I LOVE Twilight soo MUCH. The reason is because I can relate to the many features of her character in my life and her design looks the best out of the mane 6
Hey everypony! What's your favourite song from the show. My personal favourite would be Smile Smile Smile ( Come on everypony smile ) because it's a really beautiful sounding song and relaxes me very nicely
Text : Twilightlicious
Colour : Purple
Size : 340 x 40
Type : Pony
BG : Twi's Cutie Mark or night sky
Extras : Twilightlicious Face ( like the one in my avatar )
Hey everypony! I have been a brony for sometime now and hoping to enjoy myself in this community. My name's Jonny, I'm 17 and if you want hmu on XBL : GT : XBL Brony