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Ahri of the Wind

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Posts posted by Ahri of the Wind

  1. ((Okay thank you for your forgiveness and we can just continue it from where it suddenly stopped))


    "Yes I know them...I'm not friends with them either way but...I was hoping I lost them...I could live normally finally but they came and now this happened...I'm sorry Flurry when I get you home I'm going to leave I didn't mean to get you in all of this" Tiabelle said

  2. ((OH MY CELESTIA I am so sorry Dovashy I was in car accident and then once I was out of the hospital I had to go to my grand parents house for a while. I really hope you can forgive me please Dovashy I really didn't mean to leave without saying anything please forgive me))

  3. Tiabelle finished taking off the restraints and got Flurry on her back. "Let's get you back home so you can rest" Tiabelle said as she left the cave with Flurry on her back. "Lets go Max" Tiabelle said calling max over. She left the cave and headed back to Flurrys house

  4. "Thank you Max" Tiabelle said before going to Flurry. "Flurry I'm getting you out of here..." Tiabelle said as her horn glowed and broke the restraints and looked to the pony. "Max get back I'll handle this" Tiabelle said as her horn glowed once more and waited for max to get away from the pony.

  5. "The Key!? great they want it" Tiabelle thought. "I have a better idea" Tiabelle said before knocking the stallion. "You want the key then you're going to have to do better then that..." Tiabelle said as she went deeper into the cave and saw Flurry. "Flurry!" Tiablee ran over to her

  6. "You're lying" Tiabelle said. "I know you have her so where is she" Tiabelle said as she sent a kinetic hold on the stallion holding him in place. "You pony-napped her and it seems as though you were looking for something when you destroyed her house" Tiabelle said

  7. "Okay" Tiabelle said. "Bipolar...Demonic...multi personality..." Tiabelle thought for a moment. "No...I will not let this place get to me" Tiabelle said before a doctor came to escort her back to the cell. "Come with m-" The doctor was interrupted by Tiabelle putting him in a sleeper hold. "Just sleep...sleep" Tiabelle said before the Doctor passed out. "That was fun" Tiabelle said before she left the cafeteria and headed back to her cell.

  8. @@Dovashy,


    Tiabelle fixed setting up her tent and saw a mare having troubles trying to set up the tent. She went over to the mare and said. "Excuse me, do you need any help with the ten?" Tiabelle asked the mare. "I can help you if you want" Tiabelle added to what she said.

  9. "Get off of me" Tiabelle said before using her magic to fire a kinetic bolt at the stallion to push him off of her. "Where is Flurry and what have you done with her" Tiabelle asked as she charged another kinetic bolt. "Who are you and why did you tackle me to the ground also" Tiabelle asked

  10. ((Okay enough with controlling my character))


    "Yes Flame is my brother and Equinox told me he is dating your sister apparently" Tiabelle said. "But anyways I need to get some orders done so I need to ask you to leave because I will have to close shop soon" Tiabelle said.

  11. "Both of you are crazy" Twilight said. "But if you think both of you and that book can stop what ever is out there then good luck...here Pinkamena" Twilight gave her a oddly shaped dagger. "Equinox I hope you can use this better then I could also" Twilight said giving Equinox a scroll.

  12. ((I think she should and have it with her right now but its hidden with a cloak spell))

    Tiabelle stopped when she heard hoof steps. "Hello...is anypony there" Tiabelle called out again. "If anypony is here...where is Flurry alt...what did you do to her" Tiabelle said as the magic around a key and is tied around her neck faded. She recasted the spell causing the key to disappear again

  13. "I'm glad you are back to normal Equinox" Twilight said feeling where the chain was wrapped around her neck. "Wait...What happened to the Grimoire Noir and how did one of you find Weiss" Twilight asked looking at Flame and Pinkamena. "Before I...died I saw you and Flame and then thats it" Twilight said

  14. "I know we all need to stay focus but we don't need to stay completely quiet" Tiabelle finally spoke. "How about instead of staying quiet we all learn each others name" Tiabelle said. "I'm Tiabelle what are your ponies names" Tiabelle asked as she kept walking. 

  15. Twilight looked in horror as she saw Equinox crush Derangeds head. "E-equinox....Stay away" Twilight said shaking from fear. "Stay away from me...please" Twilight soon collapsed to the ground. "I never done anything to you...Please Equinox don't hurt me" Twilight begged

  16. Equinox just laughed before impaling Solstice on the spire.  Deranged lunged from the shadows and attacked Equinox. "Damn it Equinox if I have to I will kill you my self" Deranged threatened before being swatted away with dark hand. Deranged emitted a dark aura before a skeletal hand appeared. The blood from solstice slowly was drawn to the book making the Dark hand bigger


      Bothe Equinox and Deranged traded blow to blw before Equinox shot Deranged straight to the ground from the castle. Deranged struggle to get up but was stopped by Equinox. "Deranged....Do you know how long I wanted to kill you...to slowly murder you" Equinox said and a smaller dark hand appeared and began to press Derangeds head down.


    ((Izaya passed out :( im posting for him))

  17. "Wai...why all of a sudden" Twilight said before going to catch up to see Crystal Empire in ruins. "Oh no...has the corruption gotten that far" Twilight said before hearing Pinkamena. "You're right we do..." Twilight said heading after Pinkamena. "I hope Shining Armor and Cadence are okay" Twilight said to herself

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