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Posts posted by irondreams

  1. Pretty simple: do you believe that everything we do happens by natural processes, or do you believe there is a spirit inside of our physical selves that can influence our behaviour?


    There is no middle ground on this so I've left it to the two options. If you're not sure, you don't have to vote.

    I know that my stuff happens thanks to biological stuff but I love to believe that I have a spirit.

  2. You know how some bronies flip out when they see ponies being mercilessly slaughtered, or in extremely perverted sexual situations, or other such things?


    Exactly the same reason. People don't like it when things they do like are combined with things they don't like. Simple as that.

    I totally agree with this.

    On the other hand they love it when it's combined with things they like.

  3. I'm quite partial to Confucianism as a way for the people to develop a sense of inner character. When the people perfect themselves ethically, the need for governance is minimized.


    And we are totally hijacking the thread... :D

    Dividing people up for their petty politics is bad in my point of view.

    For the democrat people are just voting machines.


    I like the way you are thinking.

    That is true. This isn't a discussion topic.


    Feel free to send me a PM if you wish to talk about this subject some more.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Here's a good topic for discussion.. Why does ponification bother people? It's not hurting anyone. I'm sitting here wracking my mind trying to think of any good reason that might be upsetting to someone, but I just can't. Why do you think it does?

    It's just annoying.


    I never liked it in the first place.


    I love ponies but when it's forced into everything it gets old fast.

    Of course I don't follow fanart anymore.


    I mean cake is good but eating cake all the time is bad for me.

  5. - voting doesn't make a difference.

    I have to say I totally agree with you!



    If we are talking politics now in the unpopular opinions forum I'll add mine too:


    I don't believe in democracy and multi party systems.



    >inb4 incoming flame

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I suppose. There just needs to be some more consistency in soapboxing. Either we leave it to the experts to pontificate on matters, or we let everyone speak. Arbitrarily respecting people's opinions is too chaotic.

    That is true.

    It is annoying when the rules are not clear and straightforward.

    I ♥ efficient communication.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Here's another one:


    I get annoyed when people say should celebrities should just "shut up and sing/act/write, etc." They are people like you and me ultimately, so why shouldn't they voice their thoughts? Plenty of other morons do on blogs and such. You could even argue that, as people of note, they have a certain responsibility to advocate for their beliefs.

    People in general should just "shup up and do stuff". The world would be a lot better place.

    Don't take it personally I just hate when people abuse their position to soapbox an issue I don't care about.

  8. Doesn't matter what age, 23 or 78, no matter where, school or the store, it seems like EVERYBODY decides to STOP IN FRONT OF ME!! It's always, "oh hey friend!", or "this is on sale!" in front of me coincedentally when I'm trying to do something.


    This has grown to be a huge pet peeve of mine, does anyone encounter this problem? Or am I just impacient?

    I share that feeling.


    People should be a bit more aware of their surroundings.

    Some order would make the entire world flow better!


    I have people ALWAYS in the way for the rest of my life. I just learn to either navigate around or pull off the New Fluttershy scare. 

    Adapting to them is a good decision.


    Be like water, flow across the free spaces and ignore the rocks standing in your way.

    Water will slowly erode them if they are in the way.


    I'm agoraphobic and have an aversion to touch, so I'm especially high-strung if I have to deal with this sort of thing (when there's a people herd of any significant size lol).  It seems as though some people are genuinely inconsiderate or you're simply not important enough for them to notice.  Or they absolutely have to spend eleven minutes looking at the same five cans on a store aisle.  I try to get out of others' way (partly due to the aversion thing I mentioned), say "excuse me" and "I'm sorry," or even allow them to pass in front of me if I'm doing something that may take a while.  So *I* try to be considerate...  Even if I despise them on the inside. xD


    That must be horrible for you. I'm sad to hear that.

  9. I really needed to get this out of my chest because it's been driving me INSANE for many, many, many years. When I felt like I couldn't make new friends, I tend to check ALL of my social network accounts to see if anyone responded, and if they've not, I continue checking 24/7 all the bucking time, for every second, I go back to my computer and check my accounts again and again and again and then I start to feel odded out by having the account, yet no one's responding to me. I just feel like I wanted to go up and post as much as possible. 

    attachicon.gifcrazy twilight showing up.gif

    I understand how you feel.


    Since I have left High School I was living alone. Without friend.

    I would prefer not to talk about my high school experiences.


    I gave up social networks because for some people they are like

    "remind me how lonely I am" networks.


    I'm not even sure how I'll make friends here.

    I'm not an interesting person.


    If you wish to talk to somebody send me a PM.



    Really unpopular opinion incoming


    I hate sports. All sports. I've never seen the appeal of tossing a ball around, or kicking a hockey puck, or hitting a tiny ball. It bores me to death.


    Think of it as a mediocre video game. The multi player can help it a lot.

    Many things are better with friends.



  11. 4chan is not that bad as people make it out to be.  ^_^

    Yes, I agree. I used to attend it.

    Some parts of it were really nice.

    /DIY/ was bordering on genius.



    That i don't mind. It's when its being shouted from the rooftops or put everywhere for people to see and 'admire' it becomes irritating as sin to me,i honestly don't want to hear it nor care to. 


    No ones saying don't be happy,im just saying don't basically gloat about it. 


    And again,im just bitter so take my words with a grain of salt or molten lava.

    I understand your feelings.

    • Brohoof 2
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