I was stuck in "Helping Twilight win the Crown" and I was like,"Get up, get down, if y-" and then I saw Derpy in the corner and then I went, "DERPY OH MY MUFFINS!"
It was kind of weird to see Spike as a dog. Then again, that sounds like a proper name for a dog. What surprised me is that he didn't have a problem walking on four legs, while Twilight was tripping on two legs.
If Sunset Shimmer wanted to go back to Equestria with an army of brainwashed teenagers, they would all be ponies. So they would have a hard time walking like Twilight did. Great plan Sunset Shimmer.
I found a few more flaws...
1. Twilight was purple, and that didn't disturb anyone.
2. I would like to see a unique villain defeat for once without seeing rainbows.
3. Celestia was in Luna's office. Kinda suspicious...
Since she's an alicorn she lives forever, right? Which means that eventually her friends will die and be alone. But if thisis true, then that means that Cadence will be lonely when Shining eventually dies. So long story short. NNNNNNope.