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Blog Entries posted by Khaoios

  1. Khaoios
    I have never felt so hurt in my life.............apparently, i got an email from my boss, to me and to my staff that one person in our building (an this individual has also been a member of our forums), said that he is somewhat "afraid" of us due to the fact we are trained professional Network Administrators. Now he's the kick; so this guy got jumpy b/c he thought we were somewhat linked to "Internet Police". Now first of all, yes we may "somewhat" fit their profile, however, we are more precise on watching what goes in and out of a network. So you could say, we do some moderating, however, that doesn't mean you should be afraid of us. Yet, as he said that, I felt utterly hurt and I should say......twice as hurt, b/c this is perhaps the 5th time i heard this (4 times, i got over it, but now, its really hitting hard). Not to mention, lack of trust, and that is just heartbreaking. Like ask yourself, our job is to "protect" you.......not "fight" you. Why is it that people are afraid at certain individuals when it comes to IT security. I even question myself if this was the career for me, b/c A. it puts food on my table, B. I enjoy watching out for others, and C. I've been around PC's since the 90's so i understand a lot of it. Pretty much, what I can tell you is.......yes there are times that people will say, "Oh you suck, go to hell, go F*$k yourself", but I learned out to get over it to an extent.
    Now, this is goes for everyone. Don't feel bad about something that occurred, b/c its a lesson, yet one thing is does is...............motivates you further, surpassing those who put you down. Do NOT let anyone and I mean anyone stop you from achieving your goals in life. Yet, there maybe times, where you pursue a dream job, and feel proud of your accomplishments however, individuals will do everything in their power to crush you like a bug. Went through that in elementary to high school, been bullied all over, so you could say, i pretty much "carried two crosses" throughout my time at school to my senior graduation. One thing that pissed them off though, was a quote i took from a great Chinese Warlord, which was quite moving for me:
    "My Ambition cannot be stopped" - Lord Cao Cao, Prime Minister of Wei Kingdom
    Everyday, I went to school and walked from school, i would always think of that quote, b/c its what kept me going. Now that I'm 23 years old, I still keep that quote intact, even on my desk.
    Lastly, before you proceed to your dream job, ask yourself this one question (this goes for EVERYONE, Staff and Members):
    "When choosing a career, do not put greed over passion"
    That means pursue something that you will enjoy, no matter the salary. Don't go off into a career and say "Im gonna be a doctor so i can make 200,000 a year", b/c the reality is many people who do that, don't last long. And I know, I have several careers I love, but in that field, I really wouldn't enjoy it. Choose wisely and don't let people say otherwise,
    (The reason why, if anyone asks why i didn't post this in Life Advice. Its b/c I wanted to show members, that life is full of surprises, yet the sense of ambition pays off and maybe you guys can learn something from me. Not saying, "oh I want to share my wisdom or so and son", but offer a public advice to many of you who are in High School).
  2. Khaoios
    Well, this is pretty much the first time, i've ever posted music publicly, b/c I was shy about it. Anyhow, here's a small piece i played since a kid.
    Link: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/majestic-pond
    HINT: I want to let you know...............i cannot write notes, however, the way i play music is either coming up with it in my mind, then tapping my finger on the table (XD, yikes) the way i like it to be played. Then i play it on FL Studio. If not, Ignite. So if there's something odd about it..........yeah.......i'm just a rookie so, it will take me time to get.
  3. Khaoios
    Here's the edited version of Prometheus by the assistance of Arkane with noise reduction (i thank him on that b/c it really helped out). I added some Reverb, Echo, and lower pitch. Let me know what you think about it. And once again, like last time, please be constructive as possible. Thanks
  4. Khaoios
    Well, after review of the first video, I made changes and want to ask for comments on this version of Prometheus'. There are two sets though, the first set it begins at 0:12 - 3:32, then the second set is 3:36 - 8:10. Once again, please be constructive for it will assist me on making it better. If you feel this is the "perfect" point, then I'll leave it the way it is.
    BTW, for those who asked, I basically combined similar tones to Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Smaug.
  5. Khaoios
    Alrighty.............my favorite part of the fan film...........explosions that you will hear in the fan film. However, this is the whole thing, but I will take only 10 to 12 different ones. Also, these took me a while to find and yes there maybe some familiar ones, which you will hear in the "Battle" scenes. If there's anything you guys would like me to add or remove, feel free to post a comment, for I am in need of responses.

    Like the last one, please be constructive and don't BS, for it gives me ideas and provides me with assistance on what should be added/removed/etc.
  6. Khaoios
    Hey folks,
    I just want to show first part of my voice demo as Prometheus as part of my fan film: The Day Equestria Stood Still. Though it is still in "early stages" i wanted to ask you, and please be kind and not BS, b/c i don't want to deal with that, but I want to ask for your comment on what should be changed, as in more/less distortion, more/less echo, etc. I would gladly appreciate your comments, for it will assist me on making his voice better.
    BTW, that image is not Prometheus.........but I should have an image of him up soon.
  7. Khaoios
    Well, I'm in the process of developing my MLP:FIM Fan Film in the future (with an approx. length of 135 mins). However, I want to ask, and please be descriptive, on-topic, and structured b/c I would like to hear strong opinions. These fan films have Alicorn OC's which, you can say are "Gods" but I made them as detailed as possible (the full info for each of them will be release in the coming weeks). For now I have partial so I want to ask.
    Would, in your opinion, it be wise for me to have "biblical" references to these characters. Here are the List of characters (there's only 4 presented, but there are 6 in total):
    Timaeus - Roman/Greek/Mayan, represents Chronos, God/Father of Time. Youngest of the three guardians, and represents Archangel Michael, and Horseman of Famine.
    Ironwing Paguseus - Greek/Aztec/Egyptian, represents Chronos as well (Only in this case, God of Spaces *dimensional spaces*). Archangel Raphael, and Horseman of War.
    Alteros - Greek/Roman/Egyptian/Inca, represents Chronos (Only for him, he is the God of Distortion and Alterations, that because it involves universes). He represents Archangel Gabriel and Horseman of Conquest.
    Emperor Tyrannus
    - Slavic/Saxon/Chinese/Greek/Roman/Mayan/Egyptian - Represents Apophis, Chernabog (the myth ver. not Disney), Kulkulkan, Seth, Loki. Represents Lucifer (Satan), and Horseman of Death
    .............this is only 5% of there full info for each character but its really bugging me if I should add it or not. What do you think?
    **BTW, if any one asks, them along with Firewing Prometheus and Maelstrom Odysseus, they are what I call "Harbinger Alicorns"
  8. Khaoios
    Alrighty then, its been a while since my last update. Anyhow, I am in need for constructive review, for I have officially completed the design of the Bronco-Titans, the main antagonists to Rise of the Ancients trilogy. With the assistance of my artist, she was able to re-enhance the image from my original sketch thus making them stand out. However, the "review" part is what you as both a critic and reader think about their stories, design, attributes, etc. I want to know your opinion that what it will assist me in making the stories much better and a way to avoid those "its a mary-sue, gary-stu" crap.
    Link to the characters: http://halorecons12.deviantart.com/gallery/46536356/MLP-FIM-OC-s
    HINT: These alicorns may "look" powerful, however DO NOT judge the character by its appearance. As they do for books. Just because they "look" power does not make them invincible. They are immortal but not invincible. Each one has their own attributes.




  9. Khaoios
    Alrighty then....its been a while since i've dropped in, however I wanted to post this because I am in need of assistance. As you know, and I apologize to my crew, Hasbro unfortunately denied it for two reasons that I am not allowed to discuss publicly other than them. So yeah, that was a major downer which sadly we all need to understand and go through. Not everyone or anything is going to get accepted. So, just wanted to throw that update in. However, that does not necessarily mean its the end of my Rise of the Ancients Seven part Trilogy. I am curently redoing Element of Time (The Day Equestria Stood Still Sequel). In the meantime, I am in need of some strong writers and readers (editors as well). Here's the story:
    Now the full story is, I'm trying my best to get this up on EQD for all of you to read. (No i am not doing this for attention nor for my own health. I'm doing this because if you think about it, lots of readers love origin stories because of how adventurous, suspenseful, dark, etc. So I wanted to share from my perspective a fan fic, focusing on the Mane Six and there perilous journey into uncovering the dark and broken history of Equestria. It will be quite interesting for many of you and I would gladly appreciate it if you read it). Anyhow, recently I have been denied of entry because the story apparently lacks specific things so this is where you guys come in. I need someone who is willing to go in depths to assist me and identify the problems within the story. Basically, read the story and tell me what its missing. Does it need more character interaction, emotion, etc; does it need more suspense; is it bland, dull, etc. With that type of assistance, it will greatly help me into making the story much better to read and understand for everyone. Feel free to comment here or on Fim Fiction. Thanks, .
  10. Khaoios
    Alright folks,
    First and foremost, I want to apologize for my major inactivity. I've unfortunately had a lot of work on my plate doing school work, working on my MLP Fan Fics, as well as other fan fics, jobs, etc. I've come to inform that I've created a group and all are welcome to join at:
    Now, this group I've created will serve as the main area for TCS, since I won't be on here as much (too busy with Halo Waypoint and writing up guides for them). However I am active on DeviantArt (b/c of my animation courses) so anyone interested in visiting my two threads:
    I will have you visit the deviantart group, . I look forward to having as many volunteers as possible from Voice Actors/Actresses to Animators.
    - Nick Rojas a.k.a Thunder-Wing...............signing off.
  11. Khaoios
    Another 2 tracks I found from the Halo 3 Machinima I did a while back. But, anyhow, enjoy them,
    Race To The Moon: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/race-to-the-moon
    Apollo: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/apollo
    *this one was a pretty bad, imo, b/c the electronic effects. Should've lowered them, tbh. However, if someone asks, the pace of the track may sound like something your would hear from Isao Tomita's Jupiter theme*
  12. Khaoios
    Managed to go through some old tracks I did back in Halo 3 Machinima's, and found 3 tracks i did. Let me know what you think.
    Mother Earth: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/mother-earth
    *this one is the original featuring only Hybrid Strings*
    Orbital: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/orbital
    *Similar to Mother Earth only with Reverb and Pizzicatto Strings added*
  13. Khaoios
    Here's another piece i played a few years back, and thought i drop this one as well. Yet, I was unable to finish the whole thing b/c it was one of those "Electronic New Age" type of music, i like to play. Something similar to what you would hear from the Father of Synthesizers, Isao Tomita and his electronically enhanced work on Gustav Holst's, The Planets.
    Link: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/cyberspace
    Once again, this is only a first attempt............i'm still working on trying to get better.
    EDIT: I just remembered, here is the original one, without the electronic synthesizers.
    Link: https://soundcloud.com/nick-rojas-9/a-great-journey-through-space
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