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future animator

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About future animator

  • Birthday 2001-04-12

Contact Methods

  • deviantART
  • YouTube

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    spanish fork ut
  • Personal Motto
    always be creative.
  • Interests
    space, MLP, Coding/animation/art/writing, and minecraft.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Cloudsdale Colosseum

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. eagle flyer went to her room and started reading one of the books on her bookshelf, 30 minutes later, she heard a doorbell ring and went to answer the door, she saw the mecanic's assistent, and asked what he needed, "the stove isn't working again" she said she would fix it and then went to bed after she fixed the stove.
  2. yes i am new to roleplay, but have an oc that i'm going to use for a movie that i'm going to make, nothing else.
  3. ok, my oc was an alicorn, but i decided make her a unicorn. http://blackholepony1232.deviantart.com/art/Eagle-Flyer-433675743?ga_submit_new=10%253A1392251142
  4. you're very welcome, love your drawing
  5. cool, that's pretty good, better than i could do anyways.
  6. one day when eagle flyer was checking to make sure everything on the spacestation was working, she found a pipe that wasn't working. she wondered why it wouldn't work but said she would call the space station mecanic and see if he could fix it. when he couldn't, she went to equestria's mecanic, he said that it was clogged so he had to shutdown the piping so he could fix the cloged pipe.(o.o.c.: eagle flyer is my o.c. pony)
  7. welcome to the site, hope you have a fun time here
  8. thank you i will start posting
  9. nice this will help me my animation development. it doesn't if you try smaller animations first. unless you are an expert at it the user used adobe flash. ooh this will help with finding an animation piece.
  10. i love space, my little pony, computers, and for those of you who know what this means i have puppet rigs for animation. :lol:p.s. i hate being a blank flank
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