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Community Answers
Jeric's post in Disable Personal Status Updates? was marked as the answer
While that function exists, a member won't be able to self restrict Status Update permissions. However, if the need arises, simply PM a Moderator and we can do this for you as a courtesy.
Jeric's post in My security program is blocking MLP forums as a threat to my Computer. was marked as the answer
Ok, Lavo was able to locate and address the issues with HTML:Script-inf. messages related to Avast and a dispute has been filed with Norton which led MLP Forums being cleared. This is resolved at this time. Thanks everyone!
Jeric's post in Site is rejecting my signiture image was marked as the answer
I understand the purpose of server scripting used in images, I use them at work.
I know that this isn't the answer you want to hear, but we do not allow them on MLP Forums. If doesn't matter if it is .php, angular, etc.
Jeric's post in Is MLP Forums a private forum? was marked as the answer
I can approach your question several ways. Here are the most common when 'private' comes into play
Ownership - MLP Forums is a privately owned and operated domain, yes.
Data security - We do not share your personal identifiable data to 3rd parties.
Browsing - Your posts and profile are (depending on where you post) are completely public.
Jeric's post in Can i apply for mod? was marked as the answer
Anyone can apply to be a Moderator here. This thread has a wealth of information regarding what is looked for in being a moderator. Warning point history is just one factor in reviewing candidates.
Jeric's post in Banner Submission Question was marked as the answer
At present we're running a banner contest which you can read about here. Currently banners are chosen based on either member or staff selection and adherence to the theme. An OC banner is not in line with the theme for the the month, but you are more than welcome to submit a banner under the current theme.
Thanks for the question.
Jeric's post in Signature sooo small was marked as the answer
You can also read this found in the FAQ
And this this section that answer more specific questions regarding donations and subscription perks.
There are no perks for opting into ads outside of assisting in reducing MLP Forums significant overhead costs.
I posted four links ... that answer your other question
Jeric's post in Is there anyway for me to get my conversations that have disappeared back? was marked as the answer
@madjack2001, as we investigated and provided you an answer via the support ticket system, I am closing this out.
Thank you.
Jeric's post in Can't read the rules upon signing up :P was marked as the answer
This was resolved last week. Terms of Service link is working again. Closing this out
Jeric's post in Can i necro pony posts was marked as the answer
If you have something substantial or productive to contribute to an older topic, you can post in it 'bumping it' with the exception or RP and the Welcome forum.
There may be occasional time where a current rule will apply on the thread, but this isn't common.
I'm on mobile so I'll link it later, but there IS a mention of this in the FAQ.
Also it is worst mentioning that if it is this forum, neither myself or Ashley will approve the post unless it is actually helpful to the OP.
As your question was answered. I'm locking this thread
Jeric's post in How to block members? was marked as the answer
How to block/ignore as sending party:
You will see a red bold link that says block here.
However to fully ignore members do this:
STEP 1 a
or Step 1 b from your Profile Settings Page
Step 2 - Ignore Preferences
Step 3 - Ignoring Messages
Hit Submit
In respect to reporting - Reports are confidential. In general we do not share the results of a reported item directly with the person who reported it. Unless it is simply moving thread A to forum B, very few decisions are made in a vacuum. The staff work together as a team for the good of all members. That includes making decisions on reporting.
Jeric's post in MLP:FiM comic forum was marked as the answer
We have one located under Sugarcube Corner for all MLP related Print Media
Jeric's post in Word count issue. Can't post in MeetUp section was marked as the answer
Hey Kel, that definitely looks like a settings issue. I'll see if I can hunt down an Admin or HAL to take a look at it.
Paging Mr. .
You should be able to post in the Meet Up forum and assemble your Texas Branch of Sunbutt worshipers now see if anyone is in your area. SCS has paved the way for you.
It should work now.
Jeric's post in How do I copy and paste photos? was marked as the answer
We have a helpful tutorial right here that will show you how to copy an image link into the post editor
Only links will work though. Don't Copy Image ... Copy Image URL.
Jeric's post in How do you find your OCs in the character Archives? was marked as the answer
Check out that post. Luigi and the RP Moderator go into detail on two of the best ways to locate your OC's.
Jeric's post in Reply box missing was marked as the answer
As I have already addressed, you do not have access to specific status update functions as you are under moderation. Replies to status updates do not work the same way as replies in topic where a moderator will review and approve the post. There is no ‘approval’ queue for someone else’s status updates. If you dispute this action you may file a Moderation Dispute via the Support Ticket system.
You can't reply to Status Updates until you are off Moderation.
Jeric's post in Unable to post status update and reply to status update was marked as the answer
This is not a glitch. This is a function of the moderation queue itself. Every item that you post is reviewed and approved by the Moderation team. As this is a Normal Operating Characteristic of this function I will close this thread.
Please read this top in the FAQ. Moderation Queue
Jeric's post in Notifications issue was marked as the answer
I'm using three different browsers on three different machines. As I am typing this there is a '3' in the sticky nav notification icon.
I right clicked on Fawkes Profile link and and opened in a new tab. It shows '5' in that tab.
Did the same in another browser and it shows '7' now.
As I complete this post there is still a '3' in the Sticky Nav notification.
As you can probably see by now, Feld0 has repaired the notifications so they should show live.
Jeric's post in Blog notification was marked as the answer
It really depends on the notification settings of your friends. If they follow your blog, they will receive notifications based on how they answer the below question. Note that that only applies for new entries in an already established blog and not a brand new blog.
Notify me of new entries on blogs I follow
Status updates are also viable but again dependent on your friends notification settings.
Notify me when one of my friends updates their status
Jeric's post in How do you post a poll? was marked as the answer
Hey @Lunar Glow, Visual Walkthrough Coming up.
You do not need to select to make the results Public, or multiple choice. You can edit it after the fact ... but cannot switch a private poll to a public poll once the first vote is cast.
Hope this helps.
Jeric's post in Time Spend Online statistic was marked as the answer
We store data server side not client (browser side), give it an "id", and let the client know (and pass back at every http request) that id. That is a session and it is controlled by server configuratyion, and various files in the software's file system. Sessions expire on the server side after a set time period where there are no more requests from the client side to the server. At this point the 'clock' stops ticking.
More specifically, The UID or Session ID is stored in the session data, server-side, after successful identification. Then for every HTTP request we get from the client, the session id (given by the client) will point you to the correct session data (stored by our server) which contains the authenticated user id - that way your code will know what user it is talking to. An HTTP request to view http://mlpforums.com/topic/113359-time-spend-online-statistic/ will be point A in time. If you do nothing for 'x' minutes or hours (depending on server config) then the session is terminated.
Let me know if that explains things.
Also forgot to add cookies to my description. Danka @Lato
Jeric's post in Multi post bug was marked as the answer
If execution time is taking longer, do not click post multiple times. The server and client are communicating, and IPB software is not a SPA with real time data binding. Hitting submit constantly will create duplicate entries. This is why many e-commerce sites caution you from hitting submit again while it is processing your payment.
If this does happen, just report the dupes and the moderator or sectional will handle it for you.
Jeric's post in My Little Pony Movie Sub-forum? was marked as the answer
I believe the deciding factor of when will be the number of topics on movie speculation. As volume increases it may make sense to create its own forum. This is a very imaginative community that loves nuance and old fashioned school yard, "What if ..." topics. I can see the speculation causing Show Discussion to overfloweth in a few months time. Right now it's only three posts, wait until they have children.
Seriously though, it may be too early right now, but it is a valid suggestion.
Jeric's post in Delete posts in these threads? was marked as the answer
Please submit a ticket it is the best avenue for your request.
This topic concerns a technical or general issue that is better suited for an admin to handle, due to its' complicated or private nature. It is thus better suited as a Support Ticket.
Jeric's post in Is it possible to post an audio file in the PM? (Not Youtube file) was marked as the answer
, I have to retract what I stated. The PM system, like the topic/post editor, removes the embedded video as it restricts HTML being used. You can embed in a few other areas on the site (About Me, Blogs) but not in a PM. You will unfortunately need to link them only.