I know it's only been a few weeks but every time I talk to you the corny words can't be released. You're realistic and it's something I like about you. You're simplistic and I love the way you make me feel like I'm brand new. Yeah you've awoken what was frozen for so long. I've begun unfolding brightness in this world of dark. It feels so good to love again, so pure and aweseome, never changing and always blossoms. Even though it contains holes, you make my heart be full with more love than it can hold. I hate that you're so far away and that you don't like with whom you're living but think of me and seizing the day will be worth gripping. You make me feel things I haven't felt in so long, you make me feel like with our love, nothing can go wrong. My biggest dream right now my dear, is to earn enough money so you can be right here. I want to hold you close and never let go, I want to cuddle with you and take things slow. I want to spend time with you, in person, but I know that as right now the possibility of that happening just hurts when reality sets in. But I know one day we'll see each other once again and then we can physically be a lot more than just good friends. I just want to hold you in person like we used to do back then.
I know it seems like when I blog all I do is complain which is mostly true I won't deny it. But there are sometimes when you just need to let it out. Anyways, recently I found out from an ex that he himself is dating this one girl who is just overall a bad person. I want to tell him that she's only using him and that sooner or later she'll hurt him but I'm scared he won't believe me. Now I don't still love him but I do care about him as a friend. I just recently got back on good terms with him, I only care because he was the first guy I ever loved who loved me in return, I just don't want to see him get hurt again. But I feel like if i do tell him he'll just take her side. I don't know what to do.
For a while now I have been keeping this a secret. It's not like it's embarrassing but most people wouldn't understand. I like to design clothes and outfits and sometimes jewelry in my spare time. I've sewn quite a few outfits including several weddings gowns. The only thing that's not so normal for who i design is that i design clothes for well...dolls. Yes I still play with dolls. but I'm hoping to use that skill and become a fashion designer for real. I am so ready to take on the fashion world.