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Celestial Wish

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Everything posted by Celestial Wish

  1. LOL! omg! I love you QT. omg omg my insides! im dying! LMAO! Welcome to MLP forum and family buddy. nice to have you YAYYY!!!!!1
  3. Thank you <3 she's my OC for my fanfic. <3
  4. HELLO! Welcome to the forums! My name is Celestial Wish, you can call me Celes.. CW.. Celly... or that crazy chick. Very nice to meet you
  5. Haha, I do that sometimes. I'm a writer so I tend to be dramatic sounding sometimes XD
  6. From natural disasters possibly wiping out the human race to fiscal cliffs desegregating and causing an upscale anarchic war... and forces outside of our control (meteors, solar flares), I've always wondered how exactly we're going to go down as a whole. Being a huge video game geek, I always try to contemplate on the possibility of video game realistic situations that could occur in our reality. For example, one of my favorite games of all time being The Last of Us. That reality is not as unrealistic as people think... Could this truly happen in our future?
  7. That Rebellion movie doe.... I'm a sayaka miki fan to the heart. She's me in an anime. I would die the same way.
  8. Nuts and Bolts was actually rushed. Microsoft rushed Rare for an earlier release, so the content they had wanted to put in the game had been cut off because of their deadline. D:
  9. One of my favorite musicals of all time has got to be the Cell Block Tango from Chicago. Anyone else like musicals? *NOTE: your favorite can be anywhere. whether it's MLP: FiM or not. Cartoon or Live Action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA6R1DMb-Z8
  10. me too. if i don't eat I'll usually pass out. One time it got so bad I went into a coma. ._.
  11. When it comes to cooking, I sometimes procrastinate so bad that I eventually starve myself. I also procrastinate laundry, it's mundane. I also procrastinate any kind of school work. Just like right now... sitting on the forums... typing this thread... and procrastinating on cooking my dinner... ._. Anybody else?
  12. are we related? I am sensing a twist in time where you and are must be connected from different timelines.
  13. There's nothing wrong with having something that takes you away from reality. There's nothing wrong with having an imagination. For example, I'm a writer and I'm always obsessing over the next scenes or good ideas. I never let up on my books. Someone calls it an obsession, I call it a hobby that I passionately LOVE. If they think it's weird, that's their thought. Don't change what makes you happy for other people's comfort.
  14. WELCOME!!!!!! This here pony loves people who love things.
  15. I'm beginning to think.... that the internet is actually causing the decline in physical businesses....
  16. Seems like the internet is what killed the outside world. Which reminds me of a clip from Sword Art Online in episode one. When the character is about to log onto the game and you catch a quick glimpse of no people being outside. Everyone was about to sign onto the game... that's becoming our reality ever so slowly. o.o
  17. don't know if they'll flourish unless there's a change in how things are being run. for some reason me and a friend talked about how it would be possibly that virtual reality gaming my benefit mall businesses. yep. when our hang out spot was removed from the mall, it broke all of us. because of that place, we had formed formidable friendships that still have lasted till this day. there's so many stupid clothing stores... like really? Prada is what makes things tick? (sorry Rarity)
  18. This screenshot is from the Last of Us. See any resemblance from the abandoned mall pictures?
  19. With me personally knowing from being "one of those questionable youths with baggy clothing" they completely over-exaggerated. Yes there were some punks who just were absolute rebels and all they did was disturb the peace by trying to jump off railings from the second floor, scare old folks into heart attacks. Graffiti the walls with obscene language or pictures. But MY gang, we actually defended the mall from that non-sense. There was a time that there was a full blown war between two groups of us because one was just scaring off mall patrons, and we were getting angry at them for security blaming us. (sounds completely superficial and came straight of an anime, LOL) but that was the honest truth.
  20. LOL I'm totally agreeing on the Walmart part. (no offense to anyone who works at walmart) but you can find the craziest people there.... Walmart people... ._. Tholos.. I love you. XD omg that made me laugh hard
  21. THAT'S exactly what I mean. Looking at them, I can't help but feel nostalgia and I get chills.
  22. Mall of America.... where is that located? @.@ Why is that familiar.... Back to the drawing board. They're trying to kick out as many arcades and "hang out" areas as they can. :/
  23. Oh man... remember when Pac-Sun and even Hot Topic had some originality? HOT-TOPIC was the place to find trip pants besides going online and paying $100 or more. XD
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