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Crystal Vision

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Posts posted by Crystal Vision

  1. @@Crystal Vision, holy crud; I've seen you around before and just loved your art, and the newest thing you have here is just beautiful~  :squee: The hair and face just come off so well.

    Simply awesome art thread you have here!  :grin2:

    Thankyou very much!! ^.^


    These are some great drawings, I just love the expressions and the detail! Awesome work, keep it up! :)

    Thankyou for you feedback! Glad I don't disappoint! ^.^

  2. pretty much my icon for the eye colour and stuff,

    but click the link in my signature for the reference pic ;)

    Since i'll be drawing right now, i might start my part now :3


    Okie mate, I'll get to my part as soon as school stops being a bish.


    Any expression you want her to have? 

    (The Crystal one I did was "slightly confused")

  3. Only one post you say? Well, this one post went through the roof for being so good ^w^. One post is still amazing, since your art is always so amazing :D :D :D. Awesome work ^w^


    Eek thankyou so much ^3^




    Stop showing off your amazing skillssssss

    Suddenly really realistic .~.

    Wait mohm, draw jade-n next, and then I can draw crisi ;)


    I'm sorry child o3o

    Yus I shall draw Jade-n can you send pic?

    Yey crysi o3o



    Oooooooh, your art style is really neat!!! I really like it!!!


    Thanks hon!

  4. mohm  :love:

    i'm home~

    and i see again, you're trying to get noticed~ ;3


    cayfieeeeee help, i'm gonna post my own art thread :o

    and commissions :D


    Ermergerd iz ma daughter o3o

    I advertise you on my next update on here yus? ^^


    Your art style is cute oh gosh ~


    Ermergerd thankyou ;3;


    My face when i saw your vektor-artworks.

    A wild senpai appeared.





    I'm a senpai? o3o


    Oh wow thanks! You're a great artist as well! I enjoyed looking through your dA gallery. :)


    Oh thankyou!!!!




    Wow! Two updates in 12 hours? Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh trippy o.o




    My friend's OC, Heart Stabber. Yes that is blood on the ground, her hoof and mouth XD




    And... I've been down in the dumps so I thought I'd express my feelings. Enjoy my depressive state! Yay mental problems :)

    Poor Cryssi, someone always rains on her parade..

    • Brohoof 5
  6. Crystal is afraid of unacceptance and her "beast" split personality.

    Unacceptence due to her race - She isn't welcome

    "Beast" personality is when she is angered to an extreme degree, she basically turns into a mindless, bloodthirsty monster. - Scared she is going to harm those close to her.

  7. Another update!

    Moar traditional than digital o3o





    This happened in a roleplay I was in. The pegasus was being murderous so Crys pulled her away. Crys is quite large, so she picked up a regular sized pony by the scuff of her neck. Adorableness o3o



    This is Crystal Vision's sister, Flare Shot. She's a fire dragon pony, basically the opposite of Crystal in appearance.



    This was my part of an Art Trade... the oc was interesting to draw :|



    Hanging ponies are back! Featuring Katisha, my girlfriend's OC.



    And last but not least, angry and pissed Crystal. Don't mess with her o3o




    • Brohoof 6
  8. Another update, even smaller than before! o.o






    Crystal pony design for a contest entry on DeviantART




    This is Bone Charm, my bird pony OC. She is merge with a bearded vulture ^^




    Last but not least, this is a digitisation of a sketch i made. It's my girlfriend and my oc. Her unicorn is called Katisha, and I'm pretty sure you guys know the dragon pony o.o

    (Yes, I am a pansexual, I know you're curious from when I said girlfriend.)

    Basically Crystal doesn't know what "Modern day" pony gestures are. So a boop makes no sense to her :P



    • Brohoof 5
  9. Those last few are really creative! I love them!


    Thankyou so much!!


    Your art is really nice to look at. I honestly doubted at first that you did the work. 

    But you did. Great Job!


    Thankyou, I think XD


    These are so awesome :D. I love those (Hey, I think I am following you on DA :D :D :D).


    Thankyou! Yes, I'm cayfie on DeviantART ^.^

    • Brohoof 3
  10. More art for you guys! ^^






    Vector for someone here on MLP Forum ^^



    Lightning Bliss fanart because why not


    Character concept design for a friend! ^^







    Look who I caught!!!



    • Brohoof 12
  11. Wow it's awesome ! Goo work your art is amazing :P


    Still adore your art, as always~



    Even when it makes me wanna be a furry... :sunny: 



    I really like how accurate your work is to the show's style. I especially like your OC (is she a kirin?)! I have run into some of your work on dA once or twice! 


    OMG. More awesome art from you  :wub:. I wish I had noticed :(. I am following this thread now ^w^, I don't want to miss any of your fantastic art :D


    Thankyou all so much! (Sorry not sorry about the furry thing XDD)

    • Brohoof 2
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