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Fleur De Lis

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Posts posted by Fleur De Lis

  1. Pretty unpopular opinion coming.

    You've been warned! ^^



    aren't most bronies americans? And America is the land of free WILL? so yeah and some bronies are 12 to 13 to 15 you get the idea aren't they human beings? 

    Actually, you'd be surprised how many Europeans (Or any non-Americans, for that matter.) are bronies.

    In fact, most people I've met and know well enough, weren't American.

    Just because they speak English doesn't mean they're American. :P


    I fully support parents' right to moderate the media that they wish their children to be exposed to, while the children in question are still legally minors. That's how parenting works, you know. Once they're legally adults, then sure, they should be allowed to watch whatever the heck they want, in a free will kind of manner.



    Well just because you're a kid dos not mean that you are a puppet in your parents hands and it something you like don't know?

    Well, you sort of are.

    Unless you earn your own money, live alone, and are in no way dependent on your parents, they pretty much get to decide what you do.

    I didn't (And still don't, for that matter.) like my parents, but I knew I'd be in serious trouble if they kicked me out. (No money, no food, no job, pretty much no place to stay, etc.)


    But, more on-topic:

    MLP ís quite weird. Brightly coloured ponies that spout the most random of stuff? Yeah. I mean, you can't blame the people who don't know anything about it, right?

    If I were a parent, I'd rather have my child reading a book or watching a documentary. (Or studying or playing an instrument, or whatever parents these days want their children to do.)


    And maybe, for guys, it might look a little... gay. (Ohgodpleasedonthatemeforthis.)

    Coming from a place which is pretty homophobic, most people (Especially the elders.) don't want their sons to come in contact with anything that's pink, unless it's a girl.

    (Disclaimer: I myself don't hate anyone's sexual preference.)


    Plus, "If it makes them happy, let them do it."

    Well, the problem is, who decides when something is negative for you?

    I'm sure most of you will be like "Drugs are bad and everyone who does drugs needs to stop!" (The 'bad' kind of drugs, of course.)

    And I know a lot of you like doing marathons and such, which are bad for your health as well. (Not sleeping and staring at a screen non-stop for hours just can't be good.  :P )

    And, obsessing over anything is bad for you as well, so if you're constantly talking about it, it might give off a weird vibe. 


    While it's bad to just blatantly hate the show, you shouldn't berate anyone who doesn't like it, either.

    Because then you're just as bad as them.


    If your parents have such trouble with you watching such a show then you'll either have to keep it secret, or move out.





    • Brohoof 2
  2. While I do agree with you, this is not a problem specific to this fandom. The Doctor Who fandom is all over the place, and that series gets brought up everywhere. Including IRL.

    Well, I've personally noticed it less.

    Especially IRL. (We don't talk about any shows here, really.)

    I guess it depends on where you live.

    Homestuck is something I see more than Dr. Who. o:


    And yeah, but considering this is a pony forum, it seemed like the most logical one to mention. :P

  3. I think that, outside of designated places, ponies oughtn't be talked about.

    Imagine if any other fandom started doing that. :<

    It only creates drama and makes people dislike ponies, as far as I'm aware.


    Also, I don't think that most stereotypes are acceptable, especially when it comes to languages.

    "German sounds so aggressive blablabla." Yeah, any language is going to sound aggressive when you yell it.

    "French is so romantic." "All Arabic languages sound the same", etc.

    No. Just, no.

    Nothing gets my blood boiling quicker than that.

    Especially if said people don't even know anything about the language(s) they're talking talking about.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. We haven't had the pleasure of meeting before, so welcome!

    There's a surprising amount of Dutch people on here...


    Who's your favourite princess? :3

    • Brohoof 1
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