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Twilight Dirac

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Posts posted by Twilight Dirac

  1. 4 hours ago, PCutter said:

    From time to time, I've heard about these people: MrEnter, Lily Peet, Nostalgia Critic to name a few. 

    I don't know about MrEnter of Lily Peet, but reviewing is basically a full time job for the Nostalgia Critic that actually does pay his bills.  Heck, he almost built himself something of a small media empire a while back called That Guy With the Glasses / Channel Awesome but he apparently botched the management of Channel Awesome and now Channel Awesome is just the Nostalgia Critic.  So yea, it can be a serious full time job.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I'm independent as I don't approve of either of the major political parties.  I can't seem to ever find a candidate who isn't engaged in some combination of undermining people's civil liberties, running up the national debt or engaging in stupid overseas conflicts. And both parties do this all while real problems are ignored.  Where are the politicians who are willing to address the War on Drugs, the massive prison population, our aforementioned mounting debts, our bizarre militaristic foreign policy, our broken health care system (I suppose Obama at least tried, but forcing us to purchase insurance from the health cartels that likely caused the problem in the first place on pain of fine isn't how you correct the situation), our hyper-paranoid War on Terror or any other problem that actually matter?  Heck, even something as simple as reforming the TSA so I am not treated like a convicted felon whenever I want to board a plane would be nice.  The actual platforms of both parties at present just seem to be filled with so much nothing.


    On 3/12/2019 at 4:49 PM, BornAgainBrony said:

    Really, even as far as the leaders are concerned, I never despised a Republican president even close to this degree, except maybe Nixon. I disagreed with some of their policies, but on a more personal level, I liked them. Dubya was considered the most hated President ever until recently, but I would have been happy to just sit down and chat with him, do lunch, have a beer. Trump though? I'd feel uncomfortable even being in the same room with him.

    Not to call you out specifically but this level of Trump hatred is something I just don't understand.  Trump isn't what I would consider to be a good president and many of his ideas like The Wall are absolutely asinine, but Trump has got absolutely nothing on George W. Bush when it comes horrible public policy.  Bush brought us the War in Iraq, the USA Patriot Act, "Intensive Interrogations", NSA warrantless spying, extralegal drone strikes, the concept of an "enemy combatant", military tribunals via the Military Commissions Act, the No-Fly List, the TSA and probably another dozen things I have forgotten about.  Remind me again what Trump has done that even remotely compares to this?  Shitposting on Twitter?  Honestly, the worst thing I can say about Trump is that he has run up the debt, something all of our recent Presidents have done. 


    • Brohoof 6
  3. Another one for Batman & Robin.  I honestly don't get the backlash against this one.  The Burton/Schumacher Batman movies were ridiculous and cartoony starting with Batman Returns, but for some reason nobody got crossed about it until Batman & Robin.   And at least Batman & Robin didn't have any of the cringey Penguin and Catwomen romance scenes.  Anybody remember those scenes?

  4. 3 hours ago, Thuja said:

    Actually, I have the book.  I collect various Pen and Paper game core rule books.  I think I have 8 already?  Just don't have anyone to play with

    I would suggest www.meetup.com to find a D&D group.  That is how I eventually found one after I moved from Orlando to D.C.  Alternatively you could always play a D&D game online through something like Roll20 if you have some online friends willing to try to play the game.  Either way might take some time though.

    There also might be some Brony based groups around.  D&D is popular enough with Bronies that it has been ponified.

  5. You need to find game journalist you can actually trust to be critical of games as they come out.  There are at least three journalist I can trust to do this:


    1.  Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw / Zero Punctuation:  These reviews are entertaining to watch in and of itself and Yahtzee does a vary good job of pointing out some of the major flaws in most big releases.  There are no scores so you will just have to watch the video review.

    2. Joe Vargas / Angry Joe Show:  This guy does very in depth reviews and works hard to maintain the integrity of his score system, for which a 5/10 is defined as average.  He tends to cover turn based strategy games like Civilization, X-Com and Divinity: Original Sin which is people like be who like turn based strategy.

    3. Jim Sterling / Jimquistion:  Jim is a feisty fellow would doesn't put up with any crap.  Very reliable for calling out the flaws of even the most popular games, including the weapon degradation and weather systems in Breath of the Wild which was treated as above criticism by many.

  6. 20 hours ago, Thorgir the Mighty said:

    A friend recommended FFVI or FFVII. I was thinking about starting from the NES or starting with 6. I appreciate it if you can help

    This is a good recommendation.  These are among the strongest titles.  I would say that FF6 is the best FF by a considerable margin, although if you start with FF6 you might find all the remaining games inferior by comparison, but that did not stop me from enjoying FF7.

    The good news is that except with the hyphenated series, such as FF10-2, none of the FF plots are related in any way so you can play them in any order and enjoy them.


  7. The hacking minigames present in nearly every game that features hacking.  Just let us hack the computer if it is something our character can do, don't make us play an inane time wasting minigame to do it.

  8. Platform: PC

    Offense Main: Pharah

    Defense Main: Torbjorn

    Tank Main: D.Va

    Support Main: Lucio/Zenyatta


    I greatly enjoy this game but the friends I used to play it with have gotten burned out over it.  Drop me a PM if you are looking for somebody to play with.

  9. As other posters have pointed out, snakes eat in the wild by either swallowing live prey whole or constricting live prey and then swallowing it.  It's simply how they hunt.  When you have them in captivity, you generally feed them the same way.  I wasn't even aware you could feed them dead animals until Mori mentioned the frozen mice. 

  10. I'm not certain what you expect smart phone manufacturers to do.  The touchscreen on the smartphone essentially replicates the functionality of the user interfaces on any of the older phones, so there is no reason to do anything other than to provide the smartphone with as large of a touchscreen as possible.  Hence they all look the same.  Until there is a reason to add something else to the phone surface, I imagine they will continue to look the same.

  11. On 3/21/2018 at 7:37 PM, SharpWit said:

    UK laws are screwed up, and accusations of hate crimes should be more thoroughly and logically defined under the letter of the law.

    Or better yet, dispose of both hate crime and hate speech laws entirely.  This entire category of crimes is far too open ended.  I see no reason why we can't just stick to more conventionally criminal code that bans clearly defined acts of behavior considering it already runs the gamut from murder to operating specific businesses without a license.  Hate speech laws are simply too prone to abuse, as observed here.

    For a more profanity laden take on the issue, Jonathan Pie's performance is brilliant:


    • Brohoof 2
  12. I have taken a liking to the various amateur critics that have cropped of around YouTube over the years, who often perform their critical analysis at least part for comedy.  Some of the more famous ones are:


    Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw:  Zero Punctuation

    Noah Antwiler:  Spoony Experiment (now defunct)

    Red Letter Media:  Home of the Plinkett Reviewers

    SfDebris:  A  must for Star Trek fans.

    Nostalgia Critic


    These sites tend to be both entertaining and informative.  I have probably spent way too many hours watching the various reviews they perform.

  13. This tends to change for me with time but at the moment:


    1. Master of Magic

    2. Civilization V

    3. Deus Ex

    4. Overwatch

    5. Ultima 7

    6. Prey (2017)

    7. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    8. Final Fantasy 6

    9. Divinity: Original Sin  Divinity: Original Sin 2

    10. Super Mario 3


    Honorable mentions go to the rest of the Ultima series, Super Mario 2, Heroes of the Storm, Alpha Centauri, Half-Life, the Baldur's Gate series, Divinity: Original Sin, Total War: Warhammer, Link to the Past, Dawn of War, System Shock 2, FTL, Portal, Mario Cart 64, Starcraft, Total Annihilation, Master of Orion 2, the various X-Coms and anything I may have forgot about.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Another vote for Jean-Luc here.  He is just a great character all around and it is nice to have a hero known more for his sound judgement and concern for what is right than his ability to run around punching things in the face.  Well, that is at least how he was portrayed until the awfulness that was the TNG movies, but I am not going to count those abominations against him.

    I am going to break from consensus here and claim that Archer was the worst captain, despite the problems I have with Janeway.  This is under the provision that we are talking about Seasons 1 and 2 Archer, Season 3 Enterprise might as well be a different show altogether and that Archer actually had good reason make the reckless decisions he often did in that season.  So this is similar to separating TNG Picard from movie Picard.  Archer would repeatedly put his crew and often his ship in danger for no adequate reasons, was absurdly judgmental of others, sold out his Vulcan allies on at least one occasion and just generally acted like a prick.  And while Janeway had an annoying habit of endangering her crew as well, such as when she obliviously flew her ship through a weapons testing area, and often feel Archer's decisions were dumber still. 

    But what really seals the deal is the episode "Dear Doctor", where Archer and Phlox deliberately withhold a cure for a plague that is going to wipe out an entire alien race from said alien race, thus dooming that race to extinction.  It is supposed to be a Prime Directive episode.  And while previous Star Trek episodes would have characters debating on whether to let an alien race die out due to the Prime Directive, Archer is the only captain I can ever recall actually going through with it, and this was before their was even a Prime Directive with which to justify the negligent genocide!  This episode basically cemented both Archer and Phlox as monsters in my mind, and I don't ever recall Janeway doing something anywhere near as horrible.  So I am nominating Archer as worse starship captain.

    And then there is Season 3, where Archer saves the human race in the end.  But as I said, might as well have been a different show.



    • Brohoof 1
  15. I doubt the majority of bronies are conservative, it would appear that bronies span a rather wide range of ideological beliefs on the political spectrum.  As others have pointed out, there are multiple political spectrum quiz threads on this very forum and if anything they seem to be left libertarian leaning.  What people are likely criticizing are SJWs and their associated identity politics, which while generally considered part of the left are sufficiently distinct from the rest of the left that people are willing to criticize them without necessarily criticizing the left as a whole. I think people are just getting plain tired of identity politics in general, and I could see even moderate liberals being critical of the more extreme SJW elements.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. It seems modern games have become enormously bloated with unwanted features.  I have a whole list of things that needed to end up on the cutting room floor.


    Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided

    -Remove the hacking minigame, this is a huge time waster and is nowhere near as interesting as the main game.  Stop interrupting the flow of the main game for these inane minigames.  What is wrong with a quick progress bar that will fill in 1-2 seconds and then does whatever the hacking was supposed to do?  The original Deus Ex did hacking (which was actually combinations of lock picking, electronics and hacking) so much better.  The same criticism go for similar mingames below.


    Fallout 3/New Vegas/Fallout 4

    -Again, ditch the worthless hacking minigame.

    -Also, ditch the lock picking minigame.

    -Make computers much easier and faster to navigate.

    -Ditch the awful and bugged Fallout 4 dialogue system.  New Vegas did it so much better.

    -Also ditch settlements in Fallout 4.



    -Again, ditch the hacking minigame.  

    -Flesh out the ending a bit more.  Otherwise this game is darn near perfect.


    Civilization 6

    -Eurekas and Inspirations are just gimmicky and add nothing to the game, and after a few games it gets downright silly to always kill one barbarian with a slinger for the archery eureka, build two forts I don't need for the siege tactics eureka, etc.  If the designers want me to progress down the tech tree differently each game, they need to properly balance the tech tree, not add this busywork BS.

    -Corps/Armies/Fleets/Armadas:  Just commit to a design philosophy here.  Civ 6 is a one combat unit per tile game, don't try an appease people who hate this particular design decision with this bizarre compromise.  This is just unit technological upgrade by another name and with a weird interface.

    -Finite use workers - This is far more micro intensive than the immortal workers in Civ 5. Bring back immortal workers.

    -Trade Routes - There are far to many of them an it contributes to excessive micromanagement.  Just have them run in the background, I should not be ordering around individual trade units.

    -Also make hills more clearly visible on the map, especially those with upgrades on districts on them.


    Beyond Earth/Rising Tide

    -Again, ditch the micro heavy trade routes.

    -Consolidate city improvements.  There are way too many improvements each which only contributes small bonuses.  Fewer buildings with larger bonuses would greatly improve the game in this area.

    -Choose one and only one system for technological advancement, either the tech web or the affinities.  These two systems have an almost diametrically opposed design philosophies and do not work well together at all.








  17. Just about everything, the news is shallow, the programming is filled with awful reality TV shows, the sitcoms are cringeworthy, etc.  I don't think I have actually turned my TV on for over a month.  Most of my video entertainment is either YouTube or Netflix.

  18. Prey:  This has got to be one of the best games released in years.  Excellent gameplay, a brilliant and immersive story, an interesting a well thought out setting and an open ended gameworld that encourages exploration.  This comes highly recommended to anyone who is a fan of games like Deus Ex or System Shock.  It is just really well done.

  19. On 10/26/2017 at 11:23 AM, Steel Accord said:

    I'm shit at both, doesn't stop me from playing them. ^_^

    I suppose that is one way of looking at it, but there just isn't anything to be had from a fighting game if you aren't and good at it.  At least when you fail at a strategy game, there tends to be interesting developments.  But then again I am biased towards strategy games.


    On 10/26/2017 at 11:23 AM, Steel Accord said:

    So I'll put you down as a, "no I would not play this game."

    Or at least I would quickly get annoyed with it.


    Incidentally there are a number of obscure hybrid games out there that try to combine strategy with something seemingly unrelated.  Sierra came out with Birthright ages ago which is a fantasy strategy game in which your ruler went on adventures (in a Doom II engine I think).  There is The Horde, which is an economic strategy game where you have to defend your farm plots in isometric action combat.  And there is Hearthlands which is a city manager where you can leave the city limits to essentially play a game of Diablo to collect resources for your town and ultimately win the game.  You might want to check them out if you are interested in this sort of thing.

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