How did you find MLP Forums?: I was browsing the internet looking for pony and I stumbled across this place with so many wonders.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I became a fan two years ago but I sort of fell out of the fandom for awhile and came back in late for how I became a brony well that's a strange one unlick the most of you I didn't here of MLP until I stumbled across some you tube poops and Gmod films on the internet I wondered what this thing was so I decided to find the source material and when I watched a few episodes I was hooked.
Hi I'm Pietistic a newcomer to this forum and Id just like to say hello to my fellow bronys and greetings from Australia. and a few things about me umm....... ok I have no favourite pony they are all equally loved although I am partial to have a few moments that are a bit unfaithful to that belief "Chough Sweetie belle is best pony Chough". I'm a avid fan of Doctor Who, Star Trek, Stargate and a few others. And I like to see what you have to say on well....... everything. good day and goodbye.