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PE Brony

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Posts posted by PE Brony

  1. Found a vendor at the Salt Lake Comic Con earlier this month that was selling MLP plushes and he had an Apple Fritter in perfect condition!! (The one on display was not aligned but I saw another in the crate behind the table and asked if I could check it out.


    My life's goal is now complete: I have Apple Fritter!





  2. Nightmares??? You should love it! That's my absolute favorite picture of Sunny!

    My internet seems to be malfunctioning and not actually quoting properly atm...dang. I mean to quote you, Aurora Wolf

    • Brohoof 2
  3. I never owned Red or Blue versions. I had Yellow, so Pikachu was always my starter. However, since Yellow let you capture exactly one of each of the "Starter" Pokemon during the gameplay, Squirtle became my favorite of the three. Having a Blastoise with Hydro Pump and Surf was invaluable to me in many, many battles. He was the only Starter that I ever used enough to get him up to level 100 (besides my Pikachu, of course)!


    its the most badass looking one IMO

    Thanks for voting! I like too many of them and hopefully between this forum and my FB poll I can get a better idea of which to go for!


    Sev is currently leading across both polls, despite low voting numbers (just like the American presidential voting usually has! XD

  5. Last week I went to my first Comic Con and had a blast! The last day of the Con, I ran in to an old friend and it turns out that he's a member of the 501st Legion, a worldwide volunteer organization of Star Wars fans that have the best-of-the-best Star Wars cosplay. He was cosplaying as Clone Captain Rex.


    We got talking on Facebook a couple days later and he sort of drafted me into the 501st...haha


    I'm trying to decide which Clone Trooper's armor I want to build.


    Here are pictures of the ones that have made my personal Top 5:



























































  6. Suicide Squad. Not as bad as critics say it is tbh

    Just got back from the theater an hour ago and I liked it more than the critics made me think I would. I've had a crush on Harley Quinn since watching Batman the animated series. Sure, some of the characters should have gotten more screen time and development, but eh. Harley!

  7. I thought she was gorgeous. She initially reminded me (and I know many others) of Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame with all the bangles and scarves and jewelry.





    • Brohoof 2
  8. Why would anypony be limited to just one amazing pony?? I follow a whole bunch of 'em! (99% of my notifications are from various fanclubs! haha)


    I haven't posted for a while, so here's a load of Luna stuff!









    click to animate


    click to animate



    • Brohoof 4
  9. Usually...no. I'm such a night owl. I usually go to bed sometime after 3am, so I'm not waking up until after 10 or 11am.


    However...I just started a new job a few weeks ago and my shift starts at 4am, so I'm getting up at 3:15 and not getting more than 4 hours every night because I can't convince myself to actually go to bed at 7pm... :awuh:

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I too watched Cardcaptor Sakura growing up, as well as the original Pokemon series. More recently, I got addicted to Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra, and RoosterTeeth's online 3-D American anime, RWBY.


    I only really got started into anime last year, but so far, I have enjoyed each one I've watched!


    (This is the order I watched them in)


    Tengen Toppa: Gurren Lagann

    Attack on Titan

    Sword Art Online


    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    • Brohoof 1


    Hello, this is a thread about the semi well known SJW "label"

    If you do not know what an SJW is, then take this.


    ^If your feelings get hurt really easily do not click^


    I am not saying I am an SJW and I AM NOT saying it is bad to be one



    Now, I just want to know your thoughts.

    Are you one?

    Do you consider yourself to be one?

    Do you know anyone like this?

    Do you think their philosophies are right or wrong?

    Do you think they are crazy? 


    Are you one?

    Not a chance in hell.


    Do you consider yourself to be one?

    See above.


    Do you know anyone like this?

    I know a couple girls from college that are super-feminist, but not really SJWs since they are almost purely feminists, while I see SJWs as being more in favor of anything that gives them something to yell about and be disrespectful.


    Do you think their philosophies are right or wrong?

    They are gargantuan hypocrites. They scream and screech and chant and shout-down every speaker that they go against. They seem to enjoy hearing themselves "talk." They do all this in the name of free speech, failing to realize that the first amendment doesn't refer to being able to be loud and obnoxious whenever they want to be (which is all the time apparently). The amendment is there to grant people protection from being suppressed and oppressed by their government, and allows citizens the ability to speak out against their government and social systems. SJWs seem hellbent on using the 1st amendment like a one way street that only they're allowed to drive: They claim they can scream and yell whatever they want because they have "free speech" but then suppress the legitimate speakers invited to campuses and rallies to give rival perspective.


    Like I said: walking hypocrisy.


    Do you think they are crazy?

    Complete wack jobs. Disturbers of the peace for no reason other than vying for attention. Disrespectful. Anarchists. Pampered wimps that get their way if they cry long enough. I can't stand them.

    • Brohoof 3
  12. I think my favorite mode for Impression Dash was "Reading Rainbow"; though it sounded more like "Rainboo" to me.  Take a look, it's in a book...

    attachicon.gifReading Rainboo.gif

    Though...  Was it an impression?  Rainbow didn't bother changing her mane style; which we've known she could do at will and on-the-fly since season five's Griffonstone episode where she imitated Twi.  She simply walked up wearing taped eyeglasses and holding a book. xD  Perhaps that's all you need, in this situation.



    I finished the line art for "Dragon Babe," but I'm hesitant to post the full drawing to the RDFC. x )  I'll decide once the piece is complete.  For now, here's a look at what I'm doing with the shading this time around:

    attachicon.gifbabe dragon painting practice.png

    I thought she said "Reading Rainboom"



    • Brohoof 4
  13. Well sir, I do have a right to have an opinion, and so do you, but you did quite roast me. And now I feel to be hated on these forums for whoever sees my post here..

    Which is precisely why I said:


    ...Though I'm sure we've all been guilty of it at least once in our lives, it's not an attitude I think one should find "cool" or "sexy."


    **bolded for emphasis**

    Some may completely disagree with me on this point.


    Sadly, this nasty behavior was most obviously displayed and used towards any and all adults while I lived in England. So many of the teenagers have had poor role models ("parents" living off the Dole, working just under the maximum hours so they can keep their benefits, sit at home drinking and watching the telly; kicking their kids out of the house rather than disciplining them and dealing with them like responsible parents would. Then those kids sit around outside in the streets heckling and harassing passerby just to get attention).


    Thank god I haven't noticed this level of abhorrent behavior here in the US yet (not where I've lived or seen so far).


    My little sister used to think that the "bad boys" in school were who she was attracted to and so all the guys she dated in high school were dirtbags and idiots with no respect for anyone. When she got to college, she actually somehow fell in love with the complete opposite: a really nice, thoughtful, super nerd. 'Twas very strange to see that turnaround.


    Honestly, it comes down to the rebelliousness and immaturity of youth. Teens are stereotyped and trained to think that rebellion is cool, or that they have to do certain things to be remembered. Once you graduate though, unless you live in a vacuum, you likely won't see or talk to most of the people you knew in high school ever again...


    Your goals and interests will adapt and adjust with time (or they usually do) and it all just comes with experience.

    I was raised as the only son with 6 sisters, so I was trained rigorously on proper ways to treat girls and other people (so much to the point that I became more aloof and shy in high school and got along better with the teachers than I did most of my classmates).

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