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Status Updates posted by Lightning-Twister

  1. another Status Update after a whole year I guess :twi:

    I still have access to my account. Pretty cool.. and 608 Unread Notifications lol

    I've changed a lot in interests but MLP is still a part inside me somewhere. Thought saying Hi!

    1. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      Hello my awesome friend

  2. I haven't been on this site for ages! :ButtercupLaugh:
    Thought checking out what I missed because of some random email notification.


  3. Today's the day of confirmation. This morning my teacher told me something important. I was both excited and afraid.

    Like this:



    But then he gave me some papers and told me that...




    It means that I've passed final-exams (in case you didn't notice).

    Meanwhile, the only thing I could think of at that very moment was this gif:



    and this...


    So that's my status for today. ^_^



  4. "When was the last time you realised that you were alive? Really think about it."

    Let's Appreciate Together

  5. Have I missed the thread about London's recent happenings? Couldn't find it so far.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Not sure, haven't seen one myself.

  6. Currently watching PewDiePie who's playing COD which is very rare.


  7. Following the coverage from Washington of the inauguration of Donald Trump.

  8. Hillary Clinton may has lost the battle, but not the war.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Until her inevitable conviction, that is.

  9. I think Hillary Clinton will win. That's also what I'd vote for anyway.

  10. My mind's empty at this very moment.

  11. Question: If you'd receive 178 messages on a forum in 1 day, do you think it's real?

  12. How can I not mention the 358th anniversary of tea in the UK? Well, at least now I mentioned it. ^_^

  13. The internet is the only thing that doesn't automatically disconnect. Long live the forums!!!

  14. Good night everypony!

    1. Monsoon


      Goodnight buddy

  15. My right foot really hurts. Still...

    1. Requiem


      "And Bubba come crawling out the back door..."

  16. Good night everypony!

  17. Good afternoon everypony, and a happy Independence Day too!

  18. Less than an hour until Independence Day! (Are my calculations right?) || Also, good night everypony!

  19. Good morning! Canada Day Yay!!

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      That was yesterday. ;)

    2. Lightning-Twister


      That was at the moment when I was sleeping. ;)

  20. Yup, last day of school passed (1st year) :-)

  21. Had a good Chinese dinner. Good night everypony!

    1. Shimmer Sparkle

      Shimmer Sparkle

      Good night and sleep well. :)

  22. Good morning everypony!

    1. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      Morning my friend.

    2. Monsoon


      Good morning to you

  23. Yeah, we did it! We leave!

    1. Dsanders


      I may be American, but I've been fully supporting Britain's leave. Finally the English people can pave their road to independence and safety from threats of the outside world.

    2. Lightning-Twister


      Sure - good point, Derpy Sanders.


  24. If I was able to vote for EU Referendum, I would have voted to stay Out the EU.

  25. Had a busy time today - wasn't able to check my 30 notifications. lol

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