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Posts posted by SolidTwilight

  1. I don't think you got my point entirely. Gender identification next to people's avatars is irrelevant because gender specific topics make up a minute amount threads; and therefore would be unnecessary most of the time.

    but it's not unnecessary all the time. I can see your point as to it being unnecessary most of the time but you don't have to to look at it most of the time ether, it would just be a small thing that you may not even see if you don't look for it.
    • Brohoof 1
  2. I'm not going to be PC and say that gender doesn't matter in some cases. For example, Nightmare Muffin had a thread called "Women who shave their faces." Key word, women. Out of curiosity, would you want to know if a person that says they're okay with it is male or female? Of course. Does what they say change based on their gender? No. In most cases, as I said, gender doesn't matter. But with issues or topics pertaining to a certain gender, it matters in the sense of you wanting to know whose who on a topic so that you have a well-rounded view. If you're talking about what your favorite song is, it doesn't matter one iota.

    This is exactly my feeling on this topic. could not have put it better my self.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. ...Not sure how one's gender matters in that instance. You could go your whole life not knowing that person's gender and it wouldn't change the statement.

    it is extremely common for females to were yoga pants (you know, the skin tight most of the time black pants you see girls were alot) but it is very rare for males to were them or things like them. so it it was a female author, they would be saying "I do something that other people my gender do all the time" but if it was a male, they would be saying "I do something that is very uncommon for my gender"

    • Brohoof 1
  4. So when reading though some of the pages here it can get kind of confusing trying to keep track of what gender the person that is writing the post is (or identify as). On some of the other forums I am on there is a small gender symbol next to there avatar. Would you want this on MLP forums or do you think its better off being anonymous unless you look at a persons profile.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I can't read anything in this thread, but I would rock some meggings (man-leggings) if I owned a pair. I already wear skinny jeans so meggings would be a seamless transition in clothing.


    Are leggings pretty much the same as compression shorts?


    This is why I can't read the thread






    I was going to buy some of the "maggings" from here https://meggingsman.com/index.php/shop/ but did not see any that I really liked.

    leggings are pretty much the compression shorts but can (depending on who you ask) be worn with out anything over them. I were compression shorts under mine since they are some what transparent and to also hide the "boys".

    also what is going on with your MLP forum? is that a joke or is it really a problem your running into?

  6. So i can't tell you all just how much i appreciate all the support and honesty every one has been posting. This is something that I have been thinking about for a long time and you all help me make an informed decision. 


    So I just got two more in the mail from redbubble. (it takes about 2 weeks) One of them I made useing a photo of my self. I think these one look better with shorts over them but I want to get shorter shorts so you can see more of them. what do you think? the red one is a photo of a sunset but not a photo I took.






  7. Also


    NOOOOOOOOO The Republic!, How dare they destroy the Republic... Though they did kill Jar Jar... But the Republic!!


     at lest I gave a shit about the place that got blow up this time. the prequels had 3 hole movies to make be feel bad about aldran getting blown up but NO. they gave it a 1 sec thing at the end of 3. this time when they fired the laze may hart was braking the hole time and I felt awfal about an un countable number of people being killed. I meen that is one of the sadest thing that has ever happend in a movie if you think about it and in IV it is like a 1 minute shot and none is really all that upset about this place we have never seen full of people we have never meet getting blow up. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. it was good, although when Kylo ren removed his mask. everything threating of him just left the buildin.

     Thats the point. he is not a super bad ass, he is a wine kid that is trying to be a bad ass but is really insecure about him self and is trying so hard to be the "new vader" but is not really shore if he should be. I felt the same way when he took off his mask and then latter knew way they had him do it. 




    I thought the film was amazing and wasn't something i expect from Disney... At all!. I'd say it's one of my favourites or even my favourite star wars film



    I did however think the Villain was rubbish. I mean he was intimidating, but when i saw him use his lightlaber against another lightlaber... he just sucked XD. Someone like Obi wan or Darth Vader would of killed him instantly


    He just got shot with chowies bowcaster! he should not even be walking around let alone fighting anyone. I think he was using the force to hold his wound during the hole fight and he must have been in a huge amount of pain. this is the number one complaint but I never her anyone say how injured he was before the fight even started.


    i guess the story was that he left before he finished training, but he was just sorta..you know, having temper tantrums.

    The temper tantrums are a big part of him trying to embrace the dark side. the dark side is all about letting your hate flow and he is really trying to do eveything he can to feel the dark side and that means letting his anger control him. his is not a master sith like vader that uses his anger. he is just a vader want a be that does not have control that a master sith would have


    • Brohoof 1
  9. So I grow my beard for a snake/big boss cospaly back in 2013 and I like the way it look so much that I have had it ever since. I like the way it feels in the winter and the summer (the sweat goes down my beard and not my face in the summer) I grew it out kind of long this summer as you can see in the first 2 photos when I was driving my freedom-moble










    So one made a comment about getting a combat beard so I made this photo as a joke. here is the original "combat beard" photo from the internet.





    • Brohoof 3
  10. And I love the African Dog leggings. Those freaking rock!

    Thanks! I just Commissioned an artist to do a more costom job of making the fur (I just use a photo of a A.W. dog when I made these) so they should be up on reddbubble in a few days. you can look for them on my redbubble page http://www.redbubble.com/people/chevym14 also you can get a tshirt and other stuff with the fur photo on it.


    here are the leggings from the photo


    • Brohoof 1
  11. I would wear em' if I was in better shape. Maybe it should be a goal for me!

    In high school I was fat, had no muscle and almost never got any exercised. Then one day I decided to start doing a few push up and riding my bike for 20 minutes every day and I stop eating french fry's and drinking soda. it started out small, the trick is to just pick something you can do every day, even if it is just going for a long walk and to take one bad thing out of your diet, then when you get use to it take a bigger step and just keep going. it not about how much you do at first but how meany times you do it. Now I am a ultra endurance athlete and it all started with wanting to be in better shape and a few push ups every day.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Big thanks to every one that replied and took the poll. I was really nervous about how people would respond to this and it great getting some honest feedback (even though it from the most open minded and accepting group of people I know). it's great to be able to read back through this post when I think about never wearing this kind of stuff to help remind me that it can be done.

  13. I'd never wear one of those, I would get arrested.

    Jokes aside I am fine with people wearing them. But I would never reccomend anyone to wear leggings in Norway anyway.

    Especially if you are a guy, you will freeze your.....

    Ok, you get my point.


    Other than that they look cool, but I think they are a bit too revealing.

    That goes for both genders though.

    Not quite leggings but they don't seem to be having a problem with things freezing off lol.



    • Brohoof 1
  14. I'm not a fan of girls wearing leggings by themselves; so I'm equally not a fan of males wearing them. This is mainly because leggings leave very little to imagination. They go into...um, crevasses and it doesn't look right. :blush: And it's even worse when girls don't cross their legs; and guys usually just sit "free." I'm trying to be diplomatic about this... :please: This isn't the case for everyone that wears leggings, of course, but they were meant to be worn under a dress or some article of clothing that covers the bottom for a reason.

    So my original plan was to wear some super short 1 inch running shorts over these, but then when I got them, I did not want to cover up a bunch of the graphics. Also I think I have kept any "crevasses" from showing as best I can. Anyway, do you think a pair of 1 inch running shorts would still show too much? Something like thishttp://www.runningwarehouse.com/BOA_Mens_1inch_Elite_Split_Leg_Short/descpage-BMESL.htmlor thishttp://www.runningwarehouse.com/Nike_Mens_2_Printed_Racer_Short/descpage-NM2PRS.html
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