Now, this is goes for everyone. Don't feel bad about something that occurred, b/c its a lesson, yet one thing is does is...............motivates you further, surpassing those who put you down. Do NOT let anyone and I mean anyone stop you from achieving your goals in life. Yet, there maybe times, where you pursue a dream job, and feel proud of your accomplishments however, individuals will do everything in their power to crush you like a bug. Went through that in elementary to high school, been bullied all over, so you could say, i pretty much "carried two crosses" throughout my time at school to my senior graduation. One thing that pissed them off though, was a quote i took from a great Chinese Warlord, which was quite moving for me:
"My Ambition cannot be stopped" - Lord Cao Cao, Prime Minister of Wei Kingdom
Everyday, I went to school and walked from school, i would always think of that quote, b/c its what kept me going. Now that I'm 23 years old, I still keep that quote intact, even on my desk.
Lastly, before you proceed to your dream job, ask yourself this one question (this goes for EVERYONE, Staff and Members):
"When choosing a career, do not put greed over passion"
That means pursue something that you will enjoy, no matter the salary. Don't go off into a career and say "Im gonna be a doctor so i can make 200,000 a year", b/c the reality is many people who do that, don't last long. And I know, I have several careers I love, but in that field, I really wouldn't enjoy it. Choose wisely and don't let people say otherwise,
(The reason why, if anyone asks why i didn't post this in Life Advice. Its b/c I wanted to show members, that life is full of surprises, yet the sense of ambition pays off and maybe you guys can learn something from me. Not saying, "oh I want to share my wisdom or so and son", but offer a public advice to many of you who are in High School).