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About RunningWolf251

  • Birthday April 23

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    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

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  1. Are you still working on the drawings? I'm curious to see how the digital versions will look compared to the regular drawings, if that's how you're doing these.
  2. Robert Downey Jr., Martin Sheen (as voice of Illusive Man), George Bush Jr., James Earl Jones (voice of Darth Vader)
  3. I could see that, I suppose. I don't remember ever seeing an alicorn in the show trying to go through a regular sized door, but I haven't watched all the episodes in s4, and I doubt I could remember in from the past three if I tried. If there was a shot of regulars and alicorns going through the same door in a regular Ponyville house or otherwise regular sized door, that could probably help. The doors in the show seems to be proportionate to human doors -- maybe a bit smaller to fit the smaller pony sizes. Could be a horn-knocker for the alicorns though.
  4. Honestly, I've always thought of their heights as comparable to humans, if not smaller. My reason for this is the relative size of things around them. They look to be a bit shorter than humans. Unless they're just really tall and chunky. Could be completely wrong, but they just seem to be smaller, proportionately.
  5. I'd be curious to see some of Stan Lee's first comics in that case. It doesn't matter whether they look good or not, it's whether you can see where you went wrong (if you did) and fix it the next time.
  6. Strap a shock collar to their neck or each of their legs and play loud, annoying music to set it off. Watch, point, and laugh as they dance from the shocks. Classic.
  7. They all look really good, I used to do sketching and stuff a long time ago before I tried vectoring, and I know I was less than excited to put up some of my first ones from both categories. But I didn't do oc requests and I kinda wish I had now. That's a really good way to get a lot of materials to work with and still be able to draw it how you want. I've been checking on and off to see how you're doing, but take your time, I'm in no hurry. It's more for practice for you than for me. Keep up the good work, it can only get better with time
  8. Paint Tool SAI or GIMP will both work. Some people use Photoshop, but that's a preferential thing as it can be quite expensive compared to the two free tools before it. As for tablets, I have a Bamboo Create. It was about $100 new from the store, but you can find them online for cheaper. Most anything from Wacom's Bamboo line will do exactly what you want without being overly expensive, you just have to decide whether or not you want touch as well as pen.
  9. Have a character stare at them for a really long period of time and say nothing at all. Paint a wall, let it dry, set them in front of it, and make them wait until the paint is wet again. Shine laser pointers in their eyes. Break all of their favorite cd's or games one by one. Lots and lots of hair gel and a really bad makeup artist. Could do like the bad nose job doctor from Spaceballs and threaten to reverse a muzzle job they had in the past and had kept secret up until that point.
  10. Saw this, figured it was relevant in one form or another.
  11. Would you be interested in drawing two ponies together? They're a pair, so if you could do something along the lines of both of them flying side by side and just kind of smiling at each other? The two I'd like are the red stallion (Miles) and the brownish-yellow mare (Anna) in the back. If not, then just Miles would be fine with me. Up to you, thanks for offering, your art looks good!
  12. Some of the most annoying things I've seen in fanfics and roleplays have probably been said already, but are as follows: 1. Undeveloped story or underdeveloped story - Seriously, if you just slap together three crossovers of two of your favorite things plus the plot of the movie you just went to see, that's not a good story. 2. Undeveloped OC's - There's a point where 'overly shy, social outcast with a supreme talent that involves success every time' starts to get a little old, and it started right after the fandom began, so you missed the train. Static oc's also annoy me. The story is there to develop the character in some form or another, so if you write 10 chapters and your character doesn't change at all, you're either trying to say that your character is supposed to be static (and should probably be just a minor character), you don't know how to fix it, or you just don't want to. 3. XXX shippings - I think this one's been said to death and if it hasn't, we're all thinking it already. I'll leave its corpse where it rests. 4. Awful grammar/spelling - Nothing kills the mood and interest of a story quicker than 3rd grade writing. Well, apart from crappy and static characters, crappy story... List goes on, but this just makes me try and find something less productive to do for the rest of the day. I mean, I'll be honest... My grammar isn't awful, but it's not the best. You're not rushing to text your friends while you're driving, hoping some cop doesn't see you or you swerve over and hit a bus. At least try to make an effort to look like you're trying. That's far more tolerable than just trollfic'ing. 5. Trying to sneak in references to other things where they don't belong - You really shouldn't try to sneak it in there. It doesn't matter whether you really liked that quote from a movie or not, but trying to use main or memorable quotes from other things doesn't work out so well for your originality. So don't make your character stand in the middle of the bridge and yell "you shall not pass," or at least try and be obscure or strategic about it. 6. Unnatural crossovers - Mass Effect x How To Train Your Dragon makes just about as much sense as some of the other wonderful crossovers we've all had to endure. Stop it. Please. 7. Fallout - Just stop. Please. It's starting to get ridiculous and it's nowhere near the already-established canon that is completely free and available to read in-depth with author and storyboarder's notes online. If you're going to make a Fallout fic, follow the canon we already have. Stop twisting it into some creature that looks more like a gelatinous amoeba draped over a stale sack of flour. 8. School settings - Isn't something along the lines of roughly 10 to 20 years of school on average enough? Reading about it just makes me want to barf. I liked school, and I still do, but when you live through it it just seems so... unappealing. Yet it still manages to make some of the longest-lasting (and arguably lowest quality) roleplays and stories.
  13. Cool, nice to see some people from the server. What was your name on there, if you don't mind me asking? I might recognize it.
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