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Szafa Lesiaka

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About Szafa Lesiaka

  • Birthday 1989-05-31

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  1. Hey there everypony! After horribly long delay (for which I'm terribly sorry ) the results are here: http://sta.sh/0295ygt81re8 Once more, huge thanks for all the participants of the study and all that halped spread the message.
  2. Well, I think it goes with normal MLP fanart, unless I find something unusual about it, I'm more interested with what kind of sexual content is there and how it is perceived by people.
  3. Yup, sorry I didn't announce that properly, I was so busy yesterday that I'm only now cathing up to all this... The survey is closed now, I wanted to thank all that participated in any way and helped me with my work. I've not finished clearing the database from empty questionnaires and poor attempts at trolling yet, but it seems I've received over 1900 responses. That's absolutely awesome and the survey will give me a lot of valuable data to work on, probably much more then I expected. I might publish some partial results of the survey in near future, but the full report should be available by the end of the summer. It's because the amount of the data and the work required to process is properly, but also because of my priorities: I will be first working on my thesis, which is in Polish, and then write a full, separate report on the survey itself, in English. Apart from language barrier, both tasks requires slightly different approaches and I might not use all of the survey data for the thesis. I have to yet discuss with professor to what extend I should include it. Once more, thank you all & have a great day!
  4. What interesting can be found in Lesiak's closet? x3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Haha I was kinda kidding with that question, I was wondering if You'd find out my nationality by it :D

    3. Szafa Lesiaka

      Szafa Lesiaka

      I actually couldn't find any confirmation that you're Polish in your profile, so I though someone used translator to find out what my nick is about and asked that question. It happened with some of my DA friends, when they tried to figure it out. ;p

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Oh, I thought, I left my nationality on my profile... well, I guess I am quite a derp then :v

  5. I will now say a bit more then I should while people can still participate, but the survey is pretty much ending, so I think it can't cause much harm. So, it depends on other questions, but it's really a question about people's own interpretations, not much hidden under it, as it would be a very weak indicator of anything else. Many people see their consuming of pornography or erotic materials as a bad habit, and they feel guilty about it, and this kind of "negative" answers would suggest that it's also the case here. I wanted to find out, how people generally feel about their involvement with NSFW fanart, and along with questions about people in RL knowing about it, to assess to what degree people are keeping it hidden as this kind of "dirty secret". At this point I can only say, that results are pretty interesting. Of course, this topic surely asks for deeper questions, but I'm very much limited byt the fact I don't have a team to analyze this data, and I will have to do most of the work by myself. My questions maybe just "scratch the surface" of the issue, but they're a good starting point to further work, either by me, or by someone else.
  6. Thank you, I know it's not the easiest survey to take part in, but I promise to put your answers to good use.
  7. Professor I'm writing this under wrote a whole book about pornography (a very good one IMO), and fan-made pornography is one of the topics he don't know much about and didn't include there. One could say that I'm supplementing his work - and actually he was the one that pushed me in this direction. Well, TBH, this survey is targeted towards people creating or consuming that kind of material, I was pretty explicit about that. With problematic kinds of NSFW, it's what question suggests, I'm interested what people see as most problematic, because of certain controversies present in the fandom and around it. And if they see all NSFW as evil, they can still express that - but if they do, they most likely aren't in the targeted group (though there are some exceptions). :] Same goes with other open questions, the way they're phrased may implicate certain attitudes, but if someone don't feel they apply to him, he can effectively challenge it in his answer. I know it's not going in depth in all those issues, but it is only part of my study. I will do a pretty major content analysis and with the poll I was interested in seeing general tendencies, which I needed to interepret other things I'll be analyzing. I'm not a specialist in sexuology, I'm mostly interested in discourse analyses, and those basic characteristics of bronies involved in NSFW fanart are required for my work. At the same time, I find the data I've gathered extremely interesting, and as much as I know, it's more then anyone did before me on this topic. Also, I wanted to keep the survey as short and user-friendly as possible, as I wasn't sure what responce I will get, and how much I can ask from people here before they will find the survey a boring chore. If I knew what I know today, maybe I would choose a more ambutious approach, but I have no regrets. I'm rather self-critical and I know how imperfect my work is, but the amount of answers I've got and their quality is absolutely amazing and I hope I'll be able to turn this contribution by poeple of the fandom into something worthy. You're right, that this is just basic data, but it's also extremely interesting basic data, that can be later used by someone willing to go deeper into certain issues. I'm trying to present a general overview of a phenomenon that is very poorly described in the litearature, I can only hope that someone will follow my lead and write more about it, hopefully deeper and better then I can.
  8. I see, I wasn't sure which one to use and I decided that with this kind of topic it would be safer to use the ultimate OT space, but I guess this makes more sense. Heh, some indeed see clop as this "scourge of the fandom", so I understand why they would go in that direction. But that meant they also weren't serious with their polls, because if you respect people that answer your questions and really want them to be honest, you have to leave your jugdments far behind (or at least try to do that).
  9. I really like that metaphor. xD The survey is still going on, I've got great number of responces and I wanted to thank everyone for participating! The link will be open till thursday, May 15.
  10. This reminds me of one story... I was once an admin on polish version of Uncyclopedia (parody of Wikipedia), and on the site there was a pretty offensive article about furries, making them look like plain zoophiliacs. I didn't delete it, becasue article being offensive was acceptable, as long as it was well-written. One time, a Polish furry started complaining about the article. He said, that it's horribly unfair, because not all furries identify with zoophilia, and it's unfair to generalize like that. Seriously. He wrote, "not all of us identify with that". Not that it's a minority, not that it's not an important part of what furries are - only that it's not universal in their community. To this day, I'm not sure what to think about that... But it left a strong impression and somewhat shaped my perception of furries. :s
  11. Hey there everypony, I'm a sociology student writing my master's thesis on erotic and pornographic MLP fanart. Currently I'm doing a survey targeted towards creators and consumers of such art. I know that this topic is cousing much controversy on this forum, but I'm also sure that there are poeple active here that are interested in NSFW ponies and might be willing to share their experiences and opinions (for science!). The survey is fully anonymous. It contains 20 questions, so filling it out shouldn't take you more then 10-15 minutes. survs.com/survey/lodl23jx3v <- you can start the survey by using this link. It's protected by a password, to prevent random entries and trolling - the password is: MLP. You can find the full information about the study in my DA journal: http://szafalesiaka.deviantart.com/journal/A-study-on-MLP-erotica-and-pornography-452844887 If you have any questions, you can contact me on DA, or by e-mail: jan.bajor@student.uw.edu.pl (or ask a question in this topic, if you don't mind doing it publicly ). Thank you for your time & have a good day.
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