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Posts posted by rainbowdashlover19

  1. Midight giggled, sniffling again. She looked up at him. "By the way, what do you mean by i 'laid your doubts to rest'? What doubts did you have and how'd I stop them??" She was curious as to how she made him go from super doubtful to completely willing in a matter of minutes.

  2. Midnight hiccuped cutely, sniffling. "Y-you positive you're not going to leave...?" She looked up at him, snuggling into his warm embrace. -He's not going to leave me... I'm so happy...- she smiled a little, happy her fears are now put to rest. She was so scared she was going to be alone again.

  3. Midnight blinked, a few tears still falling. "B-but I made you mad... My stubborness caused you to doubt us... I-I'm horrible..." She wiped her eyes, sniffling. "A-are you gonna break up with me...?" She looked up at him. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy and she had nothing but worry in her eyes.

  4. Midnight looked up at him, tears still rolling down her face. "Q...quit lying to me... I...I know you think I'm weak and pathetic... That's...why I sensed y...your doubt in...in us..." She looked away, biting her lip to keep from bawling her eyes out. "I should have known my stupid plot would make you doubt us... I mess everything up..."

  5. Midnight laid down, burying her face in her forelegs, quietly sobbing. -I...I don't want to lose him... Why am I so stupid...? I should have just kept my stupid mouth shut and let him do it... I know he doesn't feel right about this relationship anymore... He might as well have been screaming "it's over"...- She didn't even notice her ring tugging on the chain. All she could focus on was how bad she thought she messed up.

  6. Midnight couldn't hear him. She was all the way on the other side of the grounds. She sat down inbetween two headstones and sighed, tears welling up. "I should have never said no to them beating him up... Now he ran away..." Tears started rolling down her face. "Once again I've lost a pony over my stupidity..."

  7. Midnight blinked. "G-Grell!" She flew off after him. She saw he went into a cemetary and landed at the front gate, she walked in, walking around and looking for him, hollaring his name out every so often. -Why did he run off?? Where is he??- She had no idea to check the undertaker's place.

  8. Midnight put on a fake smile, her ears still flat. "I-I know! A-and go ahead and beat his plot to the ground. I-I really don't care!" She still had on that forced smile, not wanting to show the fear and worry raging inside her.


    The nurse looked at Grell, then at Midnight. -She must really love him to be sacrificing her morals for him...-

  9. Midnight sighed and looked at Grell. "If you really think that fightig will solve this....then fine. I will put aside my feelings and let you do it. I'm sorry if I made you angry..." She could sense that he was unsure about their relationship. -I don't want to lose him... Maybe I better let him do whatever he wants...- She saw Grell take the necklace off, her ears going down. -It may be too late, though...-

  10. "There are other ways that hurting him..." She looked away. "I know what it's like to get beat up all the time... And from what I can tell, this wouldn't be the first time it's happened to him... Have you ever thought he's scared of being beat up, so he puts on a tough guy act to scare the other ponies away...?" She walked over to the nurse, which was about 5 feet from Grell.

    (((Gotta go to work. Be back around 8 or so)))

  11. Midnight didn't like the idea of beating the crap out of somepony just because they like somepony who is taken. "I will not be a part of this stupidity. If all you are going to to is beat him up just because he likes somepony, I'm not going with you. I would rather stay here." She walked away from his nuzzle, sighing. -I know how it feels to constantly get bullied and beat up... He must get his plot in a lot of fights daily...-

  12. Midnight frowned. "You know, you don't havr to fight. I can be mean!" She crossed her hooves. "I can be a queen bee when my powers take over. Besides, wouldn't you rather see him cry like a little baby?" She looked at the nurse. "No offense but your kid needs this."


    The nurse nodded. "I know... He's been looong overdue for a good plot-chewing. And if you can be as mean as you're hinting at, it will crush him and make him realize." -I hope...- She got up started cleaning up her medical supplies from where she had cleaned and sewed up a wound.

  13. Midnight blinked, looking at him. "G-Grell...?"


    The nurse blinked. "You do know that this is the son of Ares, right? He's went up against Zeus's kid and won." She sat down. "Besides, he won't get the hint until SHE is nasty to him. When he wants a mare, it's kind of like an obsession. He doesn't care what it takes, he will get her to like him. It's only when she completely rips him that he will quit..."

  14. Midnight blinked. -I can be mean when I wanna be...- She pouted.


    The nurse sighed. "Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I thought I loved him. When he found out he impregnanted me, he left, claiming the child wasn't his. Even after Skyler was born and everyone could see he was a demi-god, Ares still didn't admit it. He came to visit one night and told me he never loved me and was only using me to get away from Olympus for a while..." She sighed again, walking over to the cabinet. "Then when Skyler turned 16, he started becoming more and more like his father. I guess it's just part of the genes. I tried to make Skyler nice and kind, but you see how well THAT worked..." She shut the cabinet.

  15. The nurse sighed. "I'm his mother... And Grell, I'm not sure... He's not really scared of anything... Let me see..." She thought for moment. "I guess he hates being rejected. And since he didn't come crying to me, I'm guessing that means Midnight has yet to say no..."


    Midnight blinked. "No to what? He never asked me anything..."


    The nurse laughed. "I meant, you haven't flat out told him 'I don't like you. Leave me alone.'" She looked at Midnight. "And from the looks of it, you don't look like the type that'd be mean enough for it to actually hurt him, so he'd probably still keep chasing you."

  16. Midnight blinked, looking back at Grell.


    The nurse smiled. "I should have known Skyler would say something. He came in after you guys left and kept asking about Midnight. He say her fly in and was interested in her. When I told him she was taken, obviously he asked who so I described you to him. I guess he went to find you guys." She handed the sack to Grell. "He has a habbit of trying to break ponies up just because he wants the mare to be his marefriend, not theirs. Don't trust him. He's no good. He's twisted and cruel; like his father..."


    Midnight blinked. "How do you know how his father acts??"

  17. Midnight blinked, looking at the nurse. -Oh yeahh... I forgot that stallion said she said mean things about him...-


    The nurse sighed. "Let me guess. Skyler said I said awful things about you?" She got a few more of the potions, putting them in a little medical bag, along with some healing potions and a couple knock out potions.

  18. Midnight giggled, flying to the nurse's tent. "Hems weak again..." She set him down on the table, sitting beside it.


    The nurse sighed. "Again? You haven't even been gone 4 hours and you're already back? Geez..." She looked through her cabinets, finding an energy potion.

  19. Midnight smiled, nomming it. "You coming with us, Thorn?" She started hovering, trying to get used to the extra weight of the apples. She had a bit of trouble at first, but quickly got used to it. "I think you got too many apples, dear. I'm kind of having trouble flying..."

  20. "Thank you..." She smiled, kissing his cheek. She looked at Thorn. "He wants to go to the nurse now." She opened her wings, bending down. "Want to ride on my back??" she asked Grell, smiling. She knew how much he enjoyed it last time. Plus, he looked really weak. She was surprised he could even stand.

  21. Midnight nodded, following. "I know... I just wish he'd let me help him more often..." She saw Grell pop up by her. "Where'd you go???" She blinked, noticing his bags stuffed with apples. "Really?" She sighed, smiling. "Should have known you were going to go after those apples." She giggled

  22. Midnight blinked, stuck in the bubble by herself. -Darnit! He got away...- She looked at Thorn. "He escaped..." She sighed, hanging her head down, her eyes low. -I just wanted to make sure he was okay... Geez...- She was starting to get depressed again. -Why doesn't he ever want me to help him...?-

  23. Midnight stuck her tongue out, giggling. "Finally. Someone's on my side!" She looked at Grell and smiled. -He needs to go to the nurse. He looks almost as bad as he did earlier.- She looked at Thorn. "Thank you for being on my side. It's nice not to be surrounded by stubborn mules," she laughed, making a pun.

  24. Midnight frowned, plopping down on her plot. "I am NOT moving from this spot until you go get checked out by the nurse." She sat there stubbornly. -If he wants to be stubborn, I can be stubborn right back. Two can play at this game.- she thought as she continued to sit there.

  25. Midnight huffed. "Quit lying. I know you're not okay." She put her forehead on his, checking his temperature. "You seem a little hot... Maybe you should go see the nurse again..." She sighed, already preparing for his stubborness to kick in an refuse to go claiming he was "fine".

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