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Posts posted by Windseeker

  1. Does anyone else want to kick a vendor in the balls when they pass off some Pentium or Athlon II computer equipped with some variant of those shoddy Radeon HD 7000s video cards as a gaming rig for 600+ dollars?

    Sometimes it will be even more expensive and it would be a PC with integrated graphics and/or some crap APU.

  2. Any garbage that comes out of a freezer.

    A ridiculously large amount of raw meat one stores in a freezer? Sure, that's amazing. Fresh veggies you boil to prepare? Hit me up, man! Frozen egg and bacon biscuits, frozen pizzas, bagged chicken alfredo and hot pockets? No. No. NO! GTFO!

    You'll probably get more nutrients snorting the alkali from busted batteries than eating that trash. Lol really, don't do that though.

  3. Lol love the little :3 at the end of the thread title. "Why are you pitifully lonely you little shit? :3"

    Aaaaaaaaanyways, I believe I am not ready for the responsibilities of having a relationship, really. I am usually too uninterested nowadays anyways.

  4. Is Windows 10 really going to be their final OS? If so, how bizarre for Microsoft to adopt a business tactic synonymous to the approach Apple made that might have pushed them out of the personal computer industry after the AIM alliance.

  5. On 1/13/2015 at 6:33 PM, Marine_Vet_Brony said:


    Friendship can't survive Nuclear Explosions and the Nuclear Apocalypse.


    If it was the full might of the Earth Military Forces including WMDs then Earth wins.


    To be honest, humanity would have zero knowledge of the Equestrian Realm's geodesy, meaning not only do the WMDs need to be manually transported and launched via a TEL, their trajectory would take a total dump during midcourse of the flight phase because navigational systems are relying on an entirely different geodetic datum. I know not all missiles use GLONASS as a guidance system, but something tells me it's not a good idea to program a hydrogen bomb to act like those ancient V2 rockets and send it in some random direction neither. So the only way for WMDs to be effective is to probably manually place and hide them somewhere, feel free to correct me on the matter.

    I take no side, that's just my two cents. I honestly have no idea why I posted here with that, I don't know even know WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE!

    Also, ponies vs humans was always that silly debate that never ended since it started years ago lol

  6. I feel like I would just start a fight saying this, but I left the furry fandom after a few solid years of fighting, ending with a huge clash that left me with a warped impression on them for years to come. Then I discovered I can appreciate anthropomorphic animals from afar and not have to associate with the community behind them.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I played Age of Empires III and all its expansion packs, really loved Warchiefs when it was combined with Asian Dynasties. I was in the habit of playing Native American tribes and using the ritual fire pit to its fullest extent, which if you ask me, was pretty OP when it was fully filled with dancers set to increase unit production.

    AOE II was something I could never get into, despite being a huuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of the game with the same engine, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I get irritated with quite a few games, yeah.

    I do have trouble controlling my anxiety when it comes to competitive online first person shooters like Call of Duty or Counter Strike, then sometimes I just become really pissed and self conscious with my aim, so I just avoid them. I wasn't always like that, being a former hardcore fan of playing UT and Halo CE online.

  9. Apple gets cocky and has, since the 70s, churned out computers that are complete and utter garbage. However, some of those failures had amazing design ideas carried over and enhanced by other companies such as the hierarchical file systems from the Apple III and GUI features from Apple Lisa. Despite the ambitious innovations and their seeming redemption with the release of the first Macintosh, they eventually lost the PC industry to Microsoft and Intel and even allied with bitter rival IBM to counter them with their PowerPC nonsense, which flopped and ended up leaving Apple to adapt to the 21st century and finally adopt the x86 architecture for their computers. Which weren't all that bad.

    It's also no secret they have a very dictatorial policy towards computer service and software usage.

    Do I think their computers suck? As a once avid user of the G series who read every article about nearly every computer they made, absolutely, no doubt about it.

    Can I speak for their phones and laptops/tablets? No, maybe they are doing something right with those to stay afloat for this long.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I played Fallout New Vegas for years and loved every bit of it, but when I got the Ultimate Edition for PC sometime along the way, the game felt truly complete. I loved ALL the DLCs lol

    Dead Money was heavily criticized and it was insanely frustrating at times, some folks I know just want to GTFO once they dispatch Father Elijah. For me, once that collar came off, I went straight back into the villa to find more goodies.

    Lonesome Road however, was my most favorite of them all, great storyline and a boatload of interesting enemies and equipment. All the upgrades for ED-E immensely furthered his usefulness as a companion in the Mojave too. My favorite part was siding with Ulysses against hordes of Marked Men near the end, truly a battle more epic than the showdown in the Legate's Camp.

  11. I love racing games, I played the very popular ones from Burnout Revenge and Driver to super obscure titles like Wild Wheels or Off-Road Redneck Racing, even Hotwheels and Choro-Q when I was small. Bottom line, I played a lot lol...

    However I cannot, for the life of me, tolerate playing Gran Turismo 4 or Test Drive Unlimited without getting bored to death. I had to really think when it came to a game I didn't like because there aren't any! Albeit when I thought hard enough, I remembered just how dull these two were to me, how slow and repetitive the gameplay seemed and how empty I usually feel when I unlock an unimpressive car after hours of playing.

    Not sure why TD:Unlimited and GT4 are repulsive to me, maybe they are more serious games meant for real car enthusiasts, because I was never excited to unlock some ugly tuner or the Blastolene Special. The two do vastly contrast in style than the previous racing games I enjoyed, that I also mentioned. That's my best guess.

  12. I been through this a few times and I would typically respond with a long moment of silence and utter stoicism. I comprehend my good friends' emotions just fine and I understand what they are feeling, but I can never properly convey it in return, because a lot of the times it's a situation where you are gonna have to carefully choose your words.

  13. Yes, god yes, I regret it.

    A long time ago, I was a bitter anti-furry devil's advocate who pretty much stood unopposed in roasting the furry fandom until I made a foolish generalization of them out of pain and anger in that clop thread within the debate pit, makes me wish the thread would just die off already, it's been two years or so... I came a long ass way since then and I can't say I agree with anything I said at the time.

    So... woohoo.

  14. I first been involved in the MLP community around spring of 2012, and I started off on the rather interesting side of it... For those of you who remember all the creepypasta relics from eons ago (like Cupcakes or Rainbow Factory). Yep, it piqued my interest in MLP.

    It went through a lot of growing pains as a new trend on the internet, a swirling Fimbulvetr of dank memes and controversy with inherently enigmatic elements before finally settling down as an actually established fandom with slightly more chilled characteristics, or at least I like to think, that's just my perspective on it though. (I could just be desensitized). I had a very weird start and I seen some pretty lulzy events in the fandom back then; mainly from the fall of Ponibooru to the Dark Skyes scam.

    It kept me entertained, I certainly enjoyed it all lol

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