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Posts posted by Lightning-flickr

  1. "I thought we'd go at night? It seems a little silly to go and gas the place if there's nopony in there. Also who here is a good flyer? My idea was that 2 or 3 pegasuses go through the air vent, fly down into the store and cut the wires behind the cameras. Flying is a lot quieter than walking round on the ground so there's less of a chance we'll get caught. After the pegasuses cut the wires we let the other ponies in through the backdoor. Then we grab what we need and go. If my theory about the guards watching the place is true we'll need to travel light. My suggestion is we grab about 3-4 items each, ones that you personally are specifically skilled in and then we hoof it out-a there. We will also need all the bits we can get. The guild itself is currently quite poor so we'd need all of it. End game. I want you and golden to look around upstairs and find a safe. There might be something good in there. So can I count on you?" 

  2. "Well you can all assume I'm in. And I think I have an idea of how to get in. It's to do with the air vent. I'll tell you all once we get to the planning room." Lightning flicker walk up the stairs, confident in his plan. He had to be anyway, if he wasn't he had nothing else going for him. 

  3. "The name's Lightning flicker. Recently came here from trottingham looking for my fortune. Sadly this was the only place I could find work. I am an expert with throwing knifes and am alright with a sword. I don't plan to fail at any mission we do and know the key to any mission is stealth. I have nothing to go back to and nothing to look forward to. This is why we must succeed , this is my big payoff. I will be a right pain in the arse sometimes but at least now you know why. I imagine you lot have a somewhat similar back story or you wouldn't be here."

  4. "Well I'll explain if no pony else will.  End game pretty much blew up the kitchen and now refuses make his explosion safe." Lightning flicker looked round the room with a sarcastic face. "Even though everypont else agrees with me end game IS being quite stubborn."

  5. Lightning flicker stumbled into the kitchen "WOW! That's a bloody fantastic idea! Let's blow up the store! That'll never attract guards or anything! I've actually got a thing we could try. Golden, rather then protecting each of us in a weird bubble, focus all your energy into one small bubble that goes round one of  End game's explosions. If it does what I think it'll do it should contain the blast and the sound. Wana try it?"

  6. Spike gets no pony. This is a fact. He is there as an assistant and comic relief. He will not get with either of the 2 sisters and will remain a baby dragon for the rest of his life. He'll get old but never grow, as we learned in "The secret to my excess". In which we also learned that rarity knew spike had feelings for her and had no trouble using that to have him do tasks she didn't want to do.Sweetie-spike will not be a thing considering we've only seen them together twice. First was that ONE photo from the wedding and second was that time spike dun fuqed up and had to jump on a train to catch angel. Even in that episode spike was kind of a dick to the CMC's so unless you want sweet little sweetie belle be in an abusive relationship with a dragon who fancies her sister and could turn into a monster at ANY TIME... I suggest you support sweetie-mash  :catface:

  7. I don't really like hearts and hooves day. It has never really benefited me. So this year I thought I'd make an effort. I've fancied this girl for round a year, we chat and stuff  and I decided to try and do something nice for her. But as I'm doing it I was texting her and found out we differ greatly in some categories. I was thinking maybe I could get her to see my ways, but now I'm thinking that's a bad idea. I was dying a white rose her favorite color and It's not going too well. Maybe that's like a metaphor for trying to slightly change this girls personality /:  

  8. One thing I absolutely hate and think is really immature and stupid, is when people use acronyms in real life, such as instead of just laughing they say "lol" or "roflmao" stuff like that, I mean, seriously! That is just pathetic and lazy!

    It's like "am I not worth the extra breath of air it would've taken you to construct a REAL sentence?"

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Lightning flicker sat around and mopped after his little outbreak. He still didn't understand everyone's reasoning for walking off so he took a moment to think about things. He made a list in his head:

    He wanted the enchanted knifes in the store.

    He knew the weak points of the store.

    He couldn't get into the store by himself.

    The weak point was the front door. The hard part was not being caught whilst getting in. There were also 3 cameras in the store. One by the door and 2 near the back. Lastly, there was his theory on the guards staking out the place. He'd wait till everyone got back to the guild to announce all of this. 

  10. rakuten.com


    They have great deals on refurbished stuff. Have purchased a few off here and they've been great. I'd grab a Core Duo/Core 2 Duo Lenovo and call it good.


    As for getting your Adobe software onto something without an optical drive, you should be able to download it from Adobe's website or you can use a USB optical drive to install by disc.


    Normal netbooks will not run programs like what you want. You'd basically need a 13" or bigger so you have some real specs rather than netbook specs. ULV processors and Celeron stuff, you'll regret buying if you do. I speak from experience in IT. Unless you go modern MBA, sub 13" just isn't worth it unless all you want to do is browse the web.


    The older, plastic MacBooks actually run illustrator and stuff well (this depends on version of course, you've still not said, I ran CS4 with great success). If you go that route I recommend the black version since it had top specs, and ram is cheap/easy to upgrade if you feel you need it. Anything newer will be even better.


    Don't forget to look on Amazon as well, they have good deals on older laptops too. Found the black MacBook for $220.

    Thanks, the mac book was 2007 and the program was eirther CS3 or CS4 

  11. The idea was to get something cheap. But, I don't know actually? Maybe I should ask for one for christmas. I know this year just started but with all the stuff I've got to do, this year is going to be incredibly fast.

  12. @@Lightning-flickr


    Yeah, you may have a little trouble with the 1GB of DDR2 RAM in there, but.. It'll still work.

    All i'm saying as of now is that what you pick is your choice, but I think the windows netbook actually provides a better performance of Illustrator.


  13. I was gunna do an experiment tomorrow. Draw something on the illustrator on the macbooks at school then send it to fishy and see if it opens. I only really need it for on the go use. As in I get an idea, sketch it then send it to fishy and make it look beautiful 

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