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    Santa Rosa, CA
  • Personal Motto
    Create you own reality
  • Interests
    Writing, Reading, Gaming, Billiards, Gardening, worrying over
    the planet and what I can personally do about the situation.
    I LOVE SCIENCE. And am hoping one day someone pays me to write for a living :)

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. I Vote Link! the hero of Hyrule
  2. LINK of course..... The Spirit of the Hero endures through time and numerous incarnation. I love the Zelda universe and all it's hidden treasures
  3. Wow Pizza is made with Sundried tomatoes, caramelized onions, jalapeneo's, pineapple, Bacon ( any kind), Klamata olives, and sweet Basil. I get this goat cheese whipped with Habenero peppers from the farmers market, that goes on under the topping but covers a layer of homemade sauce Maybe to finish, some more goat cheese on top,,, yeah that feels right. Wow Pizza is now on Sat. nights Menu !! For the Best in Pizza Parlor I would say .... Pagliacci Pizza in Seattle is Award Winning for a reason Although I don't really count a "Pizza Parlor" unless it has an AWESOME ARCADE ROOM Thanks for asking!!

  5. Animal Crossing +Zelda+ MLP = Awesome Gaming!! I want to be able to endlessly customize my own Pony Town, Choose to go on adventure quests for Rare Items, and Interact socially with other gamers online. Maybe the other cp characters could set you on different quests. You would have Bosses at the end of each Quest. Maybe the more time you put in getting to know the cp characters, different Quests and Storylines would unlock. The game never really ends either, you just run out of items to collect eventually, OH and no one dies. The Bosses either slink off in defeat or get turned to stone ( Like a reformed Villain we know) because that's nicer. and I could use a nicer world to exist in This is all Console Ideas tho'. It would really open up on PC! Thank you for asking!!
  6. Thank You so much for the Awesome Welcome you guys! I am happy to be here
  7. I would be a unicorn who lives inside a mighty Redwood Tree. My occupation would be Pony Shaman and my best friends would be Zakora and Fluttershy. ( obviously we would invite everyone to afternoon tea and our book club meetings!) All the adorable ponies would come to me for sagelike advice and healing herbs Oooooo if I get to pick a pet, A little monkey named Jammin' sammy, He would eventually form a close bond with pinkie pie as he plays instruments and loves a party! I would have to host deep meditation sessions with my pony brethren as well as Pony Chakra balancing and yoga lessons. Yeah buddy that would be the life, the ponies strike me as an advanced civilization. Thanks for asking!
  8. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: This is the first MLP forum I have been on. I am very interested to hear a breakdown of the episodes, create some fan art and, share pony stories How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I am a HUGE Star Trek geek i.e, Trekkie. Upon hearing what John De Lancie had gotten involved with I had to see what all the pony fuss was about, I have become enchanted! Glad to be here, I am an artist. In every sense. No medium binds me, I enjoy them all. I am in love and have love in my life. I care for the planet deeply, everything worries me. Working to build my own Sweet Apple Acres completely self sustainable. My bucket list includes building a fusion generator in my barn. I hold the power to create my own reality, have you found that yet? Have a great day!!
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