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Posts posted by Convergence


    I'm fine with it, military figures and nobles had trained falcon's so it's a good fit plus I've always found them cool. Thinking about this made me go and look up that cool falcon from Mulan http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Hayabusa_the_Falcon it looks like it would fit right into the mlp universe ha! And since the animals are smarter in mlp can be as smart as angel bunny is. That seems okay to me and makes sense in game, approved for now. If anyone is against it and can give some good reasons and convince me then it will just suffer sudden bird later.


    yay. Sweet, as smart as angel? I am going to have some fun with that. Hmm something that might be interesting, some posts or parts of posts from the falcon's point of view...

  2. Radiance's body was fighting against her, trying to slow her down, to stop trying. She ignored the painful protests of her body, and forced herself to think clearly. "Just like my training." Radiance cringed, and resisted the urge to vomit. She had promised herself that she would no longer think of those days. 


    The blue pegasus caught her off guard, she wasn't expecting someone so quickly. "Although she probably won't be of much use to me, babbling on like that." That is when Radiance saw five ponies, 2 pegasi and three earth ponies that looked as if they would confront her. She sighed in relief, "Whew no magic. Can't fight, not like this. Appearances Radiance, appearances." She turned to the mayor's secretary and whispered in harsh tone, "Shut up Ice Breaker, you fool! Do not look scared. Help the recruit walk," she motioned to the pony struggling to keep up.


    Radiance stopped, and whistled. The sudden outburst shot a bolt of pain through her head. She ignored it, and called "Anivia, to me." Within seconds, a Black shape could be seen in the sky, flying towards Radiance at an alarming speed. The falcon came to a gentle landing on Radiance's shoulder pauldron. It looked at Radiance's face and cocked her head.  Radiance spoke loudly, loud enough for the five ponies to hear, "Message them." The falcon swiftly took off and flew at top speed towards the castle with a shrill call. "There is no message attached. Hopefully they will figure out there is trouble. Anivia is rather persistent."


    A wave of light erupted from Radiance's horn. She hid how much she had to exert herself to accomplish such a task. She turned to face the five ponies. She addressed them in her diplomatic tone. "Is there anything you need? I fear I cannot provide assistance to you at this time. I am far too busy at the moment. If it is an emergency, please contact either the mayor or anypony within the castle."

  3. Seeing as my character hasnt met raven, I cant really comment.


    For my next post, I want to introduce something new to my character, but want to make sure everyone is okay with it first. I want my character to have a pet falcon. It will be an ordinary trained falcon, as in it will be able to do everything a normal trained falcon could do: hunt, deliver messages, and respond to simple known commands. If anyone has a problem with this, please let me know and I will not add the pet. 

  4. So umm, I disappeared for the longest time without any notice, and was dreading returning and having to apologize to everyone. By some foul sorcery, I really did not miss much. In all seriousness, sorry for disappearing and I am still in on this RP (That is if my character has not died from poison over the weeks ive been away!  

  5. A well done Mary Sue can actually be a very good character. However, when they are well done it is not apparent that they are in fact a Mary Sue. The thing is that 99% of the time, Mary Sues turn out to be over idealistic, overpowered, uninteresting characters. A character needs to have flaws and weaknesses to be a good character. Mary Sues rarely have that side to them. On the other hand, if you are playing a character based off your own character traits it is possible to RP them very well, possibly to a greater end than normal characters. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I am actually a very calm and collected person, especially when gaming. I find getting frustrated while playing loses someone more games than anything else. Period. I main support in League of Legends, I find I carry the team by keeping them level headed and not fight just as much as shutting down enemies and saving allies.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @Torrent505


    The commotion was too much. Recruits puking like their intestines were on fire. They would die a gruesome death, but Radiance could do nothing for them. To try would be foolish. She noticed the mare lagging behind, "leave them. You will kill yourself." Her muscles began to ache, but they were bearable. They will surely get worse fast. Radiance reached the door and forced it open. She traversed the ledge, and stepped into the cold night.


    Light erupted from Radiance's horn, it was noticeably more difficult this time. She did her best to focus, and sent a small yellow ball of light into the air. It dissipated, leaving nothing behind. "I may have been blowing smoke, but I do have a friend." A soldier should be stationed at the castle as a lookout for signs, if he followed her orders. Yellow means in dire need of Celestia. Red is send reinforcements, white is everything is fine. The castle should soon be aware of Radiance's return and that she is in a bad situation. Hopefully Celestia herself will take the warning seriously.


    "Hurry. Longer it takes, the worse it gets. Castle, now."  Radiance turned at started at a slightly slower pace towards the castle. She wanted the mare to live. Loyal recruits were valuable servants and the easiest to manipulate. As she walked, she felt her muscles seize up and her mind begin to grow foggy. Radiance was sure that she would be okay, but would the mare be able to keep up?

  8. Radiance saw a wave of light obscure her surroundings for a split moment. The timer had started. There was no time to lose. They often say that in the Guard there is no man left behind, Radiance was not prepared to risk her life for anyone. She turned to the mare that seemed to be the leader of the recruits, "my side now." Radiance voice then boomed "Rally to me if you want to live." She brought herself to a gallop towards the door, but she felt her mind and muscles begin to grow slow and sluggish. She forced her mind to clear as best she could. She forced herself to slow down just enough to become stable. 


    She forced herself to scan her surroundings. Her senses were not quite as keen as she would have wanted them to be at the time. She tried to look for any approaching figures, any potential hazards, and if the mare in uniform was following her. She did this while trying to make her way to the door and to the safety of the open city.

  9. Fair enough. I wasn't sure what the best way  of making that spell balanced was. I tried to make it so that the spell was really effective under a short duration, seconds to a minute. Exhaustion of recasting it to keep the effect would be what kept it weak. I definitely did not mean for it to be overpowered. I was planning for the spell to completely consume Radiance, meaning she couldn't fight, and she would must likely keel over from exhaustion in a fairly short duration. The way you described it seems perfectly fair, and perhaps a much easier way of monitoring the spell. Would the same recast and exhaustion issue persist?


    As for the medicine Radiance took, was any of it effective? Surely she would be in at least a slightly better boat then anyone that is merely caught in range of the spell.

  10. As she was trotting, Radiance felt a pressure building in her lungs. She was right, and this was the moment she was waiting for. Flicking her shoulders, the leather pouch that hung from her neck bounced out of her armour and into the open. Jabbing her hoof into a weak stitch in the leather, the purse cracked open spilling its contents onto Radiance's hooves. Herbs, fungi, pills, anything and everything that has been ever used successfully to counteract biological warfare. Proper dosages, and she made sure they had no confounding effects on each other. She ate them all in a large mouthful. The empty purse drifted lazily towards the ground mere seconds after Radiance felt a pressure in her lungs.


    Radiance's thought process was instantaneous. One of the benefits of being a trained strategist was a mind that could constantly be in fine focus. "Lungs, respiratory. Smoke, tobacco, alcohol. Poison. In air.  Drunkeness." She didn't have time to put it in words, but she knew that the air was tainted. Most likely with a substance that could cause severe inebriation and poisoning. What better way to mask murder then to make it look like one drank far too much at a pub?


    Before the empty purse hit the ground, Radiance's horn lit up in a dark golden hue. She was casting a spell created by the great battlemage that gave himself the oddest of names, Ozymandias. During an ancient war, rebels poisoned a town's water supply with a powerful hallucinogenic agent. The townsfolk and army began to slowly grow insane due to their nightmares constantly being brought to light. Ozymandias was able to craft a simple spell, a spell so ingeniously simple that any unicorn in their right mind could cast. In a short radius, light would burst out from the user's horn. Those close enough would have their minds purified and any effect of any narcotics, or chemicals in the blood would not affect the users. Radiance had no comprehension on how such witchcraft could even operate, she only knew its limitations. The spell would have to be cast in rapid succession, it did not solve the problem, it merely hid it. Rapid casting would surely lead to rapid exhaustion. Radiance hoped that her medications would be effective, and that her spell proved to be successful and that her followers where in range. However, her survival was really only what she was concerned about.  

  11. @Torrent505


    Radiance sighed, "Sir? Do I look like a stallion to you? To answer your question, you are here for eye candy. Nothing more." Radiance took a deep breath and thought if she really wanted to do this. She lowered her voice so that only the mare could hear, "there is a possibility that you may need to carry me. If that is the case, take me directly to Celestia. Not the hospital, nopony else. Celestia. No, do not ask."


    She turned around and started off at a swift trot. Her golden, horned helmet suddenly appeared in the air beside Radiance, and slid atop her head. To the castle. She only hoped she would arrive there, without anything out of the ordinary happening.

  12. @Torrent505


    Radiance could not mask her disgust for such a lazy stallion. "No, not long. Too busy drinking your life away?" Radiance eyed the mare. She reminded Radiance a little of herself, not too much but a little. I have to remember to ask her name. "I need you to accompany me, we are travelling to the castle. I will give further instructions when there. It most likely won't take much longer than an hour. Now follow me."


    Radiance turned her body and headed towards the door. She signalled to the recruits to hurry up and make their decision. Radiance was eager to be rid of this place.  

  13. @@Torrent505


    "Let us say it is unofficial. I have no warrant to command you, but I have use for you recruits. This is a good time to get in the good books of one of your superiors. Seeing that, I am willing to compensate you for your efforts." Radiance glanced at the mare, weighing options. She wanted no ties to this place. "I am only seeking aid from those in uniform. Now if you recruits would be so kind to follow me, we shall begin. It shan't take long."


    Radiance shifted positions, feeling her leather purse glide across her neck. She hoped she wouldn't need its contents, but the barkeeper's confidence was unsettling. She just hoped its contents, and the couple simple spells she was able to teach herself, would be enough if her suspicions became true. Radiance suspected she had been poisoned in some way, although she couldn't guess how. 

  14. Typical, sending a son to do an errand that he does not want to do. "Listen kid, you seem like a sensible pony. Your going down a rough line. Never do what I just did, seek an audience with somepony you have no confidence in. If I were afraid to die, I would have never stepped in this pub to begin with. I will pay for that wine." Radiance reached inside a special compartment of her armour, and drew out a small bag of bits. "Keep the change. If your father comes after me, you may need it for a nice tombstone."


    Radiance left the bottle of wine behind and walked up to the small group of Royal Guard recruits. She levitated a cup and smashed it against the table to silence them. "How would you ponies like to make an easy bit?"

  15. Radiance smiled as the mayor walked to the secret meeting place. She would have to pay the mayor a visit sometime depending on how this played out. She had evidence condemning her to treason, and she merely had a coincidence. Blackmail is such a powerful thing.


    The older barkeeper was clearly ignoring her. Radiance did not take being ignored well. She summoned a piece of paper, a quill and ink. She wrote on it:  I am willing to wait, but not for long. Do not tempt my patience. Tell your friend that if I walk out that door, you will never see me again. I am a powerful ally and an even worse enemy. And one last thing, bring me my wine. Radiance folded the letter, and levitated it towards the old barkeep, positioning it right in front of his face, forcing him to notice it. 

  16. @Torrent505


    Radiance stared at the bartender, and refused to break eye contact. "I am not surprised, I was expecting that response. Theoretically even if you could best me in battle, which is a ludicrous notion, do you really expect me to be so foolish? Do you not think that I have many powerful friends? Reliable, trustworthy friends that know exactly where I am. They of course pose you no threat and know not what is going on. However, if something were to happen to me, if they were to grow suspicious, or if they were to stumble upon a certain letter, they will not stay peaceful long. The question is, do you really want the whole might of the Royal Guard showing up at your door?"  


    Radiance became distracted as the mayor and his aid entered the pub and proceeded to walk directly towards her. This was certainly not good. She forced her face to change expression to something mirroring concern and confusion. She replied to the mayor's frantic questions with "I cannot say that I am not offended Goodheart. What could possibly be causing you so much distress? I know the Royal Guard recruits can cause quite a ruckus, but I can hardly imagine them doing something so consequential. Please mayor, I am confused and you appear positively distraught. Come sit and join me, I have just ordered some fine spiced wine. Let us share a quick glass, and I am sure I can put your mind to ease. Then perhaps it is time for some rest." 

  17.  @Torrent505


    Radiance stared at the bartender, she wasn't sure whether to be impressed or infuriated. "You are bold to speak so freely. I may have use of your services someday, that is unless your tongue gets you killed before then." Radiance sighed in annoyance, "I have no need for a bottle, I suggest you make an exception. I am quite 'comfortable' where I am, I think I will stay here. Tell your friend that if he would like to converse he shall do it here beside me."


    Radiance was distracted by an outburst of uproarious laughter. She spied a group of maggots of the Royal Guard enjoying themselves a little too much. "On second thought, give me the whole bottle. I may have use for it after all."

  18. Radiance's armour shone a deep burning orange in the setting sun. She worked short days, but Radiance was always completely drained by the time she reached her front door. It was not uncommon for her to find notes tacked to her door, without a thought she ripped it off and it levitated in the air beside her as she walked into her house. The envelope was carefully torn, and the letter taken out as she made her way to the kitchen. As Radiance read the letter a cupboard flew open and a bottle of scotch flew threw the air and landed next to her. She sighed, her servants would not arrive for another hour; it was not befitting of a lady to drink such spirits no matter how fine or well aged they may be. 


    Radiance poured herself a glass and took a small sip as her eyes glided across the paper. "On my front door? On my front ****ing door? Do you realize who I am, how easily Celestia could have found that, and then my skin would be stripped from my flesh. These imbeciles are going to get themselves caught, and when they do they will name names, they all do. If they want me, they will have to play my game and if they fail, they will burn at the stake not me."




    The stench of the tavern drifted through the air and into Radiance's nostrils. She turned her head up in disgust, however she would never admit that the smell made her feel at home. Radiance recognized the place, the pub where most lowly recruits of the Royal Guard willingly drank away their futures and last bits. "Who would ask a ranking captain to meet at a place where she would certainly be recognized no matter how well disguised she may be?" If she tried to blend in it would surely look suspicious, certainly one maggot would notice her, it would surely cause a large scene. Radiance does not exactly endear herself to those under her. She instead opted to blend in by standing out. She wore her official armour that glowed a rich sheen in the pale moonlight. Radiance flung the doors open and walked into the pub. Her expression said it all, she was too good to be here, and no one deserved the right to talk to her.


    Radiance sat down in front of the old bartender and barked the words "Spiced wine, the oldest and finest you have. Do not make me regret stepping hoof into this 'establishment' more than I already do. By the way, how is the devil's cut?"  

  19. Hmmm very interesting RP torrent. Seeing as I now have quite a bit of free time, my finals just ended, I would like to apply. However, I have a couple questions before I do so. The first, can my character have fairly close ties to Celestia? I am thinking of a character that is  and has been employed by Celestia for a long time. So he would have the benefits and downsides of that relationship while plotting. Second, you mention greed as being really important. Is it okay if my character does not want to share power for reasons other than greed? Thirdly, does my character have to act like a pompous upper class elite citizen or can he be more down to earth and only adopt formality when it is required of him? 

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