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Everything posted by Ashbad

  1. The first two episodes turned me off, but fortunately I watched past that before judging it. The pilots just seem overly moralistic and girly for my tastes, it got a lot better after them.
  2. Indeed, but that would still have to pack the Scratch framework with it (as part of the binary), which is rather large EDIT: and, while this isn't yet a large project, switching languages during development provides a huge drawback and longer time spent coding, especially if he knows how to work well with Lua+Love already.
  3. Lua's already pretty simple, to be honest (Scratch is one of those learning tools, not very viable for a game meant to be distributed professionally or semi-professionally). I wouldn't suggest it, since that's a lot more for users to have installed for the game to work; a Lua interpreter + Love2D is a pretty small set of requirements. Heck, you could even bypass the Lua interpreter and use some JIT or Lua native compiler instead, and then just pack in Love2D with it.
  4. Seems like a cool idea. The sprites are a bit rough, but they work. About them though, perhaps you can conglomerate them into a single image, and use surface offsetting to draw different parts, instead of 1 sprite per image? And, you should probably try including the Love framework with your game, license allowing; if you can't, you'll need to provide a setup guide in the readme (which you also don't have yet, it seems). Excited to see what comes out of this.
  5. Thanks for the receptions While I know this is an early proposal... why don't we set one up? ;-) We could get something like #mlpforums up on freenode pretty quickly, and I could also quickly draft some bots to hold our foot in it. Of course, with admins/mods here with the ability to become halfops/ops. That would indeed be cool. I've actually already thought up some ideas for one, perhaps I can make a discussion thread about it soon where everyone can discuss concepts, and break up work accordingly. And we could make it easy to revise by plopping it either on my SVN server or on Google Code's. Not bad. I assume you use RobotC for FIRST FTC competitions? Or just for fun? I dabbled in it a while ago, but lately I've switched from our team's FTC to FRC head Java programmer.
  6. Cool beans! While I know this is my intro thread... I will ask, what languages do you know?
  7. Sup, everypony!

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Your avatar has nice shades! Needs more pony though.

    2. Ashbad


      Indeed it does, Scootacool! I like using this avatar because just about nobody in the world could guess where it's from. ;)

  8. Cool, someone else who's a computer nerd! As for a favorite language, I would love to say C, but I can't since every programming language has their own pros and cons (except Java, with more cons than pros!) As for my assembly skills, thanks they actually hitched my a highschool internship this summer, since I was the only applicant with the knowledge of them and OS theories. I like programming for all sorts of things, and in my project stack right now I'm writing a kernel for z80-based embedded systems, a zelda-esque game in C using SDL, and I'm part of the unoffical team hacking the Casio FX-CG10/20 calculator. EDIT: thanks for throwing me the rules! the ones I was thrown when I agreed to terms here were a lot more compact. EDIT2: and, might I inquire if these forums have an official IRC server/channel? I'm also an IRC type of guy
  9. Indeed, when it come to introductions, I try to make it as descriptive of me as possible :-) just curious, are there any rules about avatar/sig sizes (once I get past this 5 post barrier to make them)? Is cussing allowed (I'm no sailor mouth, but an occasional colorful metaphor adds spice to a post)? I don't remember seeing these two in the rules. EDIT: I am curious, as I like being the goody-twohooves on forums
  10. Interesting greeting sequence, happy to say that was probably the most entertaining one I've received yet on the internet. I'll be sure to enjoy this "awesometasticest" forum (sorry if that was a MLP reference and I didn't get it -- I'm only up to E09S01 right now)
  11. Hello, fellow bronies; I'm glad to be a part of these fora, as I have recently "joined the herd", as you might say. I finally got myself to watch past the first two episodes of the series a week ago (I honestly didn't enjoy the pilots), and I enjoyed episodes 3 and 4 on season 1 immensely. All because I was sent a link to SHED.MOV and DRESS.MOV by a trolling friend of mine; either way, ended up for the better, since those two parodies got me interested in the show. I'm 16, mildly artistic, decently musically gifted, but I excel greatly with computer/embedded programming. For those who are interested in my experience, I'm able to write fluently in C, Java (shudder), Ruby, and I know 3 assembly languages (Zilog z80, Renesas SuperH 3, and x[86|64] assembly). As for musical background, I can play Piano/Electric Bass decently, but I'm not the greatest with music composition, though I'm trying to work on it so I can try and make some MLP chiptunes. Artistically, I specialize in pixel art (mostly retro-looking sprites and tiles, nothing large or fancy); I suck at drawing by hand, though (but I can make a pitch perfect cartoon of Spike! and I'm working on learning to draw other ponies so I can draw them on tests and troll my teachers). I plan on eventually making a MLP platformer of some sort once my more demanding programming projects die down later this coming spring. As for forums, I thrive in them; my posts in various forums throughout the past 3 years has probably exceeded 10,000, so I know internet culture very well and I doubt you'll have any behavioral or netiquette problems with me. Long winded introduction, sounded more like an interview for a job than a introduction to a MLP:FiM forum, really. Oh well, you'll live I'm sure. P.S, I am quite amused by the design of the emoticons here. EDIT: and I didn't even say what my favorite pony is! Tie between Fluttershy and Applejack at the moment. However, One does not simply pick a favorite pony, since I seem to be changing my favorites all the time. And, I'll be sure to hit up your TF2 server eventually, I got that game 5 months ago and it's fantastic
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