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Posts posted by Lightning-flickr

  1. I've only really been sleep walking 2.


    1) I fell asleep in my bed on Christmas eve and woke up in the bath tub.

    2) I went on holiday with my friend and started talking with his mum about a chicken jumping over my suitcase.. Weird..


    So have you ever been sleep walking?  :P

    • Brohoof 1
  2. So, I've never had major surgery, but I did hurt my thumb once.


    I was 6 and I was making a fruit salad for my day cause it was fathers day, then I chopped an apple accidentally chopped my thumb in half. Then I went the emergency room and my dad had to listen to me scream for the rest of fathers day :P   

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Walking slowly in a linear formation across a narrow walkway. Seriously, how inconsiderate

    I HATE that. If you're not going to walk fast then at least stop stumbling around and let me pass you.


    ...I've wanted to trip up so many people for doing that :okiedokielokie:  

    • Brohoof 1
  4. What are some little things people do to annoy you? 

    I have quite a few but these are my big ones:


    *Playing a game on your phone REALLY loud in public.


    *People not saying "Thank you" when I hold the door open for them or pick something up for them.


    *People not using turn signals. 


    *When you text someone and the one thing they say back for hours is "Oh".


    *People being really loud in public about something they know nothing about.


    *And lastly, when people quote me on here just to agree with my statement, when they could have just brohoofed it. 


    These things annoy me, what things annoy you?  >_>

    • Brohoof 9
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