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Everything posted by rainbowdashlover19

  1. Midnight blinked, catching the medical bag before it hit the ground. "Phew. Be more careful next time, 'dear'." She huffed, putting the medical bag back on. Scout's face turned bright red, hiding his face. "Sh-shut up!" he cried, embarrassed as heck. He couldn't believe he actually fell for that.
  2. Midnight groaned, rolling her eyes. She landed, sighing. -Maybe now he'll stop...- She smiled a little. -Although it IS kind of funny...- Scout about puked when he said that. He didn't want to imagine Grelll's.....thing anywhere near him or Midnight. It was just weird.
  3. Midnight facehoofed, sighing. "Yeah. That." Scout blinked, a disgusted look going across his face. "You mean your...?" Scout gagged a little, going pale. Midnight sighed again. -Only Grell... Why must he torment this filly?? Geez... He's going to scar him for life... Unless Scout is....... EW!-
  4. midnight giggled, blushing a little. She flew a lot easier without all that weight on her. She kept flying towards the trees. Scout blinked, frowning more. "Why can't I see??? I'm old enough!" He tried kicking but the magic wasn't allowing him to. He grumbled, huffing.
  5. Midnight blinked, trying to get used to the extra weight, taking off awkwardly. -Ugh this is getting a little heavy... I hope I don't throw my back out...- She got used to the weight and started flying towards the trees. Scout blinked, being carried by his tail, upside down. He frowned, crossing his hooves.
  6. Midnight smiled, looking at Grell. "I can carry him in my arms. You don't have to stay on the ground." Scout nodded, getting down. "I don't mind. I didn't know you wanted up there. I'm sorry." He hopped into her arms, smiling still. -Besides, this way, I can get an even better view of the scenery...- he thought, mainly talking about Midnight.
  7. Midnight looked at Grell and smiled, pecking his cheek. "I love you, Grell..." Scout shook his head. -Maybe I'll get my cutie mark! I hope so!- "Not that I know of..." He climbed back on Midnight's back. He snuggled close, smiling. "You're sooooo comfy, Miss," he giggled, blushing a litttle.
  8. Midnight smiled, taking one and nomming it. "I figured that's what you wanted..." She kissed his cheek. Scout at it, smiling. "I love apples. So yummy," he said, a little of the apple's juice running down his chin. Midnight wiped it off him, giggling. "Thank you!" He smiled.
  9. Midnight blinked, looking at him. "Okay...?" She flew to the mess hall. -I guess he's withdrawing from his apples...- She grabbed the crate of apples and drug it back outside. "Here you goo..." She smiled, looking at Grell. Scout smiled, watching the scenery pass. -Do pretty...-
  10. Midnight smiled lovingly back, pecking him. "I think having this little guy around will be fun!" Scout smiled. "Can I ride on your back??? Pleeeaaaasssseeeeee????" He looked up at Midnight with puppy dog eyes. Modnight giggled. "Oh alright," she said, helping him on her back
  11. Midnight's eyes lowered, walking out of the tent. -I hope he doesn't find out I'm lying... I don't want him mad at me...- She looked back at him and Scout, smiling. Scout blinked. "R-Really?!" He ran to Grelll's side, smiling big. -Oh my Celestia! I'm going on my first journey!-
  12. Midnight shook her head. "O-of course not! I-I'm not mad at all..." -I don't want him to run off again... I can't have us fighting... I'm not going to almost lose him again...- Scout blinked, looking at Grell. -Are they fighting? What's going on??- Ge looked at Midnight. -I wonder who she was made from...-
  13. Midnight huffed. -That idiot... I can't get mad, though... He may run off again...- "O-oh... J-just be more careful next time, o-okay...?" She half smiled, standing up. She sighed, grabbing the bag. Scout looked up at Midnight. "Whoa... A pegasus..." He looked his wings. "I can't wait until my wings get like yours!"
  14. Midnight blinked. "Wait... Has that been what's weakening you???" She frowned, crossing her hooves. Scout smiled, nuzzling his chest. "You're so cool..." He wanted to stay by Grell's side. He's never had a big brother, but he's always wanted one. He wanted Grell to be his bog brother.
  15. Midnight blinked. "Does that mean you heal me alll those times???" The nurse smiled, then went to go clean her station, continuing to hum her little tune. Scout looked at Midnight for a moment. "Who is that mare...? She's pretty..." He blushed, realizing what he said.
  16. Midnight blinked, still a little confused. The nurse handed Midnight the bag. Scout smiled. "You're still a pony of death, just like me! I don't have a cutie mark yet, but I'm going to get one soon! I can feel it!" Midnight took the bag and smiled at Scout. She found him utterly adorable.
  17. Midnight looked up at him, still looking confused. "You can heal things???" The nurse continued to put the last of the stuff in, sittting it on the table. The filly nodded. "I'm Scout! I'm a son of Hades tooo!" He just automatically assumed he was the son of Hades.
  18. Midnight shook hwr head. "N-not that... The plants died then you just..." She sat down on her plot, confused. The nurse continued to put stuff in the bag, humming as she did so. The filly smiled, trotting over to Grell. He thought Grell was amazing; his cutie mark was completely unique.
  19. Midnight shook her head. "Did you just.....?" She didn't know what to say. Her stallionfriend can heal ponies. The nurse smiled, grabbing s whole bunch of potions and elixirs, stuffing them in the bag The filly smiled. "Nope. Not real bad. Just s little bit." The filly grabbed his key. "I am fine now."
  20. Midnight still stood there in shock. She coudln't belive a death pony could heal ponies. The nurse nodded, smiling. "Well now, where to find the medical supplying. It's gotta be somewhere in here." She yawned. The filly walked back in. "I forgot my house key..."
  21. Midnight saw Grell, just kind of standing there in shock. -Did he just...heal that filly???" The nurse smiled, walking over. The filly blinked. "Oh wow! My leg is completely fine now! Thank you mister!" The filly took the bandages off and walked out of the tent, smiling
  22. Midnight blinked, looking up at him. -Omg really???- She giggled, shaking her head. She went to the medicine cabinet. The nurse facehoofed, sighing. "Seriously Grell?? That old gag..." The filly yelped, scrabbling back. He screamed when he fell off the table and hurt his leg more.
  23. Midnight, unaware, smiled at the nurse. "We are going on a mission. We need some medical supplies." The nurse nodded, smiling. "Just let me finish up this filly here." She noticed the coffin and frowned. "Grell, stop trying to scare this poor guy." The illy blinked, seeing the coffin.
  24. Midnight nodded, giggling. "Well, let's go get the stuff," she said, walking to the medical building. She walked in. The nurse was bandaging up a pegasus filly. "Next time, don't jump off a tree that high, alright, scout?" The filly nodded, wincing at the pain in its leg
  25. Midnight nodded, finishig her cupcake. "I will have to get my blade sharpened, though. It's pretty dull from the last fight we got into." She looked in the medical bag. "And more medical supplies. We need to be prepared for anything." She knew that is what Grell would suggest.
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