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Ziggy + Angel + Rain

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Posts posted by Ziggy + Angel + Rain



    an association with the murderous Pinkie of "Cupcakes"

    At that point, you've ceased to talk about MLP:FIM's Pinkamena.  I don't consider the fandom's confused, grimdork interpretations of Pinkamena - or any of the ponies - to be applicable; they don't color how I think of the ponies.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. If anyone tries to *noms your ear* or *rubs your belly*, you should let them know if they're barking up the wrong tree.  I will dispense internet *hugs* on occasion, but I've been in situations where people started doing things I wasn't even comfortable with in text-form.  So I said, "That thing yer doin'?  I don like that thing."  But then, I do belong to someone.


    Anywho, Widders: CONTEXT.


    Suggestive nomming (that possibly led to Flurryheart, just saying):



    Non-suggestive nomming (just pretend it's an ear-nom - makes no difference in this context):



    The intent is pretty clear in both.  Intent is key; this applies to any interaction you may have with someone, too.  If you don't know their intent - or they don't know yours - it can and probably should be clarified; preferably before things get weird.  Or you get arrested.  For internet ear-noms.  (That probably won't happen; I'm not up to speed on internet ear-noms laws and regulations).

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I think it's likely that, in time, MLP:FIM will inspire feelings of nostalgia for both the children (for whom gen 4 was their first exposure to MLP) and the already-adults that watched the series or participated in the fandom.  While the Hello Kitty brand has been handled by people with enough sense to capitalize on its appeal to kids and fans who simply got older, the MLP brand (in terms of sales to adults) has been, perhaps, better handled by third parties.  For example: I just purchased a Christmas-themed Rainbow Dash shirt from a site that caters to all sorts of fans of popular culture old and new.  Hasbro didn't have anything to do with that.  Do you see Hasbro-approved or manufactured adult t-shirts of first gen ponies?  No?  I think that's less to do with demand and more to do with Hasbro's unwillingness or inability to market to aging fans.

    • Brohoof 2


    I think that her heart & focus just wasn't into was being taught to her and she acted that way as a result.

    Much like Rainbow Dash in that scene, I found the stool-balancing act to be more compelling than the history lesson. ^ ^;  I've never been much for history, admittedly.

    • Brohoof 5
  5. I enjoy the holiday season.  Halloween is fun, Thanksgiving is about family and deliberate overeating, and Christmas is about giving and getting presents to and from loved ones.  Yes, it gets cold, and I don't care for that.  Yes, I've burped four thousand times in the wake of Turkey Day.  But I generally look forward to the holidays and what they bring throughout these few months.

  6. ​Rhythm is better than study:




    Whenever I see a reference to the stool-balancing scene from season four's "Testing Testing 1 2 3," I can't help but think of the criticisms some people had around the time of its airing.  "I wish Dash hadn't done that," or, "I thought that was disrespectful of her."  I always liked that moment, and, nowadays, it's satisfying to me that it seems to be remembered fondly.  A couple of seasons or years from now, people will probably be pointing to Dash moments from seasons five and six and expressing similar fondness.

    • Brohoof 4
  7. Before I joined MLPF or even watched through the first season of MLP:FIM, I came up with and drew a pony lady who I named - and I'm pretty sure this is correct:



    Princess Lollipop Sparkle Vagina.



    • Brohoof 1
  8. No, I want exactly ZERO cuteness.  Zilch.  Nada.  Cuteness, you aren't welcome 'round these parts; I'll put out a sign.  I think the film - based on an animated children's series about ponies with big, glistening eyes and pretty manes - should be super DARK and tackle the really important issues of today.  Issues like war, poverty, and game show hosts-turned-president.


    What DON'T we want? CUTE!  And where DON'T we want it?  The upcoming MLP movie.

  9. I'm not sure what the hell Shopkins are, but - just like the MLP toy line - Trolls have been around since the eighties.  They'll reemerge every so often; though I don't know how I feel about this incarnation and its out-of-nowhere movie.  I've been around long enough to see MLP, Trolls, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, He-Man, Transformers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ebb and flow in popularity and undergo various transformations.  Even frickin' Popples made a sort-of comeback!  Who remembers Popples?  No-damned-body, that's who.


    I forget what the topic actually was.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I'm currently writing my thesis on this very subject: "A Fundamental and Not Overly-Convoluted Theoretical Understanding of Equestrian Economics Surrounding the Established and Widely-Accepted Bit Currency."


    Here it is in its entirety:



    Step 1: Pony A gives Pony B an agreed-upon number of Bits.

    Step 2: Pony B gives Pony A an item in exchange for said Bits.

    Step 3: There is no step three.


    (It's a fairly short thesis.)



    • Brohoof 1
  11. And, from that day on, the Rainbow Dash rendition of "Jingle Bells" became Ziggy's favorite Christmas song.  Before I hit play, I honestly thought I was gonna hear some fan-made music, but this was a pleasant surprise.

    • Brohoof 5
  12. Can we stop talking about Flash Sentry now?  Or, Idunno...  Ever?  He's neither relevant nor important; nothing more than a remnant of an ill-conceived attempt at forced and obligatory high school-tier romance.  I've seen harem anime with more interesting male love interests, and that's honestly saying something.


    Besides: "Hookup" implies something that EQG is never ever going to tackle.  It's my headcanon (as of my writing this) that the backlash and vitriol that fans sent Flash's way was SO literally acidic that it burned away his man-parts.  That's why you didn't see as much of him in subsequent films; he needed time to heal, both physically and emotionally.



    I flipped out the first time I saw your avie wink at me o_o

    Good. xD  I deliberately put as many frames as I thought I could between winks so it'd seem more like a random wink than an animation cycle.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I've said this four hundred times now, but my earliest crushes were on animated mice.  Several mice.  (It's been pointed out to me why things probably wouldn't have worked out with a mouse lady.)  Later on in life, I realized the appeal of anime cat girls.  At some point, I discovered Robert Crumb.  I went through a full-on anthro phase; a phase which probably involved pictures of Krystal or Renamon as often as anyone.  What followed was an enduring interest in ladies with hooves that predated FIM by quite a while; I even showed interest in ponies from past gens of MLP.


    I still don't really consider myself a furry, though. xD  I never got into the community; never dabbled in fursonas, RP-ing, or any of that jazz.  Besides: Whether they're a mouse, cat girl, anthro fox, or sexy pegasus, I've always regarded them as, well, women.  Some people get that, and some people - even in this fandom - seem confused by it.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. It's been years since I played through Majora's Mask, but I remember enjoying the game in spite of its feeling like the Zelda version of Groundhog Day.  I do prefer Ocarina of Time, but MM is the more challenging and complex title.  I'd think that just about everyone who's picked up OoT has eventually beaten it; my brother and I raced each other to the end of MM on our respective game saves.  It was fun.  That being said: I'd still rather pick up Ocarina for the fourth or so time than play back through Labia Majora.  I beat the game on the Nintendo 64, and I've always been satisfied with that.

  16. There are plenty of shows - the majority of them being live action dramas - that I never got into or lost interest in along the way.  True Blood and Game of Thrones are good examples; though on opposite sides of a spectrum.  From the start, True Blood was never that intriguing to me; it just wasn't.  I'll take the likes of The Lost Boys and Buffy the Vampire Slayer over True Blood, any day.  The difference with Thrones was that I got really into it at first, and the interest just drained right out of me.  It became a chore to watch the show or read A Song of Ice and Fire.

    • Brohoof 1
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