!.. i don't understand why we must use generators to produce equestria's elettron flow movement... i call it electricity but collegues taunt me about it, we could use the natural power of thunders! or enslave some unicorns!" Volt looked in to the frowned face of Thunder Dash "I am only kidding of course! here it is" volt plugged an old magnetic cassette with a "Commercial-Demo" label in the walkman "here, listen to this... i am thinking about opening a music shop down in ponyville.. working here when i am not at that celestia-damned damm! Some good old records and home build amps... i could use the hand of artists like you to develop new sounds" smiled Volt "oh it's just a dream... i still don't know why they banned me from the Cloudsdale weather corp... i don't remember anythin.. well i guess it's better like that.. i really like ponyville, oh you still didn't introduced me your band!.. Are you a band right?"
  17. Oh my celestia! today we went to the new physich lab.. a jaint jaint jaint wan der graffs generator! 30 meters of electric discharge trought the air! our mane was fluttuating from the electric field! It was Epic! i love my university

  18. Oh my celestia! today we went to the new physich lab.. a jaint jaint jaint wan der graffs generator! 30 meters of electric discharge trought the air! our mane was fluttuating from the electric field! It was Epic! i love my university

  19. Oh my celestia! today we went to the new physich lab.. a jaint jaint jaint wan der graffs generator! 30 meters of electric discharge trought the air! our mane was fluttuating from the electric field! It was Epic! i love my university

  20. Oh my celestia! today we went to the new physich lab.. a jaint jaint jaint wan der graffs generator! 30 meters of electric discharge trought the air! our mane was fluttuating from the electric field! It was Epic! i love my university

  21. "oh my celestia.. you are challenging vinyl's amplificators with that beauty.. sure it's very impressive! but you know.. i'm an old fashioned pony, don't get me wrong i love every kind of real music, bah tecno and that... things" mumbled Volt ".. from metal to blues but usually i like the warm peacefull sound of my tube amps, you know.. try to listen to Romeo and Juliet of the Dire straits... that's what i mean.. uhm but i think you prefer distortion eh? well i have a friend who really enjoy playing jimmy ponhendrix on his left-hoofed fender stratoponcaster.. i've made a fuzz-face and an univibe effects for him... celestia that guitar sound like a fluttershy' singing bird swimming in Applejack's Daniel or Pinkie Pie high on mushrum acid... i think you got what i mean.. but i think is the sound of that period.. ah again... i'm too mentaly old.. god i'm 22 years old and you make me feel like i'm a old pony looking at his grammophone! " exclaimed Volt
  22. (can i join? XD) Volt was returning to his lab after a week of long and hard work, the only thing he wished was his soft clous sofa and a peacefull listening of some trotting stones... but in the sky the epic sound of stringed instruments reached his hears.. "Maybe i should check this awesomenes.." Thunder Dash just finished talking to the new pony.. Volt landling exactely in the midle of the stage introduced himself "Hello everypony! i just heard some amazing music here, can i stay and listen to ya? I can't play any instrument but i love music, expecially trying to reproduct it in the same way the atrists meant it to be... you see i'm an audiophile... maybe i can help you with those amplifiers... they.. uhm just don't sound right never tried vacuum tubes instead of those pegasus transistors? ho the o'l hearth pony tecnology.. well i'm talking too much and the quiter you are the more you can hear, show me off everything you got! Oh by the way the name is Volt, doctor Volt"
  23. oh i see, no problem i surely will follow your story by the way
  24. I really don't know what is a role play but i think that this is interesting, i mean the story on the first post can someone please explain me? is this for making some fandom or similar? (btw if needed my Oc is a clousdale electronic engineer)
  25. On order: Octavia, Derpy, Luna, Scootaloo and about the mane.. uhm i would choose RD but if my girlfriend read this post surelly she will kill me, so her our favourite: Pinkie Pie
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