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Blog Entries posted by RainbowGlass

  1. RainbowGlass
    Raindrops lay against panes of glass, basking in the dull grey light of the morning hours. Thunder, grumbling atop the wind, walking over lands beyond the river. Water still tumbles down the spouts of the house into buckets, singing gently, a reminder of brighter days. Wood of the porch beneath my naked feet, feeling the tears of summer skies between my toes. One step into green, dew laden grasses; two hands stretching into misted air.
    The trees gaze silently through sheets of moss at a pale figure, talking in between creaks and moans as the birds flutter by.
    ~ Once the storm had passed, water trickled from gutter spouts and sprinkled from the branches of the trees nearby. Out onto the porch, in bare feet I stood, breathing in air untouched by other men. I left my clothes and the shackles of civilization, to dance among the wild things, deep within the moss covered forest.
  2. RainbowGlass
    Throughout the past month, I have been monitoring the web and the reactions of people whom I tell that I am a Brony. The results have been interesting. Of course my younger sister (16) understood straightaway, perhaps because she knows me very well. My parents thought I was gay, bless them. -and my good friend since 3rd grade thought it was odd but ended up not caring much about it. I suppose I am lucky because I am aware of others who have dealt with worse reactions.
    I want to call it a movement, even though many may not think it as such, but on a particular level it is. To me, we represent anyone who isn't afraid to stand up and declare who they are as a human being. Currently, this is a huge thing! For one, in the states, gay marriage is on the table. More and more people are coming to accept the fact that it is okay to be of any sexual orientation, allowing more and more people to ( in lamer terms ) come out of the closet and be open about who it is they love. No one should have to be ashamed of declaring their love for another. As Carl Sagan once said "when you are in love, you want to tell the world". People should be able to do this without any repercussions, especially from friends and family.
    I cannot express my appreciation for this fan-base. It represents, more or less, how many of us wish our societies were; kind, caring and accepting. Even when we have our differences, I've read columns of threads where Bronies talk it out and come to an understanding that each is different and that it is okay and they keep calm to Brony on. This is awesome!
    To anyone who reads my Blog, a thank you. Know this; this isn't just a fan-base. We have made an impact on countless lives, Bronies and non-Bronies alike. We are a piece to a machine that is working through our world removing the sand from the field, {Dust Bowl reference} so that future generations will have rich soil to grow in.
    Thank you for being who you are, the people of this community have enriched my life.
  3. RainbowGlass
    Beyond the waves laden with pinkish hue, above the planet rising from the sea, the Sun sinks into deeper waters. The skies burn so bright; long and slow unto the darkest night where the stars glow and your eyes illuminate. Bewilderment grips the unsuspecting heart, wonder - the mind. We see the planet from here, upon the shores of its moon. Like veins carrying a body's lifeblood, lights flow across the surface of the world above.
    Crashing waves follow the gentle hush of their own retreat as the sand sings beneath our feat. We wonder and examine. Beside the star ocean, mirrored against our own, we are suspended between worlds. The music of our ancestors plays within the breeze, soft and sweet. The waters bend and mend into glass as the horizon vanishes into yesterday. We stand on the shores of time as the sands unfurl and fall outwards into the void. There was never any doubt, that color bore sound and that touch came in flavors. For what we laid our eyes upon and experienced within the depths of those places, told us we were alive. We were infinite.
  4. RainbowGlass
    I have just returned from our local theater where I had auditioned for a role in a play called The Mousetrap. My experience there was nothing short of magic. I walked out of the theater building knowing that THIS is what I want to do for a living, I want to be an actor. It was the first time in which I was surrounded by people in a room who all love to do the same thing. The atmosphere was like a drug, I was hooked the moment I began the routine reading from the script with another individual in front of the director and others.
    I had never had the privilege of acting with another person who was absolutely devoted to portraying a role. Later, an English woman and I went through a routine for the character I wished to play and she was to play my wife. What was amazing to me was that she snapped into this character and I was able to snap into mine despite our first meeting was only a few minutes ago, now we were deep into character. It was then that I realized how happy I was, to be acting in front of over a dozen strangers and with this woman whom I had never met before either. Once we had read our scripts it was back to our seats and eventually we could then leave and go home.
    What made tonight so amazing was that it was the first time I could act in front of others who take acting seriously (having fun whilst performing as well!) but it was that aspect of being able to snap in and out of character with others that was so thrilling as I had never been able to act with others who could do that.
    Regardless of whether I get a part or not, I was so happy to have gone and auditioned! I plan on continuing auditioning for other plays, shows, etc. because it is what I love to do. Though I am not THAT young at 24,(still young, I say above 50 is generally "old") I am thankful to be able to know what I want to do for a living as apposed to finding that thing later on in life.
    Thank you to those who have been reading my blogs, dunno how interesting they are but I try to throw in some spices here and there!
    Take care all and if you live in some of the colder climates of the world (I am in Michigan) keep warm this season and have a wonderful holiday!
  5. RainbowGlass
    This week, I had ordered and received two sets of pins, one set was Adventure Time and the other was My Little Pony. (see picture) I am very excited to have them (the MLP pins) because I finally have something to show for my admiration of MLP and as a Brony. Of course my love for MLP is a testament, but having a pin on my hiking pack, some physical "thing" to show for it, is what I am most excited for.
    Two MLP pins are on my army/hiking backpack, one I placed a circular magnet behind to act as a magnet on my desk in the study. My desk is an old metal workbench I had while growing up, it is 20% cooler than other desks. Sort of an industrial look. The other pins I have yet to find uses for!
    I have bought an album from Itunes made by TheLivingTombstone titled -Tombstone R3mixes- . Memory serving correctly, he is the lad from Israel who is a Brony and a craftsman of electronic music. I discovered him in the documentary Bronies about a year ago, I hadn't even seen the show at that point, strange to think about that! Incidentally, his work is great, I have already created a playlist from the album which I have been listening to while at work. I am a landscaper, music comes in handy when your pruning a massive property! I highly recommend checking out the album. It was $6.99. Cheap for a great list of music and you're supporting a Brony so that he may make more fantastic tracks! Win-Win.
    That is all for now ~
  6. RainbowGlass
    Tis' the start of a blog, my blog and I welcome readers to what I can only describe as a beautiful bog of thoughts. The picture I attached is of a door I found in the woods. It was a solitary cellar with a stone vaulted ceiling, a small room but neat in regards to its character. It looked like a Hobbit hole in every fashion, grass mound, stone accompanying the sides of the entrance; all was needed was a chimney and a little round window!
    I decided to begin this blog business because I often find myself itching to write out my thoughts and ideas. I did not wish to bother the administration of MLP any further with my posts incidentally falling into the wrong categories of forums. I honestly had no idea to where I was posting, I was just posting! Ha
    So I hope I can write freely here in this blog without being much of a bother.
    I just finished ordering two sets of eight pins, one My Little Pony set and an Adventure Time set. Both shows I love considerably. I plan on placing a few on my tactical backpack which I use for hiking and camping. Like bumper stickers for hikers! I like adventuring and exploring the world. I am going to the region of Everest in Nepal next November on a twenty five day mountain expedition. The location is called the Triple Peaks of Khumbu and I am very excited to reach 16,800ft (give or take a few) and sleep in the snow on some of the tallest peaks in the world! Before I embark on my journey next year, I have plenty of time to travel about in the states on my own adventures. I live in Michigan and I have been planning on hiking the lake shore of Lake Michigan from Sliver Lake to Grand Haven. Calculating, it would take me roughly 17-18 hours. More to come on that then!
    I feel like this is a decent cut-off point for the first entry, more to come, perhaps on a daily basis, we shall see!
  7. RainbowGlass
    An attempt to make these blogs more readable. Let's be honest, I could write everything down in a book for my own eyes. But here, it's for everyone, so why not a titch of spice?
    Attending my first film set tomorrow - a sort of early start to my college career this coming Fall. That is three years condensed for a BA in Film and Art Sciences. Felling excited!
    Been cutting my own hair now for a year, never done it before and it has been quite nice; an intimate time in front of the mirror. I never liked sitting silent watching a stranger cut my hair although it was easy, you know, just sitting there. I always felt compelled to talk to the hair-cutter; I didn't want to. That's my reason for leaving the barber-shop! Trust me, it was rough going but I eventually got going on my own two feet!
    Another hair-related topic. I've gone "poo-less" that's right, no shampoo for more than a half of a year. What? Sounds strange, you're imagining these nasty dreds, oh no; I have Nirvana hair now. Simple; no more chemicals, so my hair can breath now and shine, oh how it shines! Some baking-soda with 3/4 water mix, rub it in my hair, wash and spray a apple-cider water mix to it, rinse again, done. I'm getting some lavender oil to mix it with to add scent!
    Am I a hipster? That's certainly the image I'm painting, well I consider myself a Renascence man. I'm old school. Seriously. I ordered a new ribbon for my type writer and needles for my record player (it's from the roaring twenties) Okay, so perhaps, hipsters use these things too. :okiedokielokie:
    As per-usual I enjoy poetry and story-writing. I will have to make an MLP story one of these blogs.
    Here you go, for your reading pleasure ~
    ~ Between the Folds of Time
    The waves rolled like distant thunder, melting as they swam ashore; hissing into the sand. Beyond the waters edge, stars would ascend into the sky, blooming into dreams and questions. You looked at me, illuminating eyes, green splashed in gold. How far time has walked we did not know, for in that moment, we were infinite. Ribbons of light beat from your chest in violet, pink and red hues. Our clothes danced slowly in a windless air, cradled by the ocean that once was. Hands interlocked, soft as the scent of Spring, warm as a Summers breeze ~ hair rich in Autumns splendor, lips as full as Winters Moon. You spoke the seasons; a tulip unfolds amidst the void.
    In that space, we witnessed simplicity and felt beautiful complexity ~ between the folds of time.
  8. RainbowGlass
    It just so happens this is the perfect little spot to write my thoughts. Probably more so because other people (if they are bored enough) will read what I am typing so haphazardly.
    You see, our minds are ever so complicated. Simply put, I think a lot and if that wasn't the understatement of the year, then let me put it this way- air is a color. I know, that makes no sense. Now that you've had a crash course with what I'm about to write, buckle up and take a big slurp from that hypothetical slushy in your right hand. (No one cares if you're left handed.)
    At times I feel as though I've got everything about who I am figured out. This is the part when the people two or more decades ahead of me roll their eyes and think "christ he's so naive, just wait kid, just wait until you're my age!" Well that's the thing Dr. Phil, I am twenty four and I wasn't complaining. Figuring out new things about myself, is beautiful.
    You will find new things about yourself that you never imagined all the time in life. When people my age decide to "find themselves" they typically find a shape on the board be it a star, square or circle and they fit into that shape. Me, I could car less about fitting into anything. I am, myself. (Wow no kidding.) I've stood on the edge of this circus we call life and I have been watching and it is quite amusing. I was, for a time, in the midst of a trapeze act (you know it as a relationship) for a good time. It ruined me, made me into someone I wasn't and it scared me. For a long time I wore two masks, one when they were not looking, the other when they were. If they knew who I was, really knew, they would leave me. (Press the fast-forward button goodness!) It was a destructive act, I let go and fell from that world with a smile on my face; hitting the ground with a splat of happiness. I was free to be myself, I smiled so much I swore my cheeks would implode. Ever since then, I have been worried about being in another relationship, you know, because the last one was like riding a platform of nails down the chalkboard highway.. [weak analogy]. Until suddenly it occurred to me. Who cares? If another relationship sprouts out of the ground and fails, who cares. I'm living life, constantly learning and it's thrilling. I am myself - no fears of hiding any aspect of that from anyone and it's liberating.
    If you ever have trouble breathing in, send me a message (I'll read it, promise: that's why I have an inbox) or write a blog about it. It is fun just typing, writing, talking out the clutter in the mind.
  9. RainbowGlass
    I believe I am at the point in my interest of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic in which I want to attend a convention. I have seen conventions in the documentaries {A Brony Tale} and {Bronies} and they look spectacular, they look fun! Looking at the list of upcoming conventions, I want to make it a goal to make it to one next year (2015). I am basically looking to interact with the fan base on a face to face level, seeing how I do not know (personally) any Bronies and or Pegasisters ( I hear some female Bronies like to go by Pegasisters?)
    I am still lacking my first Bronie encounter, which i hope to have before a convention so as to possibly travel with someone else but I have flown alone before!
    Today in Michigan we have had so much snow as I cannot see underneath my SUV. Yeah it's quite a bit. The Blue Spruce trees in the backyard have bowls of snow around their bases which you could fall into and not be seen if you tried!
    So, being snowed in, I am developing a video which I plan on posting throughout the net in which I read the first few pages of The Lion the Which and the Wardrobe in as many voices as I can. I love voice acting, it's always been something that comes naturally to me. So when I post it, I hope you enjoy!
    Plus you (the MLP forums) will get to see what I look like for the first time, how exciting! :3
  10. RainbowGlass
    For my entire life, as far back as I can reckon, I have enjoyed being away from the modern world. I enjoy, from time to time, being away from people. In these nooks of life, where I am alone, I find a particular peace in the silence and solitude. It is here that I often begin writing poems and descriptive worlds of nature and existence. I like poetry and working with words.
    Here is an example of mine ~
    - I've been standing here all my life
    by the road that day in March
    and never knew till now.
    Phone lines hold their breath.
    Above the neighborhood
    a hammer is lifted.
    Swifts fall silent in the chimney.
    Children on the lawn
    are blurred, their faces
    delicate as cups.
    In the market aisle
    a secret waits half-told.
    A doorknob turns.
    Cars intent on evening
    as supper cooks.
    Watch hands.
    The smell of bread.
    As the bus pulls away
    in a black roar of diesel,
    from its window
    you smile at me and wave.
    We are fifteen.
    My face is cold.
    The mud smells warm
    with spring and rotting grass.
    Four o'clock.
    The potholes shiver with rain.
    In glass dark and shifting,
    clouds rush across your face
    like faraway countries
    taking you, faster now
    til you are dust,
    a metal frame of sky.
    I never heard the hammer fall,
    a garage door shut, the eyes
    complete their journeys.
    I thought I could always find you there
    in the same green coat,
    though it's we who are the wind.
    I turned home past the locust trees
    through the broken gate.
    Our steel fence hissed in vines,
    sun glazed the pear tree.
    The brittle things of March
    filled me, and the mud
    on my shoes felt light.
    That night at supper my family
    ate the same in their same chairs.
    But for me the fish was beautiful
    and sweet I opened with my fork.
    They could not see.
    I never spoke, though my blood
    was curving to the sky.
    I enjoy people, do not misunderstand as I am quite sociable. Everyone needs their own time though. It is a "hobby" of mine to be secluded for a while and work on writings, art, or my own thoughts. Yes I like to think a lot about many things! History, space, fables, physics, music ~ I am a Renaissance Man so to speak.
    This is all for now, though I will add I very much enjoy the musical works of Sigur Ros, a band from Iceland (my favorite band). I own all of their albums and I am actually learning Icelandic currently along with German. I would recommend you give them a listen. Search Sigur Ros - Jonsi - or - Jonsi and Alex. One of my favorite albums is Riceboy Sleeps. Great one to play in a study or if you are relaxing.
    I hope you have enjoyed the poem, I will be placing others in future entries for your reading pleasure!
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