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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. banned because i live in canada! its Victoria day!
  2. banned because its a holiday here i don't have to go to school
  3. QuickRose burst into the room then realizeing everyone was stareing at her looked embarased at her hooves then went to sit down. David sighed, "de ja vu" Quickrose remembered the time he refered to, she was late for the opening ceremonys at her old school she sat down and listened to the speaker carry on
  4. Bronys are the best kind of people because they like hugs and don't judge you because you hug your friends, even if they are of the opposite gender.

  5. banned because all i wanna do is take care of animals not get an actual job like you have to when you grow up. overrated dude overrated.
  6. Quickrose hurryed on her way, the unicorn had overslept and arrived late to the campus. she could just hear her old princible now, Quickrose you will never get anywhere in life if you are late for things! and then the customary rant about how being on time is important. she sighed thinking of the one friend she was leaveing behind, Neon lights would miss her, and her Neon. really it had been her parents who had insisted on her going to the acadamy her parents were prideful of their briliant little girl, their son however, not so much.Quickrose knew her brother well enough that either her garden would die from lack of water or her mother would end up watering it. the only plant she could bring was David the talking Watersweet plant.she hurryed to drop off her things in the lounge room like she had been instructed and ran down the hall towards the conference room with David on her sholder
  7. banned because i heard what he said i just didn't understand why he said it
  8. daily motion is a blocked domain on my computer i can't watch mlp season 4 (starts bawling)
  9. Me, i'd be reborn as Princess Fluttershy obviously! i mean my user is, well you can read so come on! why not!
  10. Hey guys! as the title says Can Somepony Make Me An Avatar Please? i'm kinda tired of finding all my avatars on google and i'd like something new. my avatar needs to be fluttershy as an alicorn (but of corse!) it needs to be pretty please. i apreciate your help! thanks guys!
  11. banned for playing video games all the time instead of watching MLP
  12. Bronys are the best kind of people because if you are walking beside your friend who is of the opposite gender they don't automaticly think you are dateing. normal people -sigh-

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      And they like huuugs *huuugs both of them!* xD

    2. Alicorn Fluttershy
  13. Banned because don't be so hard on yourself or the rest of us!
  14. Banned because no it isn't. life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. and the existence of an individual human being or animal.
  15. Banned because we arn't playing pokemon or whatever that is
  16. Well, i'm back.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Sounds pretty stupid, I am sorry You had to go through this. But it's over now, don't worry :3 Wanna chat in PMs? Maybe it will provide more entertainment to You than that event :D

    3. Virgil


      Yeah, sounds like an event I would have disliked tremendously, and I'm a "conservative" Christian for that matter; suffice it to say, hand raising, and jumping around have never been my thing. I don't knock anyone that feels like doing it, just not how I express my praise to God. But I'm very glad you made it through and maybe next time you can find an event more introvert friendly. (\

    4. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy

      sadly christian teen events don't tend to be introvert friendly. sigh its over though.

  17. Banned because Life giver i hereby appoint you as my head flutterguard
  18. Banned because *oh well i wouldn't say that exactly*
  19. Banned because for your information i am not yours
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