My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: Hey guys i found the mlp forums by well the show its self so i knew there must be a forum for this. And bam!
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: How I became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is MagicI became a Brony after being dared to watch the first episode and i did and i just fell in love with the characters, the colors, and beautiful animations, and the overall density of the characters and the great acting. Proud to be in the herd!
Im a "Smalltown." Brony you could say. Im kinda young but who gives a flying feather? I hope to make music and art later down the road but its always good to start small right? SO thats a bit about me. Cya every pony! /)^3^(\ So awesome! Btw me