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The Nth Doctor

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Everything posted by The Nth Doctor

  1. Actual reason is because they're the largest race physically; pegasi are the smallest (hence why Pipp is smol and Zipp is slender) Earth ponies are middle of the road
  2. Wow, a Pipp episode without a horrible disaster or pegasi Imperialism/Colonialism So proud of her
  3. An entire generation of wasted potential Everything after the film was a downward spiral in terms of quality and characters getting turned into one-note archetypes was extremely disappointing Only real highlights were Movie!Izzy and Misty reuniting with Alphabittle
  4. ...How did Izzy dodge the icicle once it broke the dome The only way out would be...where it entered And given the general shape of icicles, that would get filled by...more icicle She gone We the main five now (Now we can finally use Comet or Sprout more)
  5. Sounds like a good way to confuse people, given how completely different the movie is from both MYM and TYT Would love to see people's reactions to Izzy actually being a character compared to the caricature she is nowadays
  6. Tanks for The Memories is the first episode I actively despised due to how wildly out of character Rainbow was Most Wonderbolt episodes as well since they kept hammering home time and time and time and time again how awful they were as a group, yet Dash still idolized them for no reason (The only good Wonderbolt episode was Top Bolt because the Wonderbolts weren't actually in it for once)
  7. So, do all races have the ability to walk on clouds now? I mean, sure, magical clouds are magical and nothing needs to make sense anymore, but it's still something to consider Also Sunny, maybe lead with the shield instead of letting your friends leap into a hurricane? And if the machine could suck up rainbows, which also takes magic along with it, was that a backup in case the Unity Crystals didn't work and/or magic somehow returned? Are there similar devices in Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights now too, reawakened by the magical supercharge from the start of season 2?
  8. Guess we can throw Make Your Mark completely out the window at this point, given Sunny's already got her mark despite being fetlock-high Sunnier Starscout is absolutely living in Skyros isn't she
  9. G1 is a lot better than people give it credit for, especially once you get past the animation. It's a lot of good dumb fun. My Little Pony Tales feels like a proto-G5 done incredibly well (Coltsville is basically Maretime Bay since there's nary a unicorn or pegasus to be seen outside of one obligatory 'check out our new toyline' episode Finished up my G5 rewatch recently and started a She-Ra and the Princesses of Power rewatch and dear sweet merciful Luna does it blow G5 completely out of the water in the first five episodes in terms of character, world, and story for a show based on a toyline
  10. There is continuity It's just with a version of G4 we didn't get to watch
  11. Twilight's reign only lasted a few moons (years) before it collapsed, given she doesn't look like her Last Problem self in the hologram (comics aside, but given the shift to mini-series rather than numbered issues, it looks like they're going to be ignoring the early stuff, which is disappointing, but understandable) The dragons also said they've been asleep for centuries Although we simply don't know what really happened in G5's version of G4, since nothing we learn about it lines up with Friendship is Magic
  12. Welcome back Celestia, shame we're never gonna see you again
  13. G5 becomes a lot better when you realize that it is its own separate thing like how My Little Pony, My Little Pony Tales, and the G3 movies were all their own things Its depiction of Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Spike point to events of a completely different Friendship is Magic than the one we saw But to each their own, since everyone wants something different from a show aimed at kids literally 1/4th the usual age of members of the Brony community who don't care about the deep lore or continuity with previous series (Where were the Bronies upset with G4 for not following up on anything from G1/3? :P) Feels a little silly to do the same for G5
  14. ...Why were Pipp's cosmetics floating? Why was everything floating? Why does the show just keep having things happen with zero explanation?
  15. Nope, since their marks are about helping others figure out their lives, not that they're suddenly good at everything They're psychiatrists
  16. ...Seriously, where did the Brighthouse come from Did we skip a movie where it was plopped down like Paradise Estate from the 80s movie or...? Did someone go "Hey you know what'd be cool? Mysterious magical door to the admin room that controls this place" during construction, or...? EXPLAIN YOUR WORLD, PLEASE We ask for a lot, but is the basics really too much?
  17. Yeah, it's...not great, and my rewatch wrapped up with the absolute whimper that was Secrets of Starlight Good god what happened to...literally anything from the movie - magic's treated like it's always been around (and in a flashback in TYT, set during Misty's childhood, we see unicorns using magic, so...) Urgh...what a waste of a generation
  18. Nice to see an Andalusian Amplifier from one of the G4 novels (Starlight Glimmer and the Secret Suite, by one GM Berrow, in which Starlight finds a magic room that amplifies magic) Guessing that voice would've been Twilight had Tara not torpedoed her career Pity Sunny wasn't involved though - she'd have loved all the implications with the murals, which are lost on Misty, but...well, five minutes isn't enough for that
  19. But before they started introducing parents and making them boring, speculation was always fun Also not helped by Twilight Velvet having G1 Twilight's colors (there's also a pegasus Twilight, but no one ever remembers her) (although Whizzer is way more Rainbow Dash than Firefly was - she's impatient and a fast flier that doesn't like waiting around)
  20. Well, nice to know Hitch doesn't flinch from resorting to lethal violence if his kid's in danger Doubt we'll see him use that against something living though A little odd that earth pony magic can turn cake into a plushie though - transfiguration's usually a unicorn/alicorn thing
  21. Can't wait to see how Pinkie dies Not the direction I was expecting the comics to take Who's going to take care of Little Cheese once she's gone?
  22. If you haven't done so recently, go back and rewatch G4 from start to finish - it's how I spent the majority of 2023, and it was a lot of fun Odds are you'll find new things to love, hate, and lament about the series and its world, characters, and story I also highly recommend giving G1 a try, because for a badly-animated 80s toy commercial, it's clear the VAs are having the time of their lives
  23. It's definitely an alt universe where a version of G4 happened; it's absolutely not the one we watched
  24. ...Were they willing to turn their daughter to stone if she kept being difficult about coming with them? Why else would you keep an uncovered cockatrice cage right outside your front door, especially right after an episode detailing how dangerous they are? Hate these parents so much - Holiday, Lofty, and the CMC are Scootaloo's real family ...And Dash, whenever the show remembers she adopted Scootaloo 7 seasons ago
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