Dead Eye: Talents: Expert Marksman and recon officer, Extraordinary deductive skills(As indicated by his cutie mark of an eye), Magic eye implant(Increases overall accuracy)
Dead Eye was walking down the street with his usual stoic look on his face. He never really did show any kind of emotion towards anyone. Probably because of his line of work. Being a professional thief did have its perks, but it was a lonely job, not that he cared much at all.
He was contacted by some Mare with a job offer, How she found him was beyond him. One of his fences probably talked about him, something that he should rectify very soon. Once he heard about this team of thieves she was putting together, he was skeptical, but agreed in the end. "I'd be able to get more money anyway." He said to himself. He turned the corner and saw the place where he was headed, the abandoned warehouse. "Looks sketchy enough." He said to himself as he crossed the threshold and made his way up to the door. "This is it." He said as he opened the door and walked through. He Immediately saw a few ponies sitting at a table and decided to take a seat as well.