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Posts posted by Lightning-flickr

  1. "Yep, absolutely. Let's get going. It's about to get dark and it'd be good if we could go under the cover of darkness." Let me just get a couple things. lightning flicker trotted down the stairs and picked up his knifes. Then trotted back up the stairs and said "lets go" then they left out the door. 

  2. It all depends on what type of site you are trying to setup. You can do allot without coding anything with PHPFox. However, if you want a secure site, you need a coder.

    So basically what I need is a site that is mainly information that only a couple of people can edit (Like equestria daily) but then also a messaging system and a thing that tells you when people are online. 

  3. It depends on what you mean by easy to learn.


    - If you use the block system, and a preset theme with little modification, yes.

    - However, as ALL block based code, it is a pain to edit. It was hair ripping to redo the code.


    The 90 days of support is very useful if you have a question.

    I might have a problem then I only took one class about script in high school and I failed that anyway. God this is becoming a huge hassle /:

  4. Our website is not a social networking site. We gutted the code and redid it as a video hosting site with social elements. There are tons of social networking sites that run on the PHPFox engine, I believe if you look around a bit you can find them, and PHPFox itself even has a demosite you can play with.

    I see. I think I will need to get the $300 one for it to do everything I need it to. I noticed it said "includes 90 days of support." what does that mean? Also is the software easy to learn? 

  5. I'm currently using weebly but I need to do more with it. It almost needs to be like facebook, but not... If that makes any sense. 

    It is a one time fee, though $99 doesn't get you crap, we use the $300 version.

    I DON'T HAVE BLOODY $300! Humm. I guess I could raise some money. The website I'm starting is for charity so I might be able to get money. Is your website up and running? I'd love to see if it has everything I need before I spend 300 bucks. 

  6. Hello! I really need help building a website. I will be willing to pay for hosting ect. but I need it to be able to do a couple things.

    1)host messaging between 2 people

    2) Have offline and online notifications 

    Those are the main 2 things I need really... But if I could get someone who's techy on this that'd be fantastic!

  7. "You're right actually. We'd need to know if there's anything we missed to do with the security system. Not to mention that if one of us manages to get in the employs section we can see what's behind there." Flicker looked over to shadow. "So what d'ya say? Wana go on a little mission?" 

  8. The reason some people hate bronies is because that they spam pony-related stuff all over the place.


    So I would be careful with this approach.

    I never like to annoy anyone so when I got into ponies I kinda left tumblr and facebook cause none of my other friends wanted to see that stuff. But this is slightly different. This is world domination  :comeatus:

  9. "I'm actually pretty stealthy. Wouldn't call myself an expert, but I'm better than the next bloke. I do think we should rob the store tonight but we'll have to wait for everpony to agree on one plan. "cough" ONE plan"cough"  So until that time we're kinda stuck here."

  10. "I'm obviously for my own plan. Not to be a one sided arse, but my plan will be much quicker. Time is of the essences in any mission. We can't waste a second. Not to mention that if one of us get's a job there, then there's a robbery and that pony never shows up again, there would be search parties. Then the whole guild would go down once that pony is found. Unless we fake a death but that is so much more effort. I stick by my plan. Sorry to upset you but that's how I feel. My vote's for plan 1." Lightning flicker sat back and watched the other ponies cast their votes. 

  11. Well, big mac and cheerilee are secondary characters so if they were hugging in the background that'd be fine. But twilight is a main character, so we can't really have her getting into a relationship. The only reason why hearts and hooves day was a thing was because it was SOOOO over the top that little girls would go all cringy and giggly.

  12. "Okay, so the plan so far. Me and vision will fly down through the air vent. We will then throw smoke grenades made by End game into the store, giving us a chance to fly behind the security cameras and cut the wires. we will then flap as hard as we can to get rid of the smoke out of the open air vent. after that we'll open the backdoor letting everpony else in. From then on I'd guess we have max, 10 minuets to get everything we need. We don't want the fuzz catching on. End game, do you think you could crack a safe in 10 minuets?"

  13. "These are the resources we currently have to our advantage. 1) We have in depth knowledge on the store's set up plus photos. 2) We know how to outwit the security system. 3) We have 1 smoke grenade. Contrary to that, 1) We don't know if guards stay in there over night. 2) We don't know if there's other weapons in the employees only room. 3) We still don't have many weapons or resources so we can't go in all guns blazing."

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