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About Metrofy

  • Birthday 1991-04-11

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Far Beyond the Sun
  • Personal Motto
    I dislike being in a state of mental clarity.
  • Interests
    I got tons of radical interests. My Little Pony of course, the perfection referred to as Doctor Who, classical literature ranging from Edgar Allen Poe and his wonderful little diddy The Raven, to Dostoevsky and Crime and Punishment. Most of all, I'm a fan of music! The great communicator.

    My favorite bands and artists include,
    - Jens Johansson (God of Keyboards)
    - Joe Satriani (gotta dig the Satch man!)
    - Steve Vai (A very beautiful man)
    - Avenged Sevenfold (Senor Synyster and Senor Shadow are muy bueno)
    - Stratovarius (Power Metal is my jam)
    - Yngwie J. Malmsteen (The Neo-Classical Master)
    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers (How do you not love these guys)
    - System of a Down (Dadaist lyrics are swanky)
    - Metallica (These dudes just rock)

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I also listen to a broad range of fandom musicians such as Glaze, H8 Seed, General Mumble, and all those very talented peeps.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Dreamin' toniiiight~ Dreamin' alr-i-i-i-ght~

  2. I've played them all, loved them all. Infinite was definitely a highlight in the series, but it didn't have the save creepy atmosphere as the first two, and that atmosphere was what I loved so much about the series. Either way though, great series, awesome DLC.
  3. Metrofy

    request shop prae's freebie sketches [OPEN]

    Your art style looks pretty perfect for my OC Pendleton http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/191/2/e/pendleton_ink_by_dasmetro-d7q5k28.png
  4. I forgot how much I love Sublime.

    1. Cyan Blue

      Cyan Blue

      I smoke 2 joints.

  5. I am a bad person if when I run out of AP in Fallout, I restart from my last save?

    1. Nohbdy


      I wouldn't say you're a bad person, but it does defeat the point of the system. Some games like XCOM have settings that prevent you from reloading saves. XCOM's hardcore, though.

    2. Metrofy


      XCOM is real talk, though I'm much better at XCOM than I am at Fallout.

  6. That moment in Fallout where you're drowning... and drink the water to regain health...

  7. @,@@C. Thunder Dash, @@Frosty V, Pendleton smiled and shook Thunder's hoof, "Nice t'meet you Thunder. My name is Pendleton Ink, but you can just call me Pen if that's all too long for you, I know it is for me." Everypony seemed nice enough, and quite talented as well if their acts indicated anything. Pen turned and looked at the other two that greeted him, and he waved with his free hoof, as he was still shaking Thunder's hoof.
  8. Pendleton stumbled clumsily out of the tent and giggled at his own clumsiness. He had been far past getting aggravated over his tendency to run into things, and trip, and at this point, enjoyed it. The show had been good, the crowd seemed lively enough and Pendleton got his part over with quick, and spent the rest of the circus relaxing while everypony else got to go perform. The grey colt trotted away from the tent and naturally drifted to where the rest of the performers were hanging around. "Hullo there!" Pendleton said to no one in particular.
  9. Am I good to go on posting?

    1. Windseeker


      Oh... there you are, Metro.

    2. Metrofy


      Yeah, here I am x)

    3. Windseeker


      Great... you should PM me. I seriously have no names for the subject title and there are way too many 'heys' and 'howdys' in my inbox.

  11. Let's go Germany! Blitzkrieg!

  12. Username: Metrofy Character link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pendleton-ink-r6800 Characters role: Pre-Performance Singing. How you join: Pendleton is always looking for work a way to promote himself.
  13. Bisexual, although I don't really seem to have a gender preference.
  14. I'd totally be willing to join the voice actor's guild! As of now, I can't post a soundcloud due to not having the time to make one right now, but it's going on my to do list.
  15. Optimistic, maybe a little too relaxed, I seem to have a problem taking a lot of stuff seriously.
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