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Crystal Decor

Blank Flank
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  1. Hey everyone i am Foley 'w'..nice to meet ya..i wanted to re introduce myself, since i have a new character for myself and have changed alot since i was here last.
  2. Merry Birthiversary! 

  3. Love your name and pic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      Nice to meet you.

      How are you?

    3. Crystal Decor

      Crystal Decor

      You to! :), im somewhat good.


    4. TheRockARooster


      I'm OK.

      Might go to bed soon.

  4. Well if it hasnt been a while..almost a year? wow.., well regardless of that im back and i hope to post more soon! ..Hope everyone are well!..,things are going up and down here mostly down but ill be fine eventually i hope..:3!..

    1. Snow


      welcome back! X3

      lets hope the ups come sooner ey?

  5. have happy birthday =)=)=)=)=)YAY!

  6. Hi there, and happy birthday! :) Hope you have a good time~ ^^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2012/11/9/146452/large.png

  7. Hello everypony<3 i hope all of you are doing well~

    1. Big_Macincheese


      Doing fantastic, how are you Crystal?

    2. Crystal Decor

      Crystal Decor

      Gosh im glad your good!, im really sorry for the delay ;_; im not on here as much as i would like to be , but im fine thank you! :3<3

    3. Big_Macincheese


      Aww thanks, but it's ok that you can't be on here more often, but at least you're on here, and it's nice to hear that you are doing well also ^__^

  8. Yawwn~just woke up in time for dinner ive been so sleepy lately..~

  9. Wanna know a little bit more about me and why Crystal looks the way she does? click here : http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=29wn2h2>&s=8#.VEr4Wvl_t8E

  10. wanna know a little bit more about me and why Crystal looks the way she does? click here : http://tinypic.com/r/29wn2h2/8

  11. Sure! sounds super fun! here is my Pony self<3 ( her name is Crystal decor ,second pic is of her and my big sister , i made my sisters pony sona without her knowledge though so its not really as detailed haha xD)
  12. I just watched Rainbow rock's it was amaaaazing and the sirenes outfits..soooo coool! holy shit,stuff in this fandom just keeps on getting more and more EPIC,i do hope they do a season 5 but i wont put my hopes up to high

  13. Does anyone have skype? i would love to have more people to write with but im much more reachable on there ^w^

  14. I really love being on here its like one big happy familly<3 thank you all really for being so great<3

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