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Wolf Smith

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Everything posted by Wolf Smith

  1. @@Lightning Bliss, Lightning wait, there hasn't been a hint of magic yet, and I'm not the only one here, I was making a joke about your fur and everything. I'm the only really 'dark' alicorn here so far, the other one is here for research. I did get to speak to my dead mother, so unless you have something against ghost, then yea leave.
  2. @@Lightning Bliss, Shockingly no, he's a unicorn. So how's your life been, i don't know about you, but Discord is on my last nerve. That's the only reason I'm here, I just don't get why you want to be here, I mean look at you you don't really fit the whole darkness look, but if Death invited he must have a reason. @, Hi Death, we got a newcomer
  3. @@Lightning Bliss,Hello Lightning, nice meeting you here. Trust me don't get on Death's bad side and he has a sick sense of humor. *I turn back to her* Go ahead and take off the hoody, trust me you won't need it, sometimes it can get hot a hell in here *I chuckle and turn back to Death*
  4. @, Right away *I throw the shield on my back and leave for the main room* I won't give up, I will do this for my mother, I must. *I exit to a waiting skeleton with my drink and a few crackers* thanks *I come into the main room to hero still out and Death just standing* I'm done with my mother and she forgave me.
  5. @, ! *I stare back at Nightmare* How could i get it? I do even now where it is and if I fail, I'm basically on Death's door step. I don't know if I could do it. *It takes me a second* I'll do it, I'm Night Wolfe, son of Nightmare and Discord. I'm not afraid of Death, I'm the fucking son of chaos!
  6. @, *I look up at Nightmare* Oh thank you, but I don't think I can forgive myself, but what is it I need to do. I'll do anything for my mother if it means she'll still love me. *More tears form and fall off my face* And before you ask right now I'm really made at Discord so, that's why I'm here. @, Oh mother I will always love you and you know that. Tell you the truth I thought you were going to kill me. My life has been so hard, that necklace that death had with him I think *I look around and find it on the wall* Ok never mind, this necklace was own by Luna and this is how you've been getting to me, but tell me WHY!? Why do you haunt your own son. *I run to a corner and start to mop, but not crying* My whole life I've been in secrete, Celestia kept me hidden and what do I do when I get free, I kill my own mother!
  7. @, Mother! *I run up and start to hug Nightmare* Oh mother, if you only knew the truth. *I stair up in Nightmare's eyes and a tear form on my face* Why did Discord lie to me. Mother can you ever forgive me, i was under Discord influence. *I look back down, I can't look at my mother without me seeing me killing Luna*
  8. @, ! (I think in the back of my mind, nice job hero!) May I speak with her, if it won't hurt? (Please don't kill me please don't, curiosity just got he better of me) *I wait for an answer ready to fly out of there if thing start to go south. I turn to hero, crap he strong* I'm so doomed! @@Cimarronboy, I hope he's ok
  9. @@Cimarronboy, *I turn back to the young alicorn* SHUT UP HE DOESN'T KNOW I"M SPYING! Well I don't know about you, but he seems ok. Beside I might be able to see my mother again(read last 2 posts). I say he's ok in my book, but I do have one question. If he feeds off of sorrow then why always me, tell you the truth I was about to punch him early. Behind this door is his 'well of souls' and I think Nightmare saw me, so I think I'm DEAD! And do changelings feed off of love? @, I hope she's wrong, you seen 'ok'
  10. @, What the fuck, this is what goes on behind all of our backs. *I stair at the middle of the room and see Death and Nightmare* Mother. *A smile forms on my face* I'm so sorry mother, I'm soooooo sorry. *My voice carries and Nightmare hears it, she turns to the door and sees me standing there* @, He feeds off of sorrow, that's why I fill drain all the time.
  11. @, Thank you, Death. I can't believe I just said that. So if I call grom, I'll get any food i want, hmm, I'll try it. GROM *A skeleton comes running out* One glass of team and just some crackers for now, thank you. You know maybe I could get one of the guards to do this. *I stair off to where Death went off to* I wonder, if he won't mind if I take a look. *I walk over to where Death left and open the door*
  12. @, *I look up a flash of my mother flashes before me* This necklace that I wear *I hold it up and floats it over to you* It was owned by Luna, this is how she has told me everything and how she haunts me. Discord tried to make me forget, but failed. This necklace is my only line to Luna and Nightmare, if you can put her soul in it, maybe she'll stop huanting me
  13. @, *I still stair at the floor and open my wings and fly to the other side of the room and seat back down* You created everything, so my whole life you already got down. You made me kill Luna, you've caused every bad thing that has happen to me, so let me come to this....Why make me?
  14. @, If it makes you happy JUST F**KING DO IT. Make a poor alicorn see his dead mother, you are sick, but I guess that's what I get from Death. Why send for just us, are you just trying to gut under our skin, make us fill bad about our live. *I stair at the floor and a tear forms and falls*
  15. @, Well now it's just me and you, so do anything fun in your spare time, besides causing death. *I stare up at Death and look back* *I whisper to myself* Dang he's more creepy then the Celestia statue. So if you control everything, then why make me kill Luna, why not make Discord!
  16. @@Cimarronboy, Maybe....Just maybe. So what do you think of me so far, many our scared of me, just because- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *I hold my jaw and a drop of blood falls out* Freaking fangs, I'll never grow into them. *I go and take a seat and spawn a mirror* Dang this isn't no small hole, anypony here good at healing spells *Another drop fallows out* Why now and why me! @, I don't think I could *Still holding my jaw* Again anypony here good at healing spell?!
  17. @@Cimarronboy, It's not that I killed Luna so in turn I killed my own mother and now she haunts me, day and night. *I look all over the walls* All i have to say so far is, nice castle. So again you're here for research? Well truest me you'll have fun and now @, Why bring us here? *I open and close my wings* Crap they hurt
  18. @, *I jump back* My mother...I'm not a monster, I won't fall for anything you try *I turn around to Death* Try as you might, but I won't snap not this easy. I may have killed my mother, but I won't fall due to any tricks you might try. I'm strong. *In the back of my mind, I'm crying, why must I have killed my own mother!?*
  19. (Uh sorry, I forgot to follow the topic) So hello everypony @, *I go to find a seat* So you're this Death guy, well glad to meet you, so tell me why host this party and just for alicorns *I look around looking at all the alicorns* *I whisper under my breath* I hope and pray nopony has anything against Discord or Nightmare @@Cimarronboy, So you are here to learn about the different alicorns, well I'm very intresting, considering Nightmare Moon is my mother and Discord is my father. *I sit down on the ground waiting again for this death guy* I know you are there Death, my mother was Nightmare, so I can also hide in the shadows, NOW SHOW YOURSELF
  20. My OC has a DARK back story, long story short he killed his own mother and he doesn't know it
  21. I wake up filling so sleep that I could fall back again. *knockknockknock* Who is it? It's me Night open up, it's me Armored *I get up and check the door* what is this, a letter? *I skim over reading it* Well I'm off, tell Discord I said by. *I fly up to the castle and begin to knock* hello is anypony here!? @, Hello is anypony here *Looks down a the note* Nope this the right place, maybe Discord is pulling my leg again, I hope not. A party at this random castle just for alicorns, can't be true. *I take a seat, still tiered from the trip* Dang my wings hurt, now who is this death guy
  22. Work on hard and do good

  23. Writing, gaming, and Rping life is good

  24. @@Asbel Lhant, Night Wolfe, the E is silent @, My mother was Nightmare Moon and sometimes Discord can really get at my nerves, man I wish I was more powerful
  25. I'm up, I have a webcam and only 30 youtube subs, and trust me my stories on fimfiction, yea try 43 dislikes, but Hi, I'm game
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