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Blog Entries posted by SeraphStar

  1. SeraphStar
    "Vinyl Sketch"? Like Vinyl Scratch?
    Yeah, dumb joke — I know.
    A simple pencil sketch of DJ Pon-3... ♪YEAH!♪
    (Also, enjoy the new blog (other sketches) — I'll be uploading all my drawings onto here now )
  2. SeraphStar
    Sometimes I can't ... stop myself from thinking these things.
    I tried to stay strong but, I slipped and fell. And it was my own fault, for being irrational.
    For looking for something that wasn't there...
    A bit cryptic
    I just fell into a bout of depression (its been a while, actually)...
    I tried to keep busy with doing a bit of programming practice, but it hit me and then I created this little GUI app. Just to spite myself, I guess. To maybe get them out on (virtual) paper?
    I don't know, but I can't help but admonish myself for it — my irrationality... or maybe over-rationality.
    Anyway, this thing just kind of parrots what that dark corner of my mind seems to love telling me (there are more responses... like 20 total)...
    Don't look down if you don't want to be bummed out
  3. SeraphStar
    Yeah, let's write more
    So, I did a MadLibs app in Perl after trying to get it to work in C++
    It took about one hour, when the forums were down (using my time efficiently )
    It's 217 lines of source code and is pretty basic (runs in the cmd prompt) but it's a fun little project and good practice.
  4. SeraphStar
    Who needs an air of mystery around them? Pfft. Time to kill expectations and make life a little more mundane.
    (Anyway, prepare for some self-evaluated pony-comparisons, at breakneck sloth! I need something to write about )
    Let's kick it off with,
    IRL Personality:
    (In public) > 105% Fluttershy (with a 5% margin for error).
    Yeah, surprising isn't it? When in an unfamiliar environment... I just try and fade into the background. Apparently I'm pretty good at it, too. I be tiptoeing around and avoiding people's stares, like a boss.
    (At work) > 40% Fluttershy, 30% Twilight, 10% Pinkie Pie, 5% Rainbow Dash (mostly the lazy parts), 12% Octavia (from Epic Wub Time) & 3% splash of Rarity and AJ.
    Let's just say I'm well rounded. I'm happy to say that I'm becoming more outgoing ("The Pinkie Pie rises.").
    (When not being stealth ) > 100% Seraph >> 20% Pinkie Pie, 8% Rainbow Dash (again, the lazy parts), 10% Fluttershy, 12% Vinyl Scratch (I LOVE "Epic Wub Time"), 15% Twilight, 5% Rarity, 5% AJ, 7% Sonata Dusk (for realzies), 6% Sunset Shimmer (*gasp* ... this list is getting long ), 8% Octavia & 4% ###.
    Yep I'm complicated :3 Very much so. [cat face]. The last 4% is intentionally hashed out (I kidded, mystery makes life mystical).
    How I talk:
    Not sure how many ponies care, but I'm still bored.
    IRL, I talk like Vinyl Scratch (told ya I love EWT), in both diction and also voice... not saying I sound like Nowacking but (I'm sure) it's somewhere in that general area, just a bit higher. I also use a bunch of... we'll call them 'weird' words. The kind that Sonata Dusk would use.
    I also cuss. A lot. Like, not even kidding — the f bomb gets dropped in almost every sentence. Of course, when talking to my bosses and people I don't know, I am super polite and my Twilight Vocab comes out... that's not to say that I'm not polite or anything, just that swearing is an unfortunate habit and if I feel comfortable around someone, I may let a few (a couple dozen) slip. Of course if someone isn't fond of it, I can keep myself from using them.
    Another point I should mention — I elaborate. A lot. Like, pointing out that I'm kind of copying the previous paragraph's opening sentences, not because I'm lazy, but because I was trying to make a joke of some sort. That's not to say, though, that I couldn't have made amore original joke, but I'm kind of tired right now.
    Thought Process:
    ... I don't have all night, I'm tired. :okiedokielokie:
    Random Facts About Meh:
    — Sushi & Pizza are best foods
    — ponies
    — my favorite color: a few different shades of blue
    — favorite shoe brand (random): Converse
    — I have a Tulpa; her name is Cassandra; she says hi (now she's hiding because she's shy)
    That's it... for now
    Thanks for reading. Byezies.
  5. SeraphStar
    Pizza! Who don't love pizza? Except, you know... people who don't.
    Let's fill out this seemingly unimportant blog entry
    Pizza 1 (no pic) — just a simple "everything I had" type pizza. Salami, pepperoni, olives and peppers with mozzarella and (sharp) Cheddar cheeses. (If you're hungry, sorry )
    Pizza 2 (look at it...) — simple pepperoni pizza (a few pieces of salami hidden in it).
    I wanted to make a personal pizza (with teriyaki sausage and sri racha but figured I'd just make a wrap with the pita bread).
    I don't know if I'll do any more of these... maybe if it's something different (like a berry pie made from scratch, or homemade egg noodles or the like).
    Just like drawing and being random, I enjoy cooking — mostly baking bread, cookies and the like. :foodie:
    Anyway, enjoy this pic of pizza.
  6. SeraphStar
    Part 1
    So, because I am (highly) opinionated and the status updates don't seem appropriate for long blocks of text (and because I enjoy writing), I have decided to create myself a blog to showcase all the insane ramblings of the multitude of voices inside my head...
    I mean to blog about stuff.
    Please be forewarned: this shall be a highly concentrated dose of Seraph (applied directly to the retinas), and the things discussed herein may be of little to no interest to you.
    It'll mostly be opinions (at length), discussions about my dreams (the interesting ones — fun fact, the main reason I created this blog was because I had an interesting dream that I wanted to post and marvel at) and about my general weirdness!
    So, in conclusion:
    • I enjoy writing and probably have an opinion on most things
    • I'm not (that) crazy
    • "Fabulas" means 'stories' in Latin
    • I like sleeping
    • Luna-tics Unite!! :comeatus:
    Oh yeah, and I can be random at always.
    Part 2: Le Dream
    (Advisory: this episode contains colorful language and is rated PG-13)
    So yeah, that's what happened Hopefully tonight I dream about ponies instead.
  7. SeraphStar
    Hello everypony, long time no post!
    So, this year -- I got to attend BABScon! (like, in the title ^^' heh, heh ... I'm tired (up late last night) -- bear with me o.o ). I've gotten to see a whole bunch of awesome stuff (art, plushies (except for the Luna one I wanted ), and all the other cool trinkets ).
    So, I figured that I would relate my experiences -- starting with:

    === Getting to BABS===


    So, being that I live one state away from Cali, and being that I didn't want to go through a hassle or spend too much on transportation ('cuz that's muh Vender Hall moneys ), I decided to go with Greyhound ... I'll let you think of that how you will ( xD ). Surprisingly, I didn't have any issue on GH -- the REAL FUN began when I got to experience the San Francisco BART system...
    Oh. My. Celestia. O.O First of all, I got to cart my luggage down the (at-the-time mildly warm) SF streets (towards the Embarcadero). Then I went down in a (rather musty ) elevator to the underground terminal, where the temperature increased slightly.
    Now, where I'm living, "we ain't got no fancy trains like that", so -- fun stuff. I got a bit lost in the system, got on the wrong train, wandered the SFO a bit and not really feeling it (although, when I got to the hotel, it was such a relief xD ).

    ===The Hotel===


    I must say, the Hyatt is quite lovely (even though I spent a little more money than I would have liked to ... what can you do?) The hotel staff was very friendly, and informative (unlike those people who work at the airport -- I think those people are dead inside ).
    Even though this was my first year, I couldn't help but notice the crowds of bronies -- quite a lot of people.
    The con staffers were quite awesome as well -- very friendly, very on point.

    ===PONY UP!===

    I attended:
    - the opening ceremony (pretty funny, I must admit)
    - the Costuming On A Budget event
    - the Poniverse panel
    - the vendor hall
    - My Little LGBTQ (Jenn Blake is awesome o.o )
    - the vendor hall
    - autgraphs
    - the vendor hall
    - the Cosplay contest
    - the vendor hall (I think there's a pattern going on right here)
    - the Guest of Honor Meet and Greet (got to talk with Denny Lu -- very humble, very kind (it was his first convention too xD ))
    - the FurCon room on the second floor (sorry again for drawsing that cringe-inducing thing on the thing, I don't do well on windows xD )
    - a bit of NEIGHhem
    - Cards Against Humanity ('til 2 AM xD )
    - Konichiwa! Voice-sama!
    (now currently in my room writing this stuff )



    My opinion on the experience has got to be a resounding ... AWESOME!! XD
  8. SeraphStar
    So this is more or a less an excuse to use my new art supplies (the half of 'em that have arrived, anyway ). Mostly my new Pigma Sakura pens for inking. Behold my noobery and tremble! :3
    Anyway, simple pencil sketch (with inked outline) of my ponysona, named Seraph Star surprisingly enough, messing around on the computer. (#PythonNoob #buckyeah!)
    I do not have a setup like this (wish I did, it looks like a nice starting point — I could put my pony figurines on the top shelf! ); I just find a comfy spot on the ground to lie down on and draw or type stuffs. How sad is that?
    Hopefully when the rest of my art supplies get here I can kick it up a notch. BAM!
    Or I'll just start doing digital art finally
  9. SeraphStar
    So, for the past ... carry the three, minus the square root... two (2) months, I have been holed up in my room (like the past 4 years) fleshing out some of my projects (that's new, at least ), namely my three current projects. And yes, I am referring to vid'ya games.
    They're nothing too grand, but I'll be happy when I get the prototypes up and running
    I'm coding these games in Python, using Pygame, so they're going to be 2D games. One platformer, one adventure game and one 'hybrid-awesome love letter to my previous FC' game... I'll explain below
    Paper Warrior (2D Platformer) — RAMBLE so this game came about around September — December (sometime in there) while I was working in Dock Sort at RNO1 (I have a post written about this (currently a draft)) cutting open boxes and sending them down the line to the Receivers — these boxes had long pieces of cardboard liners in them and in order to save time I was stacking them into a pile then proceeding to toss them all at once into a gaylord (a big, open box used to hold cardboard scraps and boxes) and threw them so violently into the gaylord that they pierced the sides. I thought, "Dang — that'd be an interesting videogame weapon." And that's how Equestria was made. END OF RAMBLE
    Anyway, its a 2D platformer - the main character will have origami weapons that shoot projectiles (which consume 'ammunition' (herein — paper sheets)), as well as special paper armor and maybe a few talismans for special attacks.
    The background, I have decided, is going to be kind of abstract. Yes, in the title screen there is the Japanese kanji for 'paper', and the paper based origami weapons and armor give this game an Asian bent to it, I have decided to go that way with the art too (i. e. instead of drawing trees, there'll be and entire "forest" of 'tree', 'grove' and 'forest' kanji in the background, same with the sun... WAIT! I do have a pic, just see for yourself ).
    Yes, for a first time project, I'll go the "lazy route" (if you want to call it that) with the background — I blame my lack of skill in digital / pixel art... but also the fact that I like the idea of having a background stylized as such
    I'm going to try and avoid modelling this around other platformer games (for the most part), and try to be as original as possible. Wish me le luck
    Status: on hold while I try and work out the physics... from scratch... this could take a while (but Bucky (from thenewboston — love this channel) is helping quite a bit
    Tile Fighter (Overhead View 2D Adventure) — I swear I'm not making a rip off of Zelda... at least I hope I'm not. I'm still working out the story for this game. It originally started as a super-crappy text based "reach the flag" type game. Now it's a not-so-crappy 2D adventure game. The map scrolling is going to be like the original Zelda (I swear, its just easier that way ) — other than that, I'll be taking it to different places. I do plan on making it open-ended, but not like LoZ (i.e. if you know where to go, you can beat the game in > 1 hour). As I said, there will be a more linear story line.
    The main character is equipped from the start, and can upgrade as they go. Acquiring 'Sacred Tiles' can increase your fighter's skills, give them more abilities, etc.
    Aside from all the enemies, however, are other Tile Fighters (warriors gifted with the ability to use the tiles... yeah, sorry, you're not too special ). Some of them you can befriend and become allies with... others want to kick your teeth in for various reasons (don't worry, the artwork is not good enough to actually show this )
    Status: on hold because I started the next game
    Amazon Fever (aka "Amazonian Fever" (so maybe I won't get sued ); 2D Overhead weird Awesomeness) — I wanted to try and capture the awesomeness of the now closed Amazon Fulfillment Center RNO1, my old FC. What I plan on including in this game is nothing "classified" or whatever... except if depicting the tools used at our facilities is confidential... eh, I'm not too thrilled with my job anymore, so meh. What I plan on stuffing into this game is the culture of RNO1 as I remember it, along with some of the mythos, a lot of inside jokes (like Captain 50%), how fun it was, and yes, a lot of questionable things (both by management and higher-ups, plus your typical kiss-butts and snitches — there be drama afoot).
    This game is going to be as zany as the IRL experience was: the gameplay itself will be a "race against the clock, puzzle solving, item locating, Pokémon battle having, coach avoiding, item browsing, mythos discovering mishmash of randomness" that'll have you asking, "Why am I doing this?!" — complete with three difficulty settings: Easy (ICQA), Normal (Stow) and Hard (Pick), with branching paths in the job 'pathoses' selected (i.e. you can start in Stow and become a Problem Solver in ISS (Sherlock)).
    And yes, these are actual names of real functions at Amazon FC's.
    I honestly don't know what I'm trying to do with this one — if nothing else, it'll give you a good picture of the actual happenings after you click 'Place Order' on Amazon.com. Nothing sensitive (like stock info or paycheck info or what not), just trying to capture the fun of what was RNO1. I'm just sentimental
    Status: in progress.
    So, yeah. I'm excited. After these projects are done... ponies. That is the logical next step. :okiedokielokie:
    I may start a different blog dedicated to these projects (to link on Twitter to my ones of followers )
    Anyway, pics :3
  10. SeraphStar
    Warning: The following is a semi-unabridged description of Amazonian Culture...
    This Amazon:

    Not this one:


    RNO1: IB Dock

  11. SeraphStar
    This made me sad.
    For anyone interested, I work for Amazon.com as a warehouse associate, and I worked at this FC. I say "worked" because, sadly, RNO1 is in the process of decommission.
    For as much as us Amazonians talk crap about our jobs (believe me, if they started a board on 4chan called /amzn/, we would make up about 80-90% of the posters ), for as much as we like to take Bezos' name in vain (good ol' Clock-in-the-Mountains, goofy-laugh Bezos), and complain about the department kiss-ass who hasn't done real work in months or engage in inter-department and inter-shift rivalries (Night Shift is lazy!!1! FTW >:3 ) ... as much as we all fall into that "I hate my job" mentality, I can honestly say — I loved working here.
    Now, there were a few times when I would look forward to the function I was put into (<3 Waterspidering and IB Dock Sort), but for about 99% of the time, we don't look forward to showing up, walking around mezzanines for 10 hours (totalling about 20+ miles). We don't.
    And to be quite frank, the workers in this video are going too slow (probably because they were told to while being filmed, I don't know )
    No, I loved RNO1 for the people. There were all types working there: from party rockers to authors; former CEOs to couch-dwellers to military members to highschool graduates (and dropouts ).
    And, I guess it took this (moving to a new FC), to really get a twinge of feel out of me (and the catalyst, this video, I stumbled upon by chance ).
    So, in honor of RNO1, I've decided that I'll post a bit about the culture that emerged in RNO1. Just the people (nothing about corporate, no stock tips, etc.).
    Fun Fact: When the camera starts panning right to left, looking down on the floor:
    The ground level to the right (obscured) is the Inbound Standup Area
    The 3-story structure is Pick Mod Gray
    And the final ground level mezzanine is Pick Mod Aqua
    They take the extension cord and candles out of Aqua
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