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Pocky Pen

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Posts posted by Pocky Pen

  1. I agree with the opinions that MMC should have been a two parter, though I loved all the songs from it and didn't get tired of hearing ponies breaking out into song. Celestia's song gave me chicken skin, oooooh.


    Um, but as far as Twilicorn goes, I never really had a problem and I think it will be interesting seeing her development with the new responsibilities and such that she will have to deal with from now on. Being a unicorn with exceptional magical talent under the tutelage of Celestia herself is one thing, but to all of a sudden have all the responsibilities of being an alicorn and therefore a princess? It's gonna be a bumpy ride. Well maybe not all the responsibilities as she's still new to the whole thing, but still. New responsibilities. And more things expected of her. That's gonna be a lot of pressure. I do have slight concern over how the writers will handle her development, but I'm confident in them. They've been doing pretty well so far.


    And the bucking box is driving me crazy, I wanna know what the hay is inside it already gah. Um, sorry...

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Uh, hello. I'm, well, new, as is probably obvious. Gah here I am already messing up my self-introduction. Probably giving off the wrong impression, too. Uuuuggggghhhhh... *sits in shadowy corner*


    Let's forget that mess up and try again, yeah? I'm Pocky! Well, you can call me that or Pocky Pen, or Pen, or... sorry, going a bit off track. I think? Anyways I'm not only new to this site, I'm a new brony! Yay, And sorry if I'm being a bit too... well, apologetic. I get nervous when joining new forums and around strangers in general... sorry.


    Um... what else should I say? I love listening to music, watching anime and Western cartoons (especially MLP, though I guess that's obvious huh... Sorry) and reading manga, playing videogames (like Pokemon! My FS isn't the greatest though), digital drawing (I do sketching occasionally though), writing stories (mostly original, but I've done a few fanfics before; none for MLP yet), a bit of cooking, and I think that's enough right? Not too much? Sorry, I'm letting my nervicitedness take over.


    To wrap it up, I am looking forward to chatting around here and making new friends! Cheers!


    I really do hope this wasn't too long though, sorry.

    • Brohoof 7
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