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Everything posted by Cloud-Kicker

  1. I'd have to say Matt & Patt (Two Best Friends Play), Team Four Star, Egoraptor, UberhaxorNova, Secret Agent Bob and... That's all I can think of. Other than them, I honestly don't watch that many videos. I use Youtube mostly for music
  2. I watched Elfen Lied a little while ago and I have to say, it's easily one of my favorites. It's more on the dark and gory side and usually I don't stick with those, but there's just something about it that I can't get enough of. Another one of my fav's is Shakugan No Shana. That one was really amusing and the way the story twisted throughout the series was pretty amazing in my opinion.
  3. I'm definitely not an extrovert, but I'm not always completely introverted. For example, I do like to socialize, but not with people I'm uncomfortable with (which is usually most people), but every now and then, I just happen to be in a mood where I can step into a crowd and be everybody's new best friend. Also, I wouldn't call myself an "adrenaline junkie", but I do enjoy the occasional roller coaster and sky diving trip.
  4. I try to stay well rounded when it comes to anything music related, including DJ-ing. I'm not exactly sure what genre my music would be classified as but it's mostly trancy or electronic kind of stuff, sometimes with heavy drops. I try not to stick to one thing. I may not be the best at one thing, but I try to be at least okay at everything As for the name, I recently decided to go with the stage alias of "Mnemonics" and I have played two set under that alias and it seems to fit just fine.
  5. I haven't been very active OR supportive of the forums lately. In fact, I still have yet to donate, so having someone else help out is the least I can do
  6. I used to do almost nothing every weekend. I would come home and work on music stuff, nothing specific but always music related, and after I finished I would usually hang out with one of the few people I would always hang out with, but lately that's changed... A lot. For the past few weeks, I've been doing things I would never usually do during weekends. Most of my friends have a much bigger workload due to their tougher classes so they're busy almost all weekend. I've never really been the most social person but since my friends have been constantly working I've had more time for music. More time for music leads to more productivity. More productivity leads to much more material to play live shows with. More lives shows leads to meeting new people. Meeting new people leads to having more things to do. So in other words, I've been doing a lot more live shows and hitting up a lot more parties... Every weekend. It feels so... strange and unnatural. TL;DR Temporarily spent less time with friends. Met more friends. Suddenly get no sleep between rages, but I can't complain
  7. I live in Ontario, Canada In the dirtiest, most sad excuse for a town in the province. I hate it here and can't wait till next year when I move
  8. I tend to stick to metal and rock and the like but if something piques my interest, I'll listen to it no matter what the genre. I try to stay away from most rap and the more recent pop seeing as lot's of it is really repetitive and annoying but I can't possibly say I hate all of it. It's nice to switch it up every once in awhile so having a broad musical taste is always convenient.
  9. these are my two fav's for relaxing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQKQ3-bzXV8
  10. I love The Protomen. I just wish they would re-record their first album with the same quality as Act II. The quality of their second album is a Huge upgrade from their first one and I would love to hear their original songs with cleaned up sound quality. I mainly just want to hear "the will of one" with polished vocals though.
  11. I try to judge people as little as possible but I do tend to judge people that are from my hometown more than anybody else and usually it's an evenly distributed prejudice based on their appearance. If I see someone around my town, chances are I'll downright hate them before they even talk to me. I'll more than likely be nice to them up close, but I'll resent them from afar every chance I get until I get to know them. If I get to know them and I still don't really like them, instead of being the jerk that I know I can be, I just accept the fact that we probably won't get along very well and I don't only avoid them, but I barely even acknowledge their existence. When I travel I seem to be fine though, so I guess it's more of a grudge against my city than anything. In different places I tend to be a lot more lenient and laid back when meeting people for the first time.
  12. When I get bored at home I either take a hike and wrestle the first bear I see into submission or I do extreme motocross tricks on my homemade motocross park. When I get bored on my private jet I either play X-box with my good buddies Matt Damon and Nelson Mandela, or I go base Jumping into my second private jet and get up to some other shenanigans on that one. Then I wake up and realize that I actually just got bored and fell asleep as usual.
  13. Cloud-Kicker

    movies/tv Jumanji

    Throw in Home Alone and you've got my entire childhood movie repertoire!
  14. For one, I almost successfully refrained from posting in this thread. But in all seriousness, I am quite proud of being the only student in my high school that has taken and passed every single music course available including the extra after school classes. I have also upheld some of the highest marks in each of those classes. That there is what got me scouted into university, another thing I am quite pleased with!
  15. School days 1. Try to fall asleep. 2.give up and clean something 3.try again 4. check laptop 5.try to try and fall asleep again but get distracted by something 6.repeat from 1 however many times 7.Realize it's time to get ready for class 8.drift about all day in an exhausted daze 9.get home after a seemingly endless day 10.sleep on and off sporadically for about four hours at a time, give or take half an hour. Weekends I actually have no clue what happens during my weekends anymore. They're probably even more sporadic during these days.
  16. Maybe as a temporary thing for visiting and vacation. A place run by bronies, for bronies, to visit whenever they please. I mean,If they really want to. Just an MLP Theme Park would suffice. Not so sure about an entire island or nation
  17. Sweet! I've only played a six string once but I loved every second of it. Kind of overwhelming at first, but it feels like there's virtually endless possibilities!
  18. Depends on the day, the mood and what happens to me. I visualize different colors for different things. People's names, different words, sounds, feelings, and whichever one stands out to me, seems to stick with me. It commonly relates to things I've experienced that day. For example, if I hear a song that stands out to me, the color I feel sticks with me and I remember that feeling through that color. I seem to have an affinity to light blue shades lately.
  19. I'd probably hang out with Fluttershy or Twilight. Or even better, both. I wouldn't mind just hanging out, walking around Ponyville, seeing what happens. Just kind of relaxing and reading a book or two with Twilight and playing with the animals with Fluttershy would be great. I know it doesn't seem like the most exciting day ever but I personally enjoy nice calm days. If I wasn't up for calmly hanging out in that manner , I would probably end up chilling with Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia. We could do... musical stuff. I don't know. Seeing as they're background ponies, their other hobbies aren't really obvious so I guess I'd have to wing it. Either way, I'd be hanging out with ponies so my day would be awesome no matter what happened.
  20. I seriously thought I was the only one that hates peanut butter enough to say that I'm scared of it!The stuff is gross and I can't stand to be near it. My friends bug me with it all the time. Good to know that somepony out there shares my feelings towards it. I also have a fear of being sticky. I tense up and freak out if I have anything sticky on me. And, last but not least... Bugs. Mainly small bugs. Anything small and crawly freaks me out.
  21. Upright bass is tons of fun once you get it going, but they're pretty expensive and hard to get used to sometimes. I use an upright bass to record occasionally and it's always enjoyable. It can be a bit limiting at times but there's just no other sound like it.I just wish they weren't so damn heavy and awkward to carry. Moving it to and from the studio has got to be one of the most grueling tasks ever and I always seem to get stuck with it http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  22. Happy Birthday you hideous chud of a child! :D

    1. Cloud-Chaser


      Enjoy feasting on my gluteus maximus you un-goodlooking rude offspring. Thanks tho?

    2. Cloud-Kicker


      Go learn your song you incompetent little mouth breather.

      ...and you're welcome.

  23. I guess if I was to talk to anypony, I would probably be most comfortable with either Twilight or Fluttershy, my two favorites out of the Mane 6, because I can so easily relate to each of them. Both simultaneously would be nice because Fluttershy probably wouldn't come out of her shell until halfway through the conversation, and while she builds up the courage to say something, Twilight could probably tell me how I ended up in Equestria and talking to cartoon ponies.
  24. Damn! I didn't even think of Jeff Berlin. The guy is pretty amazing. I don't think I've ever seen anyone hold their own alone on bass as well as him. That's pretty crazy that you get to work with him. I could only dream of such an opportunity. It's nice to know that there's some good bass enthusiasts out there. Bass guitar always seems to get overlooked.
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