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Everything posted by Boofyhooves

  1. aww thank you so much for the youtube vid! *smooshes* Thank you so much Twilight! Woot woot!
  2. My two best friends and myself at the Pirates of the Pigeon River Race (Yes I have converted them into fellow bronies. /)( As you can see it wasn't that hard.) And a fuzzy close up.. will try to find a better one in a few! And found a better one of me and my momma! My hero.
  3. Hi Lilly! *waves crazily* Hi hi hi!
  4. Coming in on the Pinkie Party Train so -5 to the RE buh bai points! and minus one to the Pink-fu forces. Sorry guys it's for the good of the Party! NLR - 41 SE - 48 DDL - 60 RE - 60 (-) PPCPL -71 (-) Take a swig and party again!
  5. Aww thank you War, I'm almost through too. This is my Senior yea. Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Aww you two! It was soo nice to have met you both in the pony chat! Pegasisters unite! Hehehe. I'm having a blast so far and it's so nice to finally meet some diehard pony fans like myself. /) (\
  6. Hahhaa, it really is!You are so silly. /) (\
  7. I love your pony too.. the arrow to the knee made me lulz.
  8. It looks lovely. The goggles are really cute, and the coloring is unique.
  9. Thank you! I finally got my cutie mark! (my avatar piccie) Thank you for the warm welcome.
  10. I absolutely adore Applejack for her core family values and strengths. (and she's my favorite pony!) Yet I just cannot see myself living on a farm (again). I absolutely hated it growing up! Having moved onto a more.. active social life and having experienced ponies like: Rarity: While I value good fashion tips, I do not like having to try on new things.. constantly. Also I'm a tomboy, a fashionista is a good thing in small doses for me. Fluttershy: Can't have friends over because they'd go into their bedroom and not come out! Twilight: I appreciate a person with book smarts and earnest good intentions. There is room however to be more disorganized and I'm sure the constant lists of what to do would make me grate my teeth. Rainbow Dash: I'm allergic to clouds. JK! I love sports too, but a lil too competitive for my tastes. And here we have it, out of the Mane 6.. (and others mentioned *mwah to derpy!*) I think I'd have to choose Pinkie Pie! She's a wild partygoer and knows how to have a good time. I myself and super happy hyper all the time! We'd drive everyone crazy with our antics and non-stop partying. Woot! Also, living in the Cake's shop.. coming home to the smell of cupcakes and pies.. and omg.. .*drools* What's not to love! If you are gonna party, party hard! Woo!
  11. Nice! My friend linked me the episode "Bridle Gossip" and from there I went back to see the first pilot episode. It was ON from then!
  12. I think it's bubbles, her cutie Mark was used as another background character's cutie mark in the past. They have the same design and cutie mark. They called her Flutter Doo/ Flutter Hooves/ Missing Bubbles on the Wiki Page:
  13. I'm all about the cuddly non-clopped no-porn versions of ships! That being said I love 1 Spike x Rarity 2 Discord x Celestia 3 Fluttershy x Big Mac (my personal fav!) 4. Soarin' x Dashie Um.. yay.
  14. The day had started off completely wrong. First, my neighbors upstairs decided it was a good time to practice clog dancing.. or whatever it is they do above me. The heater was busted so stepping out of bed was like being in the Titanic movie. I clung to my robe like Rose did that busted door and ran to the bathroom. Got into the shower, surprise surprise, my roomie had used all of the hot water. Colder, wetter, and a bit more bitter I finally made my way to the sink and for some reason my hairbush was in the trash bin. I did an facepalm and just got ready with a minimum of effort. Then we were out of cereal, and I couldn't find my car keys. (Good thing I was woke up early!) So with a slump I got into my car. First a song from the Mighty Boosh called 'Isolation' popped up on my Ipod. Then 'Smile, Smile, Smile.' started it's friendly assault on my earlobes. I cranked it up, would've done Pinkie Pie proud. Opening up my cardoor, I had forgot to hit the button to power it down when a little girl was walking by holding hands with her momma. Her head snapped around as I had dropped something on the ground that clacked loudly, so that initially caught her attention. Then she started peering at me, her little eyes honing in and squinting as she began to pick up the lyrics of the song. A loud cry of 'MOM IT'S PINKIE PIE'S SONG!' and she started singing it at the top of her little lungs. I smiled for a moment and then busted out singing with her. Her mom mouthed a quiet 'Thank you' over her head and after the song finished I walked over and showed her how a brohoof worked. She said she can't wait to tell her friends at school. A smile washed over my face as I watched them depart and she turned to wave at me for what seemed the 50th time. Sometimes a song can go a long way to make your day better. That's why I love this song so much, it was great before, but this memory will always make me smile, smile, smile.
  15. Amen to that! Blue Ribbons all around Yes!!! I was on a straight marathon run for the first 12 episodes before I recalled I had to be up early for my internship the next day. I looked at my clock in disbelief like.. I want moar ponies! I just don't know what went wrong! Thanks for your welcome too! I'm so glad I found this place.
  16. Haha thank you so much Crispy! I simply adore your PBR icon *brohooves* Too soon? Lol, thank you again for the welcome.
  17. Hello Kenai! It's very nice to meet another new pony fan! Let's hope we're good additions to the herd.
  18. Hi everypony, I'm a Senior in college, majoring in ponies! (I mean Criminal Justice.) I recently was converted to the herd and am very happy to have found this forum. As of last week I've seen all the episodes. All of them. I'm a huge fan, but have ran into trouble finding like minded bronies and pegasisters. I hope that I can make some pony fan friends and brohoof in style.
  19. Hi there, new to the site. Hope to make some brony and pegasister buddies :)

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