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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Boofyhooves

  1. Hey guys, I'm finally back!



      That name...


  2. Super busy irl! Sorry I haven't been around everypony.

    1. Ezynell


      t'sal good

    2. DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      Boofy! I haven't talked to you in forever! How have you been?

    3. Boofyhooves


      so busy i'm about to plop over


  3. All and all you're just another dash in the wall.
  4. I'm glad you are still going to be with us Twist, you are a gem. Way to stand up for yourself.
  5. Whoa.. Facebook too many messages.. HALP!

  6. I worked my hooves off today *plops*

    1. Crispy


      Long day? *tosses a beer*

    2. Boofyhooves


      Hah, thanks Beer Pony!

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everypony!

    1. DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      DJ MUFF1N D3RP

      Thanks Boofy! Same to you!

  8. Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes everypony! <3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Terg_the_Electric_Wizard


      Happy Birthday Boofy! ^^

    3. Boofyhooves


      Thank you everypony! Bday was great day!

  9. Banned because Smile Smile Smile is best pony.
  10. NLR - 43 (-) SE - 29 DDL - 19 RE - 27 PPCPL - 50 (+)
  11. Le False. I'mma marry Master Chief someday. The Pony after me is obsessed with skittles.
  12. I myself have been to Africa when I volunteered for the EPCL (Equipping People ~ Changing Lives). It is true, that the governments there are nothing like what we term the 'Westernized World'. The standard of living in Africa is turmoil, and chaos reigns. That being said, I have seen both the Militaristic handling of the local populations and the government's handling. End conclusion? Yes they both suck. But, as I've been to Africa and seen first hand the handling of the populous and their standard of living, I find all this hoopla surrounding this campaign irritating to say the least. Kony and the Uganda Government have been broadcast over the years in news forums as the blackhearts they are. It really grates me that a facebook movement is what it took to get any attention shed on the problems that citizens in African states live in daily. I find both Kony 2012 and this video to be propaganda based attacks. In criticizing the cause against Kony, the Uganda governments handling of the situation, AND the U.S. governments motives we're losing sight of the big picture. The big picture is there are people in Africa, and all over the world, who do not have adequate means of living and are prosecuted in their homes. I wish people would stop pointing fingers long enough, accusing one another of such lowness, and actually DO something about the poverty, hardships, and abuse these people face. I get it, I really do, that these videos are trying to shed light on trumped up causes and our governments entry into Uganda. I just wish the world wasn't so full of cynicism and bias information. Maybe that's the optimist in me, but dear god, stop accusing and stop abusing. At least Kony 2012 is a positive message, this video is just a bunch of blaming the American Government for the ills of the world. I'll end on this note. One of my favorite instructors in college told me once, 'All information is bias.' If you question something, someone's motives, their very existence, then research, do your homework.
  13. Banned because these forums are dedicated to ponies, and not the Walking dead!
  14. Nope, I'm pretty much like Pinkie Pie, a loud open book with stereo surround sound. TPAM likes to say Omelette Du'Fromarge in their sleep.
  15. and I have found another possible convert. BRUHAHHAHAA!
  16. Aww yeah! Birthday is this Friday! So excited!!!!

  17. I totally got up and danced with the ponies! Awww yeah! LRP knows how to parttttay!
  18. I loved it! Cute cute cute! Mlp Forum Thread Videos are best pony.
  19. 109 days until Thursday Night Foosball.. HOW WILL I SURVIVE.

  20. Oi hi everypony! Hope you all have a great Saturday!

  21. I profess my love of ponies pretty openly, I think it might be easier as a girl to do so. I feel for you bronies in the herd that have to face scrutiny just for your love of a great tv show. *brohooves you all*
  22. Welcome welcome welcome to Pony Forums today!
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