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Ziggy + Angel + Rain

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Posts posted by Ziggy + Angel + Rain

  1. Does picking up a full gallon of milk qualify as participating in a sport?  Those are somewhat heavy; and unwieldy when trying to pour into that first bowl of cereal.




    LOL. Weightlifting is in Olympic program, what can be more serious? XD

    I've never really taken the Olympics seriously; though I have kind of enjoyed watching women's beach volleyball.  Uh, purely due to its merits as a demonstration of athletic prowess, skill, annnnd no one is buying this so I had might as well stop.

  2. Finally got a 1080p-capable HDTV.  I wanna say it's a 42-inch Vizio; bought it off my brother for fairly cheap.  My computer monitor is a 30-something inch 720p LG, and I moved the 30-something inch 720p Panasonic into my mother's room so she can watch blu-rays and such.  The LG is the only TV I actually purchased new; the Panasonic was a gift.  I recently got rid of a tiny and relatively ancient Element HDTV; gave it to a friend I thought could find a use for it.

  3. Mi-Go.  A speaking voice (accomplished by who-knows-what alien organ) like the buzzing of bees, people.


    Nyarlathotep / The Crawling Chaos.


    That one thing that you meant to eat four weeks ago but instead left in the fridge way too long in a now-permanently stained, sealed container that you're too damned afraid to ever open up.


    A Trump presidency - oh SHIT!

  4. Would you go? Why or why not?

    Nope.  There are any number of excuses reasons.  I actually dropped out of high school before starting 11th grade, and I'm confident that many people had no idea as to why.  I've also changed a lot in the intervening years; I don't even have the same legal name anymore.  Besides: There aren't many people I'd be enthused to see, and there are many others whose names (if not faces) might elude me.


    Is there really anyone you still speak to? Do you think a past friendship would reignite?

    Yes, and it did.  But that happened over the internet; no high school reunion required.


    Is there anyone you think you be angry at/annoyed of/avoid?

    I could avoid EVERYONE equally by simply not going.




    Well, Plank, as you drew him, is pretty much instantly recognizable.  I'm not saying that the other images were poorly drawn, but you know just what to expect from Plank.  One thing is consistent throughout all three drawings, though: You seem to be good with faces. x3

  6. The First Amendment to the US Constitution? A philosophical question would require a long answer. Basically I just said that because I knew people would jump down my throat for questioning the status quo. It seems to me that it has become fashionable these days to brag about how you have some kind of disorder. Whatever, I'm not afraid to state what I think. If I'm wrong then whatever.

    You are truly a heroic and unflinching individual.  Standing up for your dis-beliefs in so contentious and dangerous a venue as this; a pony forum.

    • Brohoof 2


    You can disagree with me but I'm entitled to my opinion, and I bet a lot of people agree with me to some extent.

    Opinions can be wrong, you know; particularly when there are people in the scientific or psychiatric community who might call your opinion ignorant.  "It is my opinion that the Earth is actually flat."  There you go.  I wouldn't personally say that your opinion is ignorant, though; I think it's more lacking in empathy and devoid of any personal experience that would color it otherwise.  You don't have these conditions you think were "made up" (which, to some extent, is true - the symptoms or behaviors had to be recognized and given a unifying name), so they are therefore nonexistent.


    But why, exactly, are you "entitled" to your opinion?  Where, precisely, is said entitlement guaranteed by anyone or anything?  That really sounds like something you just made up to artificially bolster your position.

    • Brohoof 3
  8. I just finished digitally painting the spoiler'd drawing (I posted a preview a little while ago), and I decided to post it despite the possibility of its being removed.  It isn't even remotely explicit, and I'm proud of how it turned out.  I'm still relatively new to digital painting, and drawing Angel or show-Dash have been great motivators to improve my arting.






    Angel in Heaven by me

    • Brohoof 3


    There's just something taboo about a pony mating with a human (yeah, I know beastiality exists in our world),



    On the point of the whole human/pony thing, it's not really comparable to bestiality. The Equestrian ponies are of a comparable level of intelligence to us humans, unlike real horses in our world. Just because they naturally look somewhat like the ponies/horses of our world doesn't make them the same thing.

    What said, all day long.  (And what I've been saying since I first interacted with the fandom.)  If you truly regard Equestrian mares as "animals" (and comparable to this-Earth equines), it's a wonder that you don't regard human women the same way.


    Equestrian mares are far more comparable to human women than they are to any species of Earth equine.  They have a spoken language (languages, really), a form of government, an understanding of science and mathematics, employment / a work force, a form of currency...  The ONE thing that undeniably differentiates Equestrian mares from human women (and that people seem to get hung up on) is their body shape.


    This brings up all manner of questions.  If an originally-human woman transformed into a pony (who can do just about everything she could in her initial form), is she suddenly an animal?  And while @Nightmare Muffin seems to think that a human being intimate with a human is ALSO somehow bestiality, the human-form Sunset Shimmer is directly comparable - both in terms of intelligence and physical appearance - to any of the originally-human members of the main cast.  If you're still throwing around the B-word at this point, it could only be because you have some deep-seated moral qualms and / or personal prejudices that you're simply unable - or unwilling - to look past.


    Logically, there's no good reason to label an Equestrian mare an "animal."  If you honestly can't tell the difference between a house cat and a species of talking equine with their own civilization, culture, and intelligence and capabilities on a par with humans, you've got a problem for which there may be no solution.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Why don't you just write an original horror story?  If all you're after is attention (like the above poster went on about), you're potentially beholden to what the fandom wants or expects from you.  But if you create a work that isn't inherently derivative (I mean blatantly and deliberately so), you may ultimately find an audience relying purely on the merits of the original story, characters, and world you created.

  11. Even longer than that - they've been around since early '60s :) (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they've been reemerging every decade since the sixties... And that's a lot of nostalgia to cash in on! People in their 40s and 50s could be buying Trolls for their grandchildren now. Amazing. :D)

    Ah, I forgot!  My mom would talk about them and how she (and I assume others) used to call them "Iggys."

    • Brohoof 1
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