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Status Replies posted by LittlestPetDJPinkie

  1. Should I name my fursona Cassafrass, or keep it Scarlet? (she's getting a makeover today X3)

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      I like Scarlet, tbh. Great name! But, your OC, your choice. :3

  2. Dang it...I got the sniffles. Damn pollen season

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      Don't worry bro. I've got the same problem. ;-;

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Good morning everypony I have no school today

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      Yaaay! Good for you! I'm online-schooled, but I have school today. It's a short day, though. :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I wish I was dead. There is no point to my life, there never was. The world would be far better off without me in it. That is a goddamn fact.

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      @Flash I wish he could too. He is an awesome guy and I think he has great potential, he just needs to forget about stupid bucking depression like it doesn't exist. Once he gets that out of the way, he'll realize how awesome he is and put it to use. He is already awesome anyway, it's just the depression making him think he's not awesome.

    2. (See 88 other replies to this status update)

  5. I wish I was dead. There is no point to my life, there never was. The world would be far better off without me in it. That is a goddamn fact.

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      @Flash I don't think it was, since he just added me as a friend. lol

    2. (See 88 other replies to this status update)

  6. I wish I was dead. There is no point to my life, there never was. The world would be far better off without me in it. That is a goddamn fact.

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      ...And you can keep pulling yourself through these hard times because in the end, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

    2. (See 88 other replies to this status update)

  7. I wish I was dead. There is no point to my life, there never was. The world would be far better off without me in it. That is a goddamn fact.

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      ...Many others would've given up long ago, Kyo. But you didn't. And THAT'S what makes YOU an amazing person. Stop putting yourself down, look up to the bright sky and see what lies ahead. I don't hope that you get a job or a life. Because I KNOW you will. There is always one moment in everyone's life that makes them feel like they're on top of the world. That day will come for you, Kyoshi. It will come soon. And you can keep pulling yourself through these hard times be...

    2. (See 88 other replies to this status update)

  8. I wish I was dead. There is no point to my life, there never was. The world would be far better off without me in it. That is a goddamn fact.

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      Kyoshi, you are an amazing person. I respect you for the fact that you have the guts to survive through what you said you've been through, even if we don't know your whole back story. I'm sure there's other people that if put in your position, they couldn't take it anymore and probably decided they had enough long ago. But you, you didn't go there. You were great enough, amazing enough, brave enough, and strong enough to pull yourself through. Many others would've...

    2. (See 88 other replies to this status update)

  9. I wish I was dead. There is no point to my life, there never was. The world would be far better off without me in it. That is a goddamn fact.

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      Dude, you're making me cry. No one should have to feel like this. WHY would the world be better without you in it? What would make that true? Why, if you weren't here, there would be one less Brony in the world. One less pony fan. I don't know if there's anymore I can, or rather should say, but I'll leave you with this. "I am not what I have done, I am what I've overcome."

    2. (See 88 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hey everypony! I just woke up! Is there a new epsisode today???

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      Nope, but there was the Season Finale of Littlest Pet Shop! I love that show. X3

      Too bad there was no pony time this week, though. ;-;

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'm not giving him cake! I'm insulting him with cake!

  12. Pinkie Pis is da best pony. X3

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      LOLZ thanks.

      I do so hate those typos, though.

      BTW, u like Discord at all? ;-;

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  13. Pinkie Pis is da best pony. X3

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie






    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  14. Pinkie Pis is da best pony. X3

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie


      Eh, I kinda like Fluttershy. I don't like Rarity that much. Haven't watched the Maud Pie episode yet. Going to soon though.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  15. Pinkie Pis is da best pony. X3

    1. LittlestPetDJPinkie











      :P lol

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

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