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Posts posted by ztrash

  1. 1 minute ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

    Nope...it's more than just having a laptop. You need theory, you need experience and you really need to know what you're doing. You can't be behind a laptop and call yourself a musician or composers. Before I had my laptop, I use to write out my music with a staff paper and pencil. So in the end, the laptop doesn't take you anywhere, it really puts you in a box, and that's the fact. 

    There are a ton of good electronic musicians out there that have gotten good with little to no knowledge in music when they started. That's a fact too. I do believe knowing music theory is great thing, but you don't need it to succeed. Look at the Modern music scene, EVERYONE uses digital software to make music even if it's recorded with real instruments. You won't make it anywhere without a computer with a DAW. You put yourself in box when you decide to let music theory define how you make music, and not step out of the box. With a computer you can record real instruments anyway and follow the music theory too, so idk why you wouldn't use digital software. This sounds like an opinion of yours not a fact.

  2. On 12/12/2017 at 8:06 AM, C. Thunder Dash said:

    Well if you want to go further, you will need a computer, a keyboard workstation or a launchpad, so you gotta start saving up your money if you wanna make it far in the brony music scene. 

    Gonna have disagree with you here. There are many musicians that have gotten plenty of attention with just a DAW and a Laptop. @Dj alicorn, it is possible to get good at music with not so much money. I want you to understand that as long as you enjoy music and want to make music for others, then you have all that you need. Music maker jam is a bit insufficient tho. I know you're 16, but try to save up some money for a cheap lil computer and get a DAW. It'll be worth every penny you save up. You don't need any keyboards, instruments, and fancy equipment to get good. I promise you that time, practice, and passion is all you need. Over time get the rest of the equipment that enlightens you.

    (I just read that you got a computer, so you're all set! just have fun now! :D)



    • Brohoof 1
  3. @CThunderDash

    I get you, it doesn't sound anything related to starlight at all (it's just this random image I had in my head while making the song). It's why I didn't add the song to the pony music thread. Yeah, I'd like to vary the drums a lot more and the middle does sound dry. I just got tired of working on that track. I like your advice on the bassline a lot. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for criticism, I think that'll help me on my songs for a while.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I made this song to resemble some image of starlight glimmer that's in my mind. I'm not really sure what genre it is (I never think of a genre when I make music).
    I like how it sounds, other than the clearly apparent mixing issues. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
    criticize me if you'd like, there's nothing wrong with learning

  5. Good but the honking at the start sorta hurt my ears tbh. 

    Edit: Also I'm putting it in a youtube playlist, some artists make their vids private n stuff when I do that if they aren't well known(then never get heard again lol), so I'm just informing you. Also like the art there.

    Thanks, I made the art myself, and I have no problem with you putting the song in a playlist.
  6. This is the first song that I've ever made that I actually liked and can listen to. Over a thousand project files that I've scrapped (They sucked lol) and this one was the first out of the bunch. This specific project took too long and was hindering my growth in music production too much, so I decided to upload it. It was the only way to stop working on it. This song has a lot of mixing and mastering issues, and it also has some things composition wise that are very very amateur (not that anything else isn't). This song isn't really pony music, but it contains starlight glimmer vocal samples. Anyways, please give it a listen. Feel free to criticize, but I wouldn't ever change anything on this track, I'm too happy from it.


    • Brohoof 3
  7. On 1/9/2016 at 6:23 AM, SteelSpark said:

    Yeah. Imagine watching mlp while smoking a blunt.

    you should try it haha, it's dank.

    Legalize It.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'm able to freely talk about it and buy merch and stuff too. I do understand that some people cannot run around freely like I do. We must understand that everyone's life is different, their surroundings are different, and the people they deal with everyday is different. Threfore we do not understand how they feel, and how they react to those feelings. All we can do is be supportive of those people that cannot watch and enjoy the show freely. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I ignore them online (There's a lot of those) and in real life (I've only encountered one) I ignore them also, but I will stand up for myself if they insult me. I mean you can't really blame anyone for disliking bronies, it does sound extremely wierd, but some take it too far on the hate level.

  10. My main font is a Navy Blue color of Georgia, it's what I have used for a long time and I think it's the font of me. xD I dunno. xD


    I just like it. It's a nice font. That's why you see me write in it all the time.

    It fits your oc pretty well too.

    All dat swagger  :muffins:

  11. Why?


    Wont that just offend people when you get those closed minded music people who just go around bitching about everyone elses music taste?


    Maybe I’m reading too much into it 

    Yeah, but i don't really think anyones gonna comment on this thread anyway. I was just looking somewhere to pass some time.

  12. There's so many genre's out there, and then there's Sub-genre's. Each and every genre has haters, but today everyone can be a hater. Let's just dis on random genre's, even if they are the one's you listen to.
    I will start with Big Room House


    "Big room house sucks so bad, because every drop is the same. One big kick with sub-bass and then Lots of synths with reverb after. :eww:  Plus it takes forever for the drop to start."

    BTW i like big room house :3

    • Brohoof 1

    *Rainblow Hash steps outta his Lambo and lights up a spliff before tossin' it into da darkness*


    Rainblow Hash:

    It's kinda hard to dethrone somepony who was never throned

    Now let's take a trip to the cemetery cuz yo flank is boned

    You say you're high like a Pegasus, but you're only stoned

    "WB" stands for "Whiny Bitch", and bitches get owned

    You were born a winner, but you'll go out a loser

    I can't decide between the bat or the nine, I was never a choser

    Stellafera's in the books because she wants that knowledge

    Now sit down beside her cuz I'm takin' both of y'all to rap college

    You ain't a crook but I'll leave your head crooked
    When I bash your face hard with a wooden bookend
    You can't finish reading the thesaurus because you can't sit still
    But that's because I whipped your flank so hard you can't shit still
    I don't keep candy handy, I have that hard-type brandy
    I keep a AK hoofy so I can blow off your roofy
    I'm more than scary, but when things get hairy
    I ain't afraid to pop a sucka's head like a cherry
    And you're lookin' like a sundae better duck yo head
    Comparin' me to Bieber? Yo that joke's long been dead
    Michael Myers was a hack, he ran around in a mask
    Don't worry though, I'll be Jamie Lee Curtis and take you to task
    I'll rip the stapler outta your hooves, staple your face to the wall
    Now get outta my way, because it's my fliers standin' tall
    As for you, Stellafera, you're a good homegurl it's true
    But you postin' a video? I'll tear through you too
    Yo raps ain't crap, but they sure ain't the greatest
    So you better hide in the shelter cuz you be the latest
    Now both of you bow down before the Hashy Throne
    And better pray to the Rap God that your soul can atone


    Can these rappers get any danker?!!

    • Brohoof 1
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