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Posts posted by Gernia

  1. I don't think it's that bad if they're very blatant bigots like an actual Nazi, so long as there's no doxxing involved. For people who are not as controversial or extreme, I'm not so sure. I believe it's good to be clear and in-depth as to why a person is considered a bigot before anyone gets called out or banned, or whatever. There are too many negatives to risk if things like that are not done delicately. Plus, I think when things like this happen some people may not change from their bigoted views and not share them, and that sort of invisible bigotry is IMO the worst kind of bigotry.

  2. Ridge Racer, sort of. The last installment was 6 years ago but it seems a lot of people didn't buy it. The two that came out in for the 3DS and Vita didn't seem to get that much attention and there's been seemingly nothing since. Arcade racing games don't seem to be the high sellers they once were back in the day, so I think it's dead, or close to it.

  3. I played Fire Emblem: Awakening for 4 straight hours without a break. I can't really play video games for longer than that since I get headaches. Anyways, I played that game for 16 hours in a day, twice. I really didn't do anything else except play or sleep. I don't do that unhealthy stuff anymore.

  4. I've developed an ability to not care what other people think about me. It may be selfish, but I don't try to seek the approval of others. The only times I care about other people's opinions of me is when I want to improve myself, or I'm applying for a job. However, those are exceptions and in life, exceptions usually don't matter.

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