So I had been having issues with the owner of the phone repAir store I worked at. He was verbally abusive and blamed be for ALL issues. None of which were caused by me. He had his whole company relying on me when he had other work he should of made actualy work. One employee has work there for 1.5 months and has not done a single repair. Yet I did 7 a day. Mind you during this he treated my like crap and even demoted me for his own error by ordering the wrong part. So I quit, any professional would not of made one person work and every person do nothing. His company will now most likely fail, and do I feel bad? No. He is telling other employees I was planning on killing the company and was going to work for rivals. No I'm not.
Went in today to pickup my souldering iron, a knife set, and a digital multimeter. Knife set is missing most parts, and the souldering iron controller is peppered with melted holes the size of the iron tip. It will no longer turn on. I'm glad to be done. Now I can move on to new journeys in life! Any tips?